Han Yi's heart tightened. He heard this annoying chatter again. It was exactly the same as what he heard last time in the alley behind Fulin Tower!

"Sure enough, the source of the sound that night should have come from Changningfang!"


The wooden door behind him suddenly opened, and a hand reached out to his shoulder!

"You young man, why are you standing here? Why don't you go home quickly? Those people from the Ceres Sect are not easy to mess with!"

The wooden door was ajar, and an old man wearing a black round hat and a rosy complexion patted Han Yi on the shoulder.

‘Wangji Pharmacy’

This is a medicine shop with a dilapidated facade, and a plaque hanging on the wooden door reads four large characters.

Ceres Cult?

Han Yi's heart moved, and he looked at the old man. He was just a healthy old man.

He paused and said, "I, I'm here to buy medicine..."

"Hey, it's not like you don't know that medicine is useless for this disease..."

Han Yi hadn't had time to change the clothes he wore when fighting Hungry Tiger. At this time, his clothes were ragged and looked no different from the clothes of other people in Changningfang.

Apparently, the old man mistook Han Yi's identity and thought he was a resident of Changningfang who came to buy medicine for treatment.

"The immortality of the Grain God is called the mysterious female..."

The sound came from the alley, getting closer and closer, becoming clearer and clearer.

"Come in quickly, the Ceres Cult people are here again!"

The old man trembled and pulled Han Yi in.

Cough, cough

The smell of medicine was diffuse in the shop, which was a bit pungent and dark, with only some light coming from the cracks in the door and windows.

Neither Han Yi nor the old man spoke, but stood quietly at the door.

Finally, the chanting sound outside gradually faded away until it disappeared.

The old man pulled it out from the crack of the window. After looking at it twice, he stood up straight and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"These guys from the Ceres Sect have become more and more arrogant recently..."

"Shopkeeper, I don't know about the 'Ceres God Cult'..."

Han Yi stepped forward quickly and started talking.

"What Shopkeeper Wang means is that the Grain God Sect claims that as long as you believe in the Grain God, you can cure strange diseases!?"

After a conversation, Han Yi was a little surprised. He had also seen the strange disease on Xiao He. After ordinary people got it, their bodies were as fragile as a candle in the wind. It was difficult to cure even the best medicines and stones. But for this Ceres Sect, as long as one enters Can diseases be cured by teaching?

"Yes, this strange disease came quickly and violently, and many families in Changning Square suffered. From that time on, this force called the 'Gushen Sect' suddenly spread in the square. ...

"In the beginning, the Ceres God Sect distributed talisman water for free, claiming that as long as one joined the religion, diseases could be cured. Many poor people became ill and sought medical treatment, so they joined the religion and became disciples of the Ceres God Sect. Strangely enough, they became disciples of the Ceres God Sect. After the teaching, after drinking the bowl of talisman water, the strange diseases on my body disappeared. Although I have been practicing medicine for many years, I don’t know why..."

Shopkeeper Wang shook his head in confusion, his eyes full of confusion.

Free medical treatment?

After working on it for a long time, this Ceres Cult is still a good person who is willing to do charity?

Han Yi felt as if he was laughing or laughing, just like a cockroach bully who fell in love with Miss Mengzi and had a huge divorce.

"There's no such thing as a free pie in the world!" Shopkeeper Wang pursed his lips and gestured in the direction of the Ceres God Sect team to go, "The Ceres God Sect helped a lot of poor people at first, and everyone in Changning Square thought they were coming. A good force, but after gaining momentum, it changed its appearance..."

At this point, he let out a long sigh.

"After the Ceres Cult became more powerful, when they met people on the street, they would ask them to buy talisman water and give them money, regardless of whether they were sick or not.

"If you refuse to give it, the Ceres God Cult will summon a group of people to surround you and refuse to let you go!

"And a store like ours can't run away. If you don't come up with some money, these people will block your door every day, and you won't be able to do business!

"The Ceres God Sect used this half-robbed method to obtain a lot of silver, and then distributed it to the disciples. After that, it grew bigger and bigger, and all the small forces in Changning Square also disappeared and were absorbed by the Ceres God Sect. Collecting people, killing and killing, now in Changningfang, the Ceres Sect family dominates...

"This street used to be the territory of Black Tiger Hall. Although there was chaos in the street at that time, there was still some business on this street. Now, my medicine shop can no longer operate..."

Shopkeeper Wang sounded helpless.

Han Yi also became silent.

He had also vaguely heard about what was going on in Changningfang. Because this area belonged to the Sanjia area and was not managed by big forces or the court, it was divided into several territories, and different gangs managed different areas.

To open a shop, set up a stall, or buy something, you must pay protection fees to the gang.

In Changningfang, if you don't have the strength or the backstage, you will be targeted if your business is even slightly better.

The next thing is, either give away the business to others and find a way out for yourself.

Or pay a large amount of money every month to earn some hard money to support your family.

But even with such oppression, the people of Changning Square endured it with humiliation, because at least they were safe in the square and could still survive...

They are not warriors like Han Yi, who can enter and exit various districts at will. As residents of Changning District, if they want to change their residence, they may have to leave Anyan City and live outside the city.

But if the common people lose their homes in the city, they may not even be able to save their lives outside the city!

"Young man, I see that you don't seem to be from Changningfang. Leave quickly and don't get involved in this muddy water. In my opinion, this strange disease is probably more serious than the plague. I am now ready to find another way out..."

Shopkeeper Wang saw that Han Yi knew nothing about the things in Changningfang and knew that he was not from Changningfang, so he kindly advised him.

"Thank you for your reminder, shopkeeper..."

Han Yi clasped his hands and bowed.

He picked a few ginseng, white atractylodes, asparagus and other qi-tonifying and kidney-nourishing medicines in this medicine shop, which were considered to be for Bai Sanren to nourish his body. After calculating the silver, he wrapped it into a medicine bag and walked out of Wang's medicine shop again.

"The immortality of the Valley God is called the Mysterious Female..."

When he was walking back, he passed by a wide alley in Changningfang and saw the Valley God Cult team from a distance.

He looked around and saw a dense crowd of people going to collect the talisman water. Roughly speaking, the long line was like a long snake, with about a hundred people.

In front of the line, there were a few people shouting and fighting, and they were fighting and shouting for no reason.

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