Before Ning Jinyao looked at him, the eyes were very hot, but now it seems to be a little different. Ye Chen can't say why it is different, but in his opinion, it is indeed the case.

"Hey! Zhao Manyang, do you think your mother seems to be a little different."

Zhao Manyang listened to Ye Chen's words and looked at Ning Jinyao suspiciously, who was announcing the end of the banquet.

"No, why didn't I see it."

"What's wrong with Brother Ye?"

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words and shook his head gently.

"No, maybe I feel wrong."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhao Manyang gave him a puzzled look, without thinking, turned his head and continued to look at Ning Jinyao who was standing on the stage.

Ye Chen sighed softly and looked over.

Under the white light, Ning Jinyao was shining with a moving white light. A white dress made her every move very light.

"It's really beautiful! Xiao Yan said in surprise, and slowly looked at Ye Chen.

"Brother Ye Chen, you said Zhao Manyang is his mother, that's too good, a woman can manage this banquet like this."

"Indeed, she seems to be a strong woman type! And she also controls an intelligence network, the power behind her should not be underestimated!"

Xiao Yan nodded softly after hearing Ye Chen's words. In her opinion, it was definitely good, but is the news from this intelligence network really true?

That said, she is much better than herself.

"It's too strong, I didn't expect such a person to be willing to be someone else's wife. How good is Zhao Manyang's father!"

Ye Chen thinks like this too. Since Zhao Manyang and his mother are so good, then his father can't be bad.

"Zhao Manyang, then what kind of person is your father!"

"What happened to my father?"

Zhao Manyang didn't hear a few people talking just now, but he still thought about it.

"My father, he was a bit harsh before, because I was not so active before I practiced, Xiaomei knows."

Listening to Zhao Manyang's words, the two turned to look at Xiaomei, who had no sense of existence.

Xiaomei felt the sight of the two and chuckled.

"Yes, the master has always been strict with Man Yang, but the changes have been a bit big recently, and the lady has to come out and show her face, because normally she will not come to participate in this thing, it seems there is really no way!

"Then do you know what is going on with Zhao Manyang, your father? Is it possible that it is because of some reason, or an external factor."

Zhao Manyang shook his head slowly. In fact, he didn't know what it looked like. After all, his father was like this after he came, and he also asked his mother about it, but she didn't seem to know. this thing.

"How to put it, I think that since my father has become like this, there must be a reason."

"Okay, Man Yang, you don't need to think too much, I will help you pay attention to this matter, then I will see if there are any clues in the Nangong family."

"Okay! Then come to Brother Ye."

"Don't worry, a small matter, but I think something may have something to do with this monster."

When the few people were talking, Ning Jinyao's announcement had come to an end.

"Well, now I announce that the banquet is officially over! It will be fine if everyone goes back to each house!"

Ning Jinyao smiled slightly at the people below, directly lowered the ring, and hopped over to Ye Chen.


Xiaomei saluted Ning Jinyao.

Ning Jinyao didn't care, and nodded gently to him.

"Okay, okay, now I want to say one thing, you don't have to be so cautious."

Zhao Manyang and Ye Chen both nodded lightly, only Xiao Yan was there looking at the table on the side as if thinking about something.

"Mother, what do you want to say!"

Listening to Zhao Manyang's words, Ning Jinyao slowly shook her head.

"Actually, I'm not very sure about this. This is your father's business."

The four of them looked at Ning Jinyao in surprise.

"Do you have a clue, Madam? Isn't Zhao Manyang his father's disease a kind of disease?"

Ning Jinyao gently shook her head listening to Ye Chen's words.

Although she has been denying several people's conjectures, she still has no idea of ​​telling the matter.

"Well, ma'am, don't sell it anymore, we are all in a hurry."

Ning Jinyao smiled slightly when she heard Ye Chen's words.

"Okay, I won't buy it. I just talked to Nangong Hongyun, the owner of the Nangong family. He seems to know the current situation of Zhao Manyang and his father, but there is no rumor in our Zhao family."


Ye Chen didn't know what to say for a while, and that meant that there was a possibility that the Zhao family had an insider!

Thinking of looking for Ye Chen here, slowly looked at Ning Jinyao aside.

In fact, Ning Jinyao's city mansion Ye Chen knew that it was impossible for her to not know this.

"I know what you want to say, there is a traitor in my Zhao family, right?"

Ning Jinyao saw Ye Chen's eyes and knew what he wanted to say.

"It looks like you have a clue."

Ning Jinyao sighed softly, what clues could I have, I am a woman, and I can only stay behind every day, and I don't know any information at all.

Ye Chen almost laughed out loud when he heard Ning Jinyao's words. First of all, it was weird to know that the monster was killed by himself. That means someone told you that if it was Zhao Manyang, he would definitely not be so detailed.

From this Ye Chen, it was easy to see that Ning Jinyao must have a complete intelligence organization.

But looking at it now, her intelligence organization should be a little bit close.

Therefore, all the information collected is from one's own home, and the outside can only rely on oneself.

"Why, does Madam want me to go to Nangong's house and pay more attention to the next four weeks? Then I will come back and tell you."

Ning Jinyao was stunned when she heard Ye Chen's words, but she was already shocked in her heart.

She also didn't expect that Ye Chen would be so powerful, or so keen in her heart, that she knew what she wanted to say directly.

Xiao Yan and Zhao Manyang looked at Ye Chen in surprise.

Ye Chen knew in his heart that he had just agreed to Zhao Manyang, and now Ning Jinyao said that he must agree to it.

But now it seems that some good things can be obtained, so Ye Chen would naturally not refuse.

"Yes, but I wonder how you know it."

Ning Jinyao looked at Ye Chen suspiciously. She wanted Ye Chen to give her a reason. If she really relied on guesswork, she would also have some comfort in her heart.

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