“True Phoenix Source Blood?”

Hearing the news of the Ziyun Old Ancestor and the Sect Master of the Qingxia Sect, Lin Quan was a little flustered.

The source of the heat in the Northern Desert Country may appear what kind of fire attribute heavenly treasure, Lin Quan is not shocked.

But in this kind of small place, there is a true phoenix source blood at the emperor level, which is like a big lump of gold in a pigsty, it is really a ghost!

“Lord, after all, it is the True Phoenix Source Blood, and it still has a trace of spiritual intelligence, we are only Dharma Realm cultivators, it is really difficult to capture, and please ask the adult to make a move.”

The Sect Master of Qingxia Sect and the Ancestor of Ziyun looked ashamed.

“A drop of blood? You guys can’t solve it? ”

Lin Quan was speechless, the two ancestors of the Law Phase Realm in front of him were okay as little brothers on weekdays, and they couldn’t rely on it when they encountered really big things.

They can’t solve it, just their own innate realm cultivation, do they want to waste an An Lan blow for a drop of source blood?

Of course this is impossible!

But if you have a treasure mountain and don’t take it, this is not his style at all.

“System, is there any magic weapon to capture the blood of the True Phoenix Source?”

At this time, Lin Quan had to ask about his plug-in.

The system quickly gave a response, Lin Quan automatically ignored those treasures such as the refining demon pot and the yin and yang treasure bottle, fixed his eyes on the items he could redeem, and quickly locked one thing.

“Super technology blood sampling instrument: 200,000 points, it is made by the sixth-level technology Ode civilization, ignoring the coercion of demon beasts, specially used to extract the blood of powerful ancient beasts in the starry sky, no user cultivation, just align, press it with one button!”

“This thing is good!”

Lin Quan nodded, but although he had 200,000 points, it was too expensive, and Lin Quan planned to continue browsing.

After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“The Blood Melting Treasure Bottle, 30,000 points, is a magic weapon created by a small family in the Immortal Cultivation World, and for the weakened source blood, it only needs a cultivator at the level of the Law Phase to pour it into the whole body to cultivate it to urge!”

This thing seems to be very cheap!

Lin Quan exuded a bit of intention, the Northern Desert Country didn’t know how many years of drought, and this drop of source blood breath was estimated to be not strong.

“I have a magic weapon here, who of you is willing to collect source blood for me?”

Lin Quan took out an ordinary black jade gourd and slowly spoke to the two.

“Dharma Magic Weapon!”

The Purple Cloud Old Ancestor and the Qingxia Sect Master looked at each other, and Sheng Sheng stopped what he was about to say.

Although they had never seen this kind of magic weapon, judging from the fluctuations of this black jade bottle, this magic weapon was probably similar to the magic weapon of the ordinary law realm.

And the Dharma Realm!

Ziyun Old Ancestor thought of the power of True Phoenix Source Blood, and the corners of his mouth showed bitterness.

They were usually cultivators of the Dharma Phase Realm, they were almost invincible in a radius of thousands of miles, and they were quite proud on weekdays.

But just yesterday, when they discovered the True Phoenix Source Blood, they had not yet approached that drop of Source Blood, and they had tried their best to cultivate with their whole bodies, so they could only get close to the Source Blood for thousands of meters.

If you want to move forward, I am afraid that the flesh and blood of the whole body will be burned dry!

This kind of True Phoenix Source Blood contains a trace of Great Emperor power, even after countless years of wearing, it is not something that a cultivator like them can intervene in.

If the existence in front of them gave some supreme treasure, they were naturally willing to give it a try, but they took this magic weapon of the magic phase level to collect the source blood.

They are also afraid of death!

“How? Is there no one? ”

Lin Quan was a little unhappy!

Although the magic weapon bought with 30,000 points is a little not very good, but the two of you also feel that it is not very good, and the performance is so obvious, it just doesn’t give face!

“The old man is willing!”

Sensing that Lin Quan was a little angry, the Sect Master of Qingxia Sect gritted his teeth and walked out.

Their Qingxia Sect had offended all three of Lin Quan’s sons before, and coupled with the fact that the Ziyun Sect was now in-laws with Lin Quan, Liu Changchun had always felt very pressured and wanted to atone for his sins in the local area.

But with Lin Quan’s cultivation, there is no need to help yourself at all, some small things, the Qingxia Sect is helping on the surface, but as the sect master of the Qingxia Sect, you have to be clear, the existence that allows you to help is completely worthy of you, without the Qingxia Sect or the Purple Cloud Sect, the various sects of the South Gate Sect to replace, it is not a favor.

But this time, he saw the meaning of retreating from the eyes of the Ziyun Old Ancestor.

He knew that this might be the best opportunity to atone for his sins, and if he missed this opportunity, he was afraid that the Qingxia Sect would be thrown away by the Purple Cloud Sect far away.

So, he can’t back down.

“Good! You are very good! ”

Lin Quan nodded and looked at Liu Changchun and smiled with satisfaction.

“Don’t worry, according to my instructions, I will keep you fine!”


Hearing Lin Quan’s praise, Liu Changchun smiled, he knew that he had bet right!

This time, this supreme being accepted his feelings.

On the side, when Ziyun Old Ancestor heard Lin Quan’s praise, regret rose in his heart, but seeing that the blood melting bottle in Liu Changchun’s hand was not at the level of the Law Phase, his whole heart relaxed again.

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