Heavenly Fire Dynasty, Ming King Mansion.

Half a month later is King Ming’s 100th birthday, and the entire royal palace began to prepare early, which is very lively and festive.

However, in the backyard of the royal palace, a gray-haired old man sat on a bamboo chair, looking at the servants who were busy before and after, the expression on his face was incompatible with the joy and celebration, and he seemed very silent.

“Half a month later will be the hundredth birthday, and I don’t know how many years I can bounce for this old bone.”

This white-haired old man is none other than the Ming King of the Heavenly Fire Dynasty, the real brother of the current emperor.

However, he has always had a secret in his heart, his soul is not a person from this world, but from a blue ordinary planet.

When he first came to this planet, Lin Quan knew the identity of his prince, and once thought that he was the protagonist of the Mandate of Heaven, and he was destined to stand on the top of the world in the future.

However, the harsh reality of where he was six years old, gave him a head-on blow.

He, Lin Quan, the prince of the Heavenly Fire Dynasty, is a waste without martial veins, lifelong cultivation, unable to break through the forging realm, and containing true qi in his body to achieve innate level masters.

After three years of fruitless attempts, Lin Quan had to accept this cruel truth and instead put his mind into another big cause to discipline his younger brother.

As a prince, although the scenery is infinite, but also jealous, especially in this world, cultivation is the fundamental, a prince born with a wasted vein, is destined not to be followed, and an incompetent prince who cannot master power, even in the palace, is full of murderous opportunities.

But fortunately, as a traverser, some of his management ideas are far beyond this world.

Taking advantage of the fact that several younger brothers had not grown up, he began to plan secretly, and in the final battle for the throne, he successfully retreated perfectly, exchanged for the identity of an idle king, and lived peacefully for decades.

For decades, because Lin Quan was a waste body, he would not threaten the position of the emperor at all, so today’s saint not only did not attack Lin Quan, but also was very respectful and polite to Lin Quan outside, showing his tolerance to people.

It’s just that this calm changed twenty years ago.

Twenty years ago, the Bunshu fairy, one of the four beauties of Kyoto, gave birth to a son for Lin Quan.

When he was just born, the purple qi spread all over thousands of miles, countless groups of cranes came and went, and a unicorn loomed and landed in the prince’s mansion, shocking the entire imperial city.

That evening, that younger brother, the current saint, personally visited, sent a congratulatory gift, and by the way, visited Lin Yunhe, the source of the vision.

Lin Quan naturally knew that the vision of his son’s birth caused his younger brother to be jealous.

But fortunately, Lin Yunhe is the heir of the royal family after all, flowing with the blood of the royal family, although his younger brother inherited the most noble throne, but among the royal family, the two ancestors who rose to the heavenly and human realm had the greatest power.

Therefore, under Lin Quan’s constant telling his son to behave low-key, in the past twenty years, his son has been low-key and ordinary, and it has not caused any trouble.


Just the day before yesterday, my son’s talent could not be hidden!

Lin Yunhe, who was a small battalion commander in the foreign army, because of a mistake in commanding the general, caused the entire military camp to fall into the encirclement of 30,000 soldiers of the Northern Desert Country.

As a last resort, in order to protect himself, his son’s strength finally broke out, stepping on the heavenly dragon, holding the Zhenyuan ancient sword, and alone destroyed the 30,000 soldiers of the North Mo Country, and killed the three major generals of the North Mo Country in a row.

For a while, the war was quiet, and the Northern Desert Country panicked.

And the Heavenly Fire Dynasty, that cheap brother, also panicked!

Now, around the entire royal mansion, countless secret sentries are everywhere, monitoring every move up and down the royal mansion.

Looking at the servants outside who were preparing for the banquet, looking happy, Lin Quan really envied their ignorance, and did not have to worry about the reactions of all parties at tomorrow’s dinner.

Forget it, let’s take it one step at a time.

Lin Quan sighed leisurely, he is a waste person, why should he live so tiredly?

Anyway, the eldest son worshiped under the door of the Purple Cloud Sect, and the hands of the palace could not reach that kind of big sect, and the younger son, I don’t know where to go crazy recently, even he can’t find himself, it is estimated that his younger brother is also hanging.

If you look at it this way, except for a few concubines, the entire royal mansion is his old bird, and his second brother can do whatever he wants, and there is nothing to care about.

Thinking about this, Lin Quan’s heart suddenly relaxed.

Late at night, twelve o’clock.

“Ding~ The host has survived in the other world for a hundred years, and successfully completed the system activation conditions!”

In a daze, Lin Quan always felt a mechanical sound in his ears, and he was not angry to say dream words.

“It’s been a hundred years, and I still dream of such an unrealistic thing as the system.”

When he first crossed over, Lin Quan didn’t know how many times he had fantasized about whether he would have a great golden finger, so he secretly didn’t know how much blood was dripping on various jade rings.

Now that a hundred years have passed, the heart has become a mulberry field, and Lin Quan has long been not the naïve teenager he was at the beginning.

ps: New book upload, ask for flowers, ask for collection, ask for evaluation, ask for all support!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 3rd to June 5th)

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