Read In My Old Age, The New System Activated – Chapter 102

The original ancestor Thien Uyen is also an unreasonable finding.
This, To Truong Sinh, the more he fights, the harder he gets.
Moreover, with so many lives being consumed, how could this Su Changsheng not be weakened?
Still the same is this type of spirit spirit model full form.
On the contrary, he, the image he had experienced began to be a bit illusory.
Angry, how is this a thing?
How is this idiot destined to be so much?
Could it be that he has an infinite lifespan? !
Impossible, the material of the Northern Dou World is scarce, and it is impossible for him to have such a longer creature to improve its lifespan.
It’s always impossible for him to become the Immortal King, eternally immortal, right?
If he became an Immortal King, would it take so much effort to fight me?
However, he is practically inexplicable, why is Su Changsheng still a living dragon and tiger form.
Su Changsheng at this moment looks at his own life, more than half of it, it’s not a big problem!
As for the fate of consuming too much?
This toy makes a profit, isn’t it to use it?
What’s more, if I kill this Tian Yuan ancestor, I don’t know how many life resources it will give me?
Thinking of this, Su Changsheng’s life essence was even more intense.
Gradually, the black mist consumed by Su Changsheng’s life force was almost gone.
Without the protection of this black mist, the ancestor Tianyuan that was corroded by this world would be even more powerful.
It is possible to clearly see the chunks of body on his body that are constantly decaying.
don’t knowIt is clear how long has passed, and this force of Su Changsheng finally surpassed this original ancestor Tianyuan.
Su Changsheng broke the void with a fist, and the body of the original ancestor of Tianyuan was instantly crushed.
“Not good!”
The original Ancestor Tian Yuan was extremely frightened.
He didn’t expect that Su Changsheng’s life span was so obvious and mature, and he just wasted it!
What is this buffalo Ma Ngoan idea! !
Which red earth fairy, which god has such a fateful look on you! !
At this time, the ancestor Thien Uyen can be said to be indignant.
He absolutely did not think that he was the cause of this loss. This also put an idea in his mind.
That is, the origin of the Eternal Life Body becoming the emperor, becoming a red earth fairy after that, has such a long life?
In fact, what he didn’t know was that Su Changsheng didn’t worry about the problem of longevity and physical longevity.
For him, as long as he wants to continue the mission of the Eternal Realm at that time, going on a trip to the Eternal Life is not good.
There, the biological field is not very similar.
You can supplement at any time, so you don’t have to be afraid.
Couldn’t the biological material in this field be much better than that of the Immortal Domain?
This is the reason why To Truong Sinh is not stubborn at all.
As long as this situation persists, the original ancestor Tian Yuan was beaten by To Changsheng, and he was defeated and retreated, and after a while, the scattered figure almost disappeared.
In front of close to disappearing 263, he shouted even more furiously.
“Disgusting, destroy my Tianyuan one vein, can’t be forgiven, I will not let go of you, I will wait for my true body to descend, wait for my clan to descend, I will definitely cross the border and come to destroy the North Dou Human Race.”
“Just incompetent.”
To Changsheng look at Thien Uyen firstancestral face, contemptuous mocking said.
If it was a useful exaggeration, To Changsheng would have already incarnated the keyboard to kill him.
Still crossing the border to come?
Shake someone here.
What’s more, waiting for you to cross the border and come over, maybe I’m all grown up, I’m afraid of you guys.
However, the next scene is also for Su Changsheng to not think about.
I saw only this Tianyuan ancestor suddenly opened his mouth wide, only to see this world of Tianyuan outsiders bustling into a black stream of light that was swallowed up by this Tianyuan ancestor.
Su Changsheng now has three questions on his head right now
? ? ?
Are you saying that I destroyed the Tianyuan clan?
Isn’t this the mother of hers that you personally destroyed?
Take care of the situation!
Can this pot also swing over my head?
However, after Su Changsheng destroys this ancestral ancestor, this Tianyuan clan will definitely not be able to survive.
But this Su Changsheng doesn’t even count as having no action?
In the heart of To Changsheng, although it was swearing, but he was on guard, in order to prevent the other party from counterattacking before he died.
On the contrary, at this moment, this Tian Yuan ancestor turned into a black aura, rushing towards Su Changsheng. To Changsheng naturally wouldn’t go to pick him up.
The other party has killed so many Tianyuan outsiders, and then released this move, of course, it will not be a simple miracle.
Only saw in the hand of Su Changsheng Changsheng Sword moving, the terrifying sword light illuminating the ancient world.
However, when this sword light is reversed, the black aura is not lost at all, as if it has not touched the sword light, it continues to fly towards Su Changsheng.
This type is monstroush, immediately let To Truong Sinh be alert.
I Thao, what kind of demonic thing is this?
Su Changsheng’s figure retreated quickly, his feet stepped on Hanh Tu Bi, and time was flowing under his feet.
He had obviously set foot in the field of time at this moment.
This Hanh Tu Bi is the Bac Dau one of the Nine Secrets, and the Hanh Tu Bi represents the extreme speed of the world.
Fast to the limit speed, cultivation to the limit can even set foot in the field of time.
Obviously, To Truong Sinh has now done this step.
However, even so, that black aura is still pursuing and not giving up.
At this moment, Su Changsheng just wants to scold good people, what the hell is this thing, I have all hidden in the Long River Time, can you still chase me?
At this time, this Tianyuan ancestor was close to self-destructing, and after that one hit, he lost the protection of this black fog, the power of the world directly blessed him, ceaselessly destroying his body, will, and soul.
He was now not far from death.
But like that, he also laughed loudly.
“Su Changsheng, you can’t escape!”
“This is the curse of the power of countless people of the Tianyuan clan, which has the ability to automatically lock down the enemy, as the person who has killed the most Tianyuan in the clan, it’s like running away. In the end, there is no way to avoid the fate of being killed!!!
“That motherfucker, killed the most people in the Tianyuan clan, wasn’t it you? Shouldn’t you be locked up?”
To Truong Sinh couldn’t help but scold.
Su Changsheng’s words made Tianyuan ancestor stunned, he did not expect this point.
But he quickly reacted.
“Struggling to die.”
“You will find out, waiting for you onlydead. . .”
However, this Tianyuan ancestor’s words, before he finished speaking, was blown up by Su Changsheng with a punch.
“That’s talkative!!”
To Changsheng said contemptuously. However, Su Changsheng thought of all the ways, but he couldn’t stop the black qi from catching up with himself, even if he was on his own to the limit, he would still be caught up.
He also tried all kinds of methods, any miracles, Dao methods, all tried once.
But the result is quite obvious.
It’s all meaningless.
In the end, Su Changsheng could only watch as the black gas entered his body.
At the moment when that black qi entered Su Changsheng, the endless dark and strange energy instantly spread around him.
Feeling this familiar dark energy in his body, Su Changsheng just wanted to curse.
Brother, long time no see!
This dark energy he really didn’t want to be too familiar with.
It is in front of the Zhe Immortal Spell that brings the dark energy.
Although there is a small gap between these two forces, their origin is also the same.
To Truong Sinh had nothing to say.
It turns out that you are not being noticed by this toy?
How do you deal with people who are related to them?
However, this is also a good thing, it is familiar.
Having studied this toy for so long, Su Changsheng is also familiar with how to deal with this dark and strange energy.
Laws of life, mixed with infinite life essence, the city began to cleanse Su Changsheng’s body, and the strange power on his body was suppressed.
Looking at the strange power that was temporarily suppressed on his body, Su Changsheng also breathed a sigh of relief.
I immediately knew this toy, the circuit is similarah!
People In The World Of Cultivators, With Everyone Can Divide Five Years
In this world, no one can make fun of me, only I go to make fun of others!!!

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