Fantasy: Invincibility Begins With Cultivating An Empress

Chapter 337 The Opportunity Brought By The Seven Talents

The ground glows, and invisible power pervades, making the earth and space extremely solid.

Even the power of the emperor's law is suppressed, making it difficult to destroy this place.

There is a natural field guarding the Tianxiang Garden and protecting the elixir inside.

Otherwise, once a battle at the imperial level breaks out, the aftermath will be enough to destroy Tianxiangyuan.


A deafening roar sounded, it was a Black Violent Ape, three feet tall, holding a big metal stick.

Every time it swings the metal stick, it can shake the ground, and its power is unrivaled!

In front of it, a burly man like an iron tower held a shield in each hand, struggling to resist the violent ape's attack.


The metal stick in Violent Ape's hand hit the shield hard, making a dull bang, causing the burly man to bleed from his orifices, and his arms made the sound of bones breaking.

Just when Violent Ape was about to smash the weak human in front of him to death, vines drilled out from the ground, and instantly covered Violent Ape's body, restraining it.

A woman held a scepter and recited the mantra, and the continuous flow of wood attribute laws spread, forming a large area of ​​vines, covering the place.

Not only did the Violent Ape be restrained, but the other two beasts in the imperial realm not far away were also entangled by a large number of vines.

"Wusheng Sword Formation, get up!"

A young man in white shouted loudly, and raised his hand to sacrifice a formation plate. The law was mighty, and in an instant, the three beasts of the imperial realm were shrouded below.

On the formation board, nine Flying Swords of the imperial level rushed out quickly, intertwined with each other, and released an amazing killing intent!

"go to hell!"

"Sky Thunder Seal!"

A petite girl yelled violently, pinched the seal formula with her hand, and a big seal rose into the sky, causing the dark clouds in the sky to gather, and a large thunderbolt quickly fell.

The Tianlei Seal carried the thunder all over the sky, and blasted towards the three beasts in the imperial realm with a ferocious posture.

Not far away, the two Tianjiao were covered in blood, and they seized the time to refine the Medicine Pill to recover from their injuries, while looking around vigilantly.

The last Tianjiao is holding a shuttle-shaped Magical Item, and the surrounding space is distorted. It seems to be under great pressure, and he walks towards the deepest part of Tianxiang Garden bit by bit.

In the deepest part of Tianxiang Garden, there is a holy light of Gold, which rushes to the sky like a wave, and the scene is amazing.

It was a spiritual spring, about one zhang square, exuding gold ripples, dazzling!

The last Tianjiao took advantage of the gap when the three beasts in the imperial realm were restrained, and headed towards the Lingquan, intending to take away the Lingquan.

"Sure enough, there are quite a few people!"

The entrance to Tianxiang Garden.

Su Chen's eyes lit up, and he saw the scene ahead from a distance.

He immediately opened the life script system and quickly observed the information of the seven arrogances.

[Name]: Zhao Yongan

【Cultivation Base】: Holy Land Eighth Stage

[Fate]: Excellent talent, extraordinary roots, unrivaled swordsmanship, luck favored

[Life script]: The emperor of the sword sect, born with a sword spirit, born with a myriad of visions, accompanied by a sword spirit, surrendered by the emperor's sword, destined to become the Supreme of Kendo.

[favorability]: 0

【Recent opportunity】:

Opportunity 1: Half an hour later, after a difficult battle in Tianxiang Garden, three beasts in the imperial realm were beheaded, and some spiritual springs and two imperial medicines were harvested.

Opportunity 2: Seven days later, refine the Lingquan, and upgrade the Cultivation Base to the Holy Realm Apex.

Opportunity 3: Half a year later, Cultivation Base reaches Quasi Emperor, returns to Jianzong Closed Door Training, obtains the source of Jianzong's foundation, and thus enters the emperor's realm.

【Cultivation Technique】: "Nine Skysword Jue", "Drawing the Sword and Slashing Heaven", "Wu Sheng Jian Jue", "Xiaoyao Sword Step"...

[Magic Treasures]: Jiuxiao Shenjian, Wusheng Sword Formation, Zhanhunjian, Innate Sword Embryo.

Su Chen's eyes first fell on the young man in white, and he was a little surprised.

Four Purple fates, and amazing talent.

Among the emperors and emperors Su Chen has seen, this person is the strongest!

The sword spirit body is not a spirit body, but should be read as sword spirit and body. It is listed as one of the top ten sacred bodies. It is quite powerful and uncommon. It only appeared a few times in the history of the Taichu mainland.

[Name]: Jiang Xiaohe

【Cultivation Base】: Holy Land Seventh Stage

[Fate]: Excellent talent, extraordinary roots, profound blessings

[Life script]: The daughter of the Danxia Sect Emperor, the daughter of the Sect Leader, possesses the Heavenly Thunder Sacred Body.

[favorability]: 0

【Recent opportunity】:

Opportunity 1: After half an hour, he paid a heavy price and cooperated with his teammates to kill three beasts in the imperial realm, and obtained part of the spiritual spring and an imperial medicine.

Opportunity 2: Half a month later, refine Lingquan and Imperial Medicine, breakthrough Eighth Stage Apex.

Opportunity 3: One month later, I got a piece of lightning strike wood in Dingguang Mountain, from which I realized the truth of the law of thunder, and stepped into the holy land Apex.

【Cultivation Technique】: "Primordial Chaos Lightning Method", "Lightning in the Palm", "Three Forms of Opening the Sky", "The Body of Vajra"...

【Magic Treasures】: Heavenly Thunder Seal, Thunder Emperor Ax...

[Name]: Yu Wenfeng...

【Recent opportunity】:

Opportunity 1: After half an hour, under the restraint of teammates, the spirit spring was successfully collected.

Opportunity 2: One month later, refining part of the spiritual spring, Cultivation Base breakthrough Ninth Stage Apex.

Opportunity 3: Three months later, I felt something in my heart, and obtained a ray of the origin of the law of heaven and earth from the Closed Door Training of Tianzhaotai, and began to attack the imperial realm...

Among the seven Tianjiao in front of me, there are five emperors and emperors, and the remaining two are not much weaker than the emperors and emperors. They are all top Tianjiao.

Moreover, the seven of them have gained something in the secret realm of Tatian, and there are a lot of opportunities in the imperial ranks, and there are nineteen in total!

Su Chen wrote it down silently, and stared at the spiritual spring in the deepest part of Tianxiang Garden, and the imperial medicine growing around the spiritual spring.

If he could take away the Lingquan and the imperial medicine, he would be able to rob ten opportunities at once!

There is a terrifying field covering the Lingquan. Even if Yu Wenfeng is holding a special imperial weapon, he is struggling to move towards the Lingquan bit by bit.

Just when Su Chen was about to make a move.

There was only a bang of "boom", and there was a sudden change!

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