However, this problem was left behind by Lin Quan in a blink of an eye.

His current thing is to take revenge!

Sword come!

Drink gently, in the treasure house of the royal mansion, the Zhenxian Immortal Sword is unsheathed!

This long sword was given by the contemporary female emperor of the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land, one of his right wives, and could easily split mountains and seas, kill demons and slaughter demons.

Nowadays, fairy swords and sword fairies complement each other!

A sword went west, accompanied by sword qi in the sky, only for the sword immortal to be angry.

Qingxia Sect.

“Deacon Liu, you are developed now, don’t forget brother me!”

At the gate of Liu Huping’s cave mansion, deacons of the same level on weekdays struck and curried.

On that day, the disciples of the Qingxia Sect who were defeated by Lin Hong were not ordinary people, but the grandson of the Great Elder.

Liu Huping’s shameless behavior was quickly rated as informal, praised and promoted by the Great Elder, and changed his position to a place with abundant oil.

At this time, the colleagues who got along with Liu Huping all understood that Liu Huping had entered the eyes of the Great Elder and was ready to cultivate Liu Huping into a confidant, and in a few years, they would probably have to look up to Liu Huping.

“Good to say, good to say!”

Enjoying the feeling of such flattery from his former colleagues, Liu Huping was very comfortable, feeling that his kick was really right, but it was a pity that the kid’s life was really hard and he didn’t kick him to death.


At this moment, the originally cloudless sky appeared a low thunderclap.

“What’s that?”

Within the Qingxia Sect, many disciples who were cultivating looked up, and saw that at the end of the sky, a bright light was dazzling, exuding a sword intent that pierced everything, surging towards the Qingxia Sect.


An elder of the Heavenly Human Realm roared, reached out and grabbed it, transformed into a monstrous giant palm, and slammed down on this long sword.


That bright light was blocked by the elder’s palm, and in an instant, the light receded, revealing the bright sword body.

The moment the Zhen Evil Sword made contact with the Illusion Palm, the long sword directly penetrated the palm, and the momentum was not blocked in the slightest, shooting straight towards the elder of the Qingxia Sect.


The long sword entered the body, and in just an instant, it did not enter the chest of this Heavenly Elder.

Blood spread and spilled on the earth.


With a loud bang, the Immortal Sword Zhen Evil was heavily inserted in the middle of the three big characters of the plaque Qingxia Sect, and countless sword qi emerged.

“Who exactly? So presumptuous! ”

“Knock knock!”

The bell rings three times, and the strong enemy invades.

In the past, some of the retreat Heaven and Human Realm elders came out of the retreat one after another, and in a short time, the entire Qingxia Sect Square, not counting the one who died, the Heaven and Human Realm elders, there were twenty-four.

“What’s going on?”

Just came out of the retreat, everyone paid attention, on the plaque of the Qingxia Sect, an immortal sword was inserted in it, and countless sharp sword qi permeated it, just looking at it, I felt a pain in my eyes.

The owner of this sword must be a figure in the sky, but I don’t know why their sect offended such a big person.

The twenty-four Heavenly and Human Realm masters were waiting in strict formation, holding their weapons tightly, they knew that there would be a vicious battle in the next thing.

After five minutes, at the gate of the Qingxia Sect, a figure finally won a figure.

He had silver hair, roots as clear as snow, and draped over his shoulders.

His facial features are handsome, like an immortal, with a majestic figure, and between steps, in the face of the Qingxia Sect’s formation, there is no trace of worry between his eyebrows.

He is dressed in a simple white shirt, his temperament has an indescribable grace and dashing, and the cultivation aura revealed on his body is ordinary to the extreme.

However, none of the twenty-four Heavenly Elders dared to think that the people who came were ordinary.

Because around Lin Quan, the grass and trees under his feet were cut off by an invisible sword.

“Where is Liu Huping!”

“Get me out!”

Lin Quan stretched out his hand, and the cultivation of the Heaven and Human Realm on his body exploded, and the door plaque of the Qingxia Sect was directly shattered, and the Immortal Sword Zhen Evil inserted on it flew back into Lin Quan’s hand.

“Isn’t Your Excellency too contemptuous of my Qingxia Sect!”

Seeing that the cultivation on Lin Quan’s body was only a Heavenly Human Realm, the Great Elder looked at the more than twenty Heavenly and Human Realm masters around him, and he also had some confidence in speaking.

“Come to my Qingxia Sect, broken the plaque, and don’t even have a reason, so you want us to hand it over?”

“Yes and how?”

This time, he wasted a Sword Immortal Li Bai’s possession card, he Lin Quan didn’t plan to let go of Qingxia Sect so easily, at least he had to unlock a few achievements.

Sword out!


Countless sword qi crisscrossed!

Straight towards the Great Elder!


In the face of this heavenly sword qi, the Great Elder understood.

The elder of the Heavenly Human Realm who died so much before was not because of any carelessness at all, but this sword qi was too pure and powerful.

Every sword qi is comparable to an ordinary Heaven and Human Realm blow.

And in this long river of sword qi, the sword qi in the sky is close to ten thousand ways!

ps: New book upload, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for all support!!!

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