Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1034: Nangong Songyue's Careful Thinking

"Still angry, okay, I was wrong the last time, so don't be angry!"

Listening to Ye Chen's apology, Nangong Songyue's emotions on her face were obviously much smaller, but she still looked very angry.

"Then you don't get angry if you tell me what to do, as long as you tell me I will do it."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Nangong Songyue also slowly thought about it, and then thought of a good idea, and looked at Ye Chen evilly.

"What the **** do you want to do!"

Ye Chen looked at Nangong Songyue's eyes, and suddenly felt something was wrong, but the words had already been said, and Ye Chen couldn't take it back.

"Well, you'll know about this when you come with me."

"I tell you, I don't want to betray myself!"

Nangong Songyue's face turned red when she heard Ye Chen's words, but she immediately returned to her usual look.

"What are you thinking! Come on! Otherwise, you won't have to play!"

Listening to Nangong Songyue's urging, Ye Chen couldn't help but be pulled over by him.

"Why do you want Karma to do."

Ye Chen was dragged by Nangong Songyue to a place like a martial arts field, where the children of the Nangong family were trained, and there were also relatives who were as old as Nangong Songyue.

"Songyue, who did you bring? Why haven't I met him at Nangong's house!"

Listening to this man's question, Ye Chen slowly looked at him.

His tone was very disdainful just now, as if he was looking at something.

Ye Chen sneered in his heart, without speaking, he now wanted to know how Nangong Songyue wanted to solve this matter.

"Nangong Yun! What are you talking about here! This is a guest my father invited. You talk nonsense and be careful my father punishes you!"

Nangong Yun didn't pay attention to what Nangong Songyue had just said, only knowing that this man is likely to be his love rival.

Nangong Yun is the son of Nangong's second-in-command. He has been growing up with Nangong Songyue since he was a child, and then an unhealthy feeling unilaterally appeared here.

Now that Nangong Songyue was pulling Ye Chen so intimately, the jealous jar in her heart had already been turned over.

"Guest? You! Dare to challenge me!"

Ye Chen sneered after listening to Nangong Yun's words, and just now, Ye Chen had read all the body information of Nangong Yun.

The current Nangong Yun is the thirty-third level, and Zhao Manyang has some fights, but for Ye Chen now it is a small scum.

Ye Chen didn't answer, just because he didn't want to talk to him. After all, the difference in combat power would only make Ye Chen lose the price.

"Why don't you speak! Are you scared!"

Nangong Songyue watched Nangongyun Yang Zhan aloud to stop Nangongyun.

"Okay! Nangongyun, don't mess around! I didn't come to you when I brought him here!"

Listening to Nangong Songyue's words, Nangong Yun felt very uncomfortable and wanted to fight Ye Chen directly.

What he didn't know was that the Nangong Songyue organization was not protecting Ye Chen, but protecting him. If you fight with Ye Chen, then Nangong Yun will be abandoned!

"Okay, don't mess around!"

Nangong Songyue directly pushed Nangongyun aside, not wanting him to be in trouble.

"Okay! Nangong Songyue, I listen to you, but you! Dare to leave your name!"

Ye Chen chuckled as he listened to Nangong Yun's words.

"Why don't you dare! Just call me Ye Chen! You'd better remember this name, because you will soon be my defeated man."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Nangong Yun laughed directly.

"But you are going to laugh at me. You say that I am your defeated man, then dare you to fight a fight! I am afraid that I can't beat you on the ground with one punch!"

Ye Chen ignored this Nangong cloud and slowly looked at Nangong Songyue on the side.

"What did you want me to do just now."

The anxious look hung on her face and never disappeared. Following Ye Chen's question, Nangong Songyue also recovered.

"I just want to see what your flame cloak looked like at that time, but I didn't expect this to happen, sorry!"

Listening to Nangong Songyue's words, Ye Chen nodded slowly.

"I know, it doesn't matter if this happens, I will be able to deal with it soon."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Nangong Songyue reacted instantly, Ye Chen wanted to fight Nangong Yun.

Then it will be troublesome.

"Can Ye Chen not fight?"

Listening to Nangong Songyue's inquiry, Ye Chen snorted towards Nangongyun and motioned her to look at Nangongyun.

First of all, he must not mess around!

At this moment, everyone who was practicing martial arts also gathered around.

But they were all from the Nangong family, and naturally no one cheered Ye Chen on.

There is one, that is Nangong Songyue, even though it is very quiet, Ye Chen heard it.

Listening to Nangong Songyue's words, Ye Chen turned his head slowly and smiled at her.

"Brother Yun! I am optimistic about you if you can beat him!"

"Brother Yun taught him a lesson!"

Nangong Yun listened to the shouts of the surroundings, smiled slightly, and nodded gently to the surroundings.

"Don't worry! I will definitely not shame the Nangong family!"

Following Nangongyun's words, the surrounding atmosphere reached its peak, and even people outside the martial arts field were attracted by the shout.

"How, what happened!"

"This Nangong Yun seems to be duel with someone outside."

"What Nangong Yun! Isn't he the genius boy of our Nangong family, he has been cultivated to level 33 at a young age."

"In the future, it is very likely to hit level 50!"

"Yeah! I really don't know who is going to fight him. Isn't that too long?!"

There were more and more people around, and then Nangong Hongyun came, but he did not come forward, and directly ordered Jia Ding to separate the crowd from the side, so that everyone would not be affected by the aftermath of the battle.

With Jiading's intervention, the venues of Ye Chen and Nangong Yun were also much larger.

Ye Chen looked at Nangong Yun contemptuously, and didn't mean to do it at all. He was waiting for Nangong Yun to do it first, otherwise it would be over before the fight started, that would be no fun.

When Nangong Hongyun first came, he saw Ye Chen, but didn't see Nangong Yun. At this time, he wanted to talk to Nangong Yun and it was over.

I can only sigh constantly here.

Their Nangong family has such a good talent, and now he can only hope that Nangongyun will not be seriously injured by Ye Chen.

If he hurts the foundation, he will be like this for the rest of his life, and he can no longer be diligent.

"I hope Young Master Ye can be merciful."

Now Nangong Hongyun is still very strange, why Ye Chen ran to the martial arts field just after he didn't care.

Just when Nangong Hongyun was puzzled, he suddenly saw Nangong Songyue planted in the crowd.

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