In a hurry, the spirit of the secret realm thought of the extremely terrifying existence that suddenly descended before, and his heart suddenly moved, wanting to see if he could temporarily attach himself to this existence.


What responded to him were Lin Quan’s cold three words!

“No need!”

His mount, Fire Ling’er, could sense the Nirvana Pool himself, so why would Lin Quan let this potential danger exist around him?

“Adult, the small one can not only take you to find the Nirvana Pool, as long as you have the treasure you want in the secret realm, the small one can take you to it!”

The spirit of the secret realm turned pale, obviously he didn’t want to give up so much, now he has no strength, without the help of this adult, falling on that group of ants, I’m afraid that he really can’t survive and die!

“Do you want to die?”

Lin Quan turned around, his golden god-like eyes had already revealed killing intent, and in his mind, he was ready to unseal An Lan at any time.

This kind of existence that was comparable to the Great Emperor in the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm, and he offered his courtesy again and again, and he had to follow him with a dead face.

Is it when he is good to deceive, or when he is good to deceive?

Instantly, sensing Lin Quan’s killing intent, the true spirit’s whole body was like falling into an ice cave, his scalp was numb, and he did not dare to speak.

When Lin Quan walked away, the spirit of the secret realm slowly came back to his senses, his body slammed on the ground, and he gasped heavily.

As a spirit being, his intuition was countless times sharper than that of humans.

Just now, the mere glance of that being made him feel that life was not in his hands at all, but under the gaze of that being.


At this moment, the face of the Secret Realm Spirit changed!

That group of people, unexpectedly, had already found the Heavenly Heart Secret Hall so quickly.

Obviously, that group of ants had a way to deal with the Immortal Array, and there must be a way to lock his whereabouts.

Now in the entire secret realm, who can solve the other party one hundred percent, only that terrifying one exists.

Be sure to find his help, at all costs!

The spirit of the secret realm also has its own dignity, once comparable to the legendary emperor, how can he allow himself to fall into the hands of a group of ants?

If you have to confess the Lord, you have to be the One!

Having made a decision, the Spirit of the Secret Realm quickly chased along Lin Quan’s footprints.

“What’s wrong? Father? ”

Lin Qingyue saw her father stop and asked with some curiosity.


Lin Quan looked at his daughter and sighed helplessly.


“Sometimes in life, you still have to be decisive, otherwise you are too gentle, others will pester you again and again, when you are a bully!”

Lin Qingyue looked back and found that the spirit of the secret realm had followed with a dead face.

“Forget it!”

Lin Quan was too lazy to speak, just sighed a little, he didn’t expect to use An Lan’s blow again so soon!

Foolish things, you know what kind of existence you provoked!


The killing intent was condensed like substance, and on Lin Quan’s body, the majesty of the human emperor, the supreme momentum was fully displayed, and it was overwhelming towards the Secret Realm Spirit Town.


Before he could say a word later, Lin Quan was suddenly stunned.


In front of him, the Secret Realm Spirit that was comparable to the Great Emperor knelt down directly, lying on the ground and trembling silently.

Could it be that he didn’t come to trouble me?

Lin Quan still cherished An Lan’s blow very much, and now the other party is like this, directly kneeling down and begging for mercy, it doesn’t look like he came to trouble him.

The spirit of the secret realm was afraid for a while, and his spirit intuition told him that if he had just knelt late, he might have died!

After this time, he thoroughly understood his positioning, he was a secret realm spirit, and talking to such an existence was disturbing?

This kind of existence, the secret realm treasure can not be seen at all, if he is entangled, I am afraid that he will be killed without waiting for the ants behind!

Thinking about this, the spirit of the secret realm directly skipped the verbose negotiation and opened his biggest chip

“The existence of the great shore, your arrival is the greatest opportunity in my life, please allow me to offer my sincerity and give me a chance to follow you.”

After saying these words, a cloud of colorful light appeared on the body of the spirit of the secret realm, and slowly flew towards Lin Quan.

“Master, this is the soul contract of the spirit of the secret realm, which has direct control over the entire secret realm, and you will be the master of this secret realm from now on.”

Huo Linger was very excited, she had been thinking about exploring treasures in this secret realm, and if she had Lin Quan’s identity, it would definitely be much easier at that time.

And next to it, Lin Qingyue was even more frozen!

In her life, the person she admired the most was the female emperor of the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land, and she was only a great emperor!

And the spirit of the secret realm in front of him is comparable to the Great Emperor, the same level as the female emperor.

However, when I saw my father, I directly offered the soul contract.


Lin Quan nodded, in fact, he himself was quite cautious, if a person encountered this kind of soul contract of the secret realm spirit, he would not necessarily want such an unclear thing.

However, this soul contract Zhenfeng had checked, and coupled with his daughter looking at him with adoration on the side, Lin Quan had to accept it reluctantly.

Seeing that this being finally accepted his soul contract, the spirit of the secret realm finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a burst of happiness rose in his heart.

PS: Last time two thousand flowers, I owe two chapters, I will add more, but now I don’t have a saved manuscript, it will be on the shelves on Thursday, you have to accumulate the save, and I will definitely make up for it when the time comes.

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