After a few words from the clerk, Han Yi finally understood his surprise.

The Abnormal Affairs Office is an institution specially set up by the Great Xuan Dynasty to deal with abnormal events in the world, such as the movement of demons and monsters, and the evil demons devouring people. It is distributed in every larger city.

Since the Great Xuan Dynasty is the world's top martial arts force, in Anyan City, whether it is the Chiyan Sect, the Qianye Sect, or the Anyan City Abnormal Affairs Office, the county magistrate Wang family, or the military office Huang family, they are all part of the Great Xuan Dynasty. For example, the leader of the Chiyan Sect is also the household office of Anyan City.

These forces must jointly handle the big and small things in Anyan City. For example, the Chiyan Sect, the Qianye Sect, the Huang family, and the Wang family are responsible for the daily livelihood of Anyan City, maintaining public order, and ensuring that the people live and work in peace.

The Anyan City Abnormal Affairs Office is external, specializing in dealing with abnormal events such as demons that occur in the Anyan City area. The Abnormal Affairs Office will not deal with man-made disasters such as bandits and refugees.

The combined efforts of the two forces inside and outside Anyan City have protected the people in this area to live and work in peace and contentment.

In addition, in Anyan City, large forces with high ranks such as Chiyan Sect and Qianye Sect are short of manpower when maintaining their own territories and handling matters every day.

Moreover, it is safer for disciples of large forces to exchange items after completing sect tasks. They do not need to go out to fight monsters and there is no danger. Therefore, disciples of these large forces are basically not seen in the Yishifang.

The warriors in this hall are basically small sects in Anyan City, or even lone warriors. These people are not like Han Yi and other Chiyan Sect disciples. They do not have suitable weapons, skills, and elixirs. In the Yishifang, as long as they complete the tasks and have enough credits, they can be exchanged!

Han Yi finally understood why Pan Sheng, Li Feng and others knew so little about demons.

If he used his previous life's theory to explain, the Great Xuan Dynasty was like a large group. The Chiyan Sect and Qianye Sect belonged to different departments of a company, but the Yishifang was another company under the group. Each company was responsible for different things, so naturally they would not pay much attention.

"How about joining the Yishifang and becoming a glorious investigator?" The clerk asked with a smile.

"Investigator?" Han Yi keenly heard a strange word he had never heard before.

"In the Abnormal Affairs Room, warriors who deal with abnormal events are called investigators, and they are divided into three levels: white jade, jasper, and gold jade."

Perhaps it was getting late, and there were fewer people in the hall. The officer said patiently, "The so-called investigation is to investigate abnormalities and solve small things."

"Is fighting with demons a small matter?"

"Of course it is a small matter. For example, the 'yin qi bugs' and 'big-headed monsters' mentioned in the task bounty just now are just yin objects that have been infected and mutated by yin qi," the staff member said with a smile, "They are not demons at all."

Han Yi's thoughts turned, and he had an idea, "So, the 'yin qi bugs' and 'human-faced giant spiders' I encountered before are just a kind of yin object..."

"Then how to deal with real demons?" Han Yi continued to ask.

"That's not something we can know," the official bowed slightly, his face showing respect, "The demons will naturally be dealt with by the Xuanjiawei and other adults!"

Han Yi pondered for a moment, and asked tentatively: "Then I wonder if there are any restrictions after becoming a detective?"

"There are no restrictions, but if you want to exchange for treasures in the Yishifang, you must accept the task and exchange it with the task merit."

In this case, the Xuanjiawei is a member of the Yishifang, and the detective is considered a contract worker, no, it should be considered a labor dispatch...

"That's all I have to say, how about joining the Yishifang?" Perhaps he was impatient with being asked, the official asked again.

Han Yi hesitated for a while, but it seemed that there was no harm in becoming a detective, and the system could also absorb the so-called Yin Qi, and joining the Yishifang could also get more information...

"Okay, I'll join!"

The official took out a registration book, and after Han Yi filled in some personal information, he turned around and went back to the back hall with the registration book.

Soon, he took out a jade pendant and handed it to Han Yi.

The surface of this jade pendant is as white as jade, the jade is delicate, the shape is round, and the touch is as soft as sheep fat. There is also a big word " Tan " engraved on it.

"This jade pendant? It is exactly the same as the one I picked up in the "Human-faced Giant Spider" cave..." Han Yi's eyes flashed.

"The white jade pendant records your personal information and merits, and can also resist three attacks from Yin objects. Keep it well. The next time you reissue it, you will be charged."

"In addition, as long as you accumulate three B-level great merits or become a martial artist in the Tongmai period, you can upgrade to a jasper pendant. The function of the jasper pendant is more powerful, and the benefits of becoming a jasper-level explorer will be greatly increased."

"By the way, I want to ask," Han Yi suddenly thought of something and asked suddenly, "After completing the task, how does the Yishifang determine whether the task is solved?"

"Or how can the Yishifang know that an abnormal event has occurred here." Han Yi asked tentatively.

"First, someone discovered it with their own eyes and reported it to the Special Affairs Office.


The officer smiled and said nothing. He pointed to the top of the attic plaque.

"Did you see that mirror? It's a split of the Earth-level top-grade spiritual weapon 'Heavenly Mirror'!"

"As long as the 'Tian Ji Mirror' is there, all kinds of Yin Qi fluctuations within hundreds of miles of Anyan City will be clearly visible. There is no need to doubt the authenticity of the mission. In addition, the jade pendant of the explorer was produced by it, so there is no need to I’m worried that your merits will be misappropriated.”

"Isn't this much more advanced than the so-called satellites and cameras in previous lives..."

I'm so stupid, really...

At first, he thought that the dynasty in this world was just a dynasty with cold weapons and low martial arts. It was just that the area was larger and the individual strength was stronger.

Later, after encountering the so-called yin objects of the 'Yin Qi Insect' and the 'Human-Faced Giant Spider', his ideas began to change.

Now, he looked up at the 'Tianji Mirror' hanging above, and then looked down at the white jade pendant in his hand.

Han Yi only felt that something in his heart "crackled" and shattered all over the floor. He knew that it was his three views.

In this world, the imperial court can suppress forces like the Scarlet Flame Sect and be obedient, and it can also protect ordinary people from attacks by demons. There is also a magic weapon like the 'Tianji Mirror' that sounds like something that only appeared in the novels about cultivating immortals in previous lives... .......

Han Yi immediately changed his mind.

"Also, top-grade earth-level, spiritual weapon? What does it mean?" Han Yi's thoughts quickly changed.

But looking at the look on the clerk's face... Han Yi had already become impatient after asking so many questions.

"Put away the white jade pendant and go get the mission!" The clerk turned his head and looked at Han Yi.

With a gentle smile on his face, he pushed a cloth bag over.

The clerk quickly accepted it without leaving any trace. He weighed it in his hands, his face became cheerful, and his tone softened: "If there is anything else, just ask."

"I wonder what that high-grade spiritual weapon is?"

This time, there was no trace of impatience on the official's face, and he explained to Han Yi in detail.

It turns out that there are levels in martial arts, which are divided into four levels: heaven, earth, black and yellow, and each level is divided into upper, middle and lower grades.

The same is true for weapons and armor. Yellow-level treasures, mysterious-level magic weapons, and earth-level spiritual weapons are also divided into three levels.

The only thing above the earth level is the heaven level, but the official clerk doesn't know what it is specifically.

However, thinking about it, the heavenly level must have power beyond ordinary people's imagination. I'm afraid it's just a trivial matter to control the wind and rain and turn the rivers and seas upside down!

Naturally, demons also have corresponding magic weapons, but when Han Yi asked about the specific situation, the official was unclear, and he did not know the grade classification of the magic weapons.

I don't know what grade the 'Blood Plum Pa' is and what its function is... Han Yi secretly thought to himself that on his system panel, the magic weapon 'Blood Plum Pa' only has the word "Purified".... ...

"Sure enough, money can make all the difference, and ten taels of silver are not wasted!"

After receiving so much information, Han Yi returned to Qiuzhu Alley with a few books sent to him by the clerk and a white jade pendant hanging on his waist.

"It's shaped like an oval, with lines on it, and its color is like obsidian. Its name is Xuanyin."

Is this thing Xuanyin Stone?

Han Yi played with the stone he got from the black market stall.

"Mysterious Yin Stone is extremely rare. The deeper it is infected by Yin Qi and the more powerful it is, the more likely it is that Xuanyin Stone will be produced in the body, and its value is extremely high."

The booklets given to Han Yi by the foreign affairs room recorded information about demons, and also stated that Xuanyin Stone would be recovered at a high level.

"What's the use of recycling Xuanyin Stone in the foreign affairs room..." Han Yi murmured to himself.

The system can absorb Xuanyin Stone, and he also wants to find an opportunity to acquire a few. Wouldn't this add another competitor...

[It was found that Yin Qi can be absorbed, whether it is absorbed]


The familiar coldness came again, but like a Stockholm patient, Han Yi had already fallen in love with this feeling!

Although his body shivered instinctively, he only had one feeling after seeing the increase in Yuanli value.


[Yuanli value]: 29

A Xuanyin stone adds ten points of energy value and has a lifespan of one year.

"In that case, did the 'Giant Human-Faced Spider' in the cave that day also produce Xuanyin Stone in its body..." Han Yi thought thoughtfully.

Unfortunately, the 'Giant Human-Faced Spider' that day had been burned by him, leaving only its remains. The Xuanyin Stone was not completely burned, but he couldn't go back to the cave to look for it.

By the way, Han Yi thought of the diary and jade pendant he picked up that day.

He thought for a long time, then silently stuffed the white jade pendant and diary into the deepest part of the cabinet, sealing it completely.

There might be some rewards for handing these things over to the foreign affairs room, but he couldn't explain how to kill the 'Human-Faced Spider'.

He is not willing to take risks on anything that might expose the system!

He is still too weak now, unless one day his strength will be the best in the world.

The night is already dark, let’s rest first, maybe it’s time to improve our strength tomorrow.

Han Yi looked at the 29 points of Yuanli on the panel.

Late at night, Li Mansion.

Elder Li Chengfeng waved his hand to ward off all the servants. He extinguished the oil lamp with a blast of palm wind. He stood up and went to a study room, where he twisted a porcelain bottle a few times.

A soft "squeak" sound

A dark room suddenly appeared, with several oil lamps burning inside.

Elder Li sat cross-legged on a futon in the middle of the dark room. He began to mutter to himself, as if he was talking to someone.

"Give it to him..."

"He will go to the Black Rock Mountains..."

A few faint whispers could be heard.

"Why don't you just do it?"

Suddenly, his face became ferocious and his voice suddenly rose: "What does revenge have to do with me? You and I both serve the master, what qualifications do you have to order me?"

At this time, Elder Li's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like a madman.

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