Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1058: Overnight stay

So that's why Ning Jinyao will always stay in the house and don't go out to walk around.

"Good for me."

Ye Chen also knew what Ning Jinyao wanted to do, just took off his clothes, and now both of them were a little tired after the tumult just now.

Since Ye Chen said to stay, Ning Jinyao was unwilling to drive him away again.

Ye Chen heard the voice behind him, suddenly regretted a little.

Although it's good to stay here by yourself, if Zhao Manyang and Xiao Yan see that they haven't left, then it will be over.

"But I agreed."

There is no way, Ye Chen can only continue to wait there, in fact, he is also the kind of person who keeps his promise very much.

Since I agreed, it's not easy to leave, right?

"Ye Chen, I'm all right."

Hearing Ning Jinyao's voice, Ye Chen slowly turned around and smiled at her.

I saw Ning Jinyao shrunk in the bed and only leaked a small head, her big eyes blinked, looking very well-behaved.

But Ye Chen, who knew her thoughts, was the first time to see Ning Jinyao's look.


Ye Chen opened his mouth. After tangled in his heart for a while, Ye Chen still didn't say anything.

"You, do you want to come in."

Ning Jin moved aside and gave Ye Chen a seat.

Ye Chen sighed gently and walked over.

"Then I will accompany you to sleep for one night, and I will leave tomorrow morning, otherwise it would be hard to say if Man Yang and Xiao Yan see it."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Ning Jinyao nodded gently.

"Okay, then you can leave tomorrow, it's already so late."

Ye Chen listened to Ning Jinyao's words and looked towards the sky outside, only to see that the sky had completely darkened and a bright moon was hanging in the sky.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly, now he also calmed down, and he also had a calculation in his heart.

"You just want me to stay here until night."

Ning Jinyao looked at the look on Ye Chen's face and nodded gently at him, as if he could see what Ye Chen was thinking.

"What's wrong, Ye Chen is coming soon."

Ye Chen looked at Ning Jinyao's smile there, and suddenly a strong sense of crisis appeared in his heart.

But despite this feeling, we Ye Chen are the kind of people who will run away right away, and we got out of the clothes and got directly into the bed.

The clothes inside Ye Chen never dared to take off at that time, otherwise there would be nothing to excuse if he was really caught.

The smile on Ning Jinyao's face when she looked at Ye Chen next to her grew stronger.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly at Ning Jinyao, and moved to the side.

"Well, Jin Yao, let's sleep now, OK?"


Although Ning Jinyao agreed to Ye Chen, she didn't make any movements in her hands, so it could be said that she was still staring at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was staring at her and felt uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to sleep if I don't make trouble with you."

Ning Jinyao looked at Ye Chen's Yang Zhan, smiled slightly, and went directly into the bed.

Ye Chen looked at Ning Jinyao's movements, and his face also showed a sense of relief.

"Finally went to bed, then I will go to bed now."

Ye Chen thought this way, lay down, and slowly fell asleep.

As soon as Ye Chen lay down, he heard the sound of someone moving from the side.

Then Ye Chen felt that his arm had encountered something soft.

"what is this?"

Ye Chen opened his eyes suspiciously, and suddenly saw Ning Jinyao's face close at hand.

Ye Chen was taken aback, but because he was lying down, he didn't make much movement.

Ning Jinyao opened her big eyes and looked at Ye Chen quietly.

"Well, Jin Yao, go to bed first, and I will stay with you all night. I will leave tomorrow."

Ning Jinyao nodded gently, but still didn't say a word. Ye Chen looked at Ning Jinyao for a while and found that she hadn't done anything but just stared at herself and just ignored it, and closed her eyes again.

But the voice appeared again after closing his eyes, and Ye Chen's arm was directly pressed by Ning Jinyao.

Ye Chen forced to open his eyes again.

"Jin Yao, what do you want to do, I want to sleep."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Ning Jinyao pretended to think.

"Ye Chen, I want you to hold me to sleep."

Ye Chen was taken aback by Ning Jinyao's words and sighed softly.

"You said you can make so many moths just by sleeping."

"Fine, just put your arms around you, just let me sleep."

Ye Chen stretched out his arm directly, and let Ning Jinyao fool around at will.

Then Ye Chen fell asleep deeply.


"What am I?"

Ye Chen woke up and found that this was not the roof of Nangong Songyue's house. He looked around a little strangely.

"Right! Why did I forget that I didn't sleep at Nangong's house at all yesterday."

Ye Chen looked at Ning Jinyao who was lying on his arm, smiled bitterly and shook his head gently.

For him, Ning Jinyao was probably the first time he was so bold after coming here.

Looking at Ning Jinyao who was sleeping there, Ye Chen couldn't bear to wake her up for a while.

"Want to sleep again?"

This idea was directly rejected by Ye Chen as soon as it appeared.

"No, if you stay longer, something will definitely happen. If Zhao Manyang and Xiao Yan come, no, no!"

Ye Chen thought of this and moved quickly. After he was dressed neatly, a layer of sweat appeared on his face, and he didn't know if he was scared or tired.

"It looks like I'm sleeping soundly, it's good for me to be by your side."

Ye Chen stood at the door watching Ning Jinyao who was still sleeping, shook his head slowly, and walked out.

As soon as Ye Chen left here, Ning Jinyao, who was lying on the bed, opened her eyes. Seeing Ye Chen who should have been sleeping in front of her, she had already left, and she couldn't help feeling melancholy.

Slowly moved his body, and came to Ye Chen's position to feel the temperature he left behind.

In fact, Ning Jinyao was already awake when Ye Chen put on his clothes, but in order to let him leave with peace of mind, Ning Jinyao didn't make any noise.

"I don't know when we will see you next time."

In fact, what Ning Jinyao didn't know was that because Ye Chen's mission had not been completed, he would definitely come and report the **** to her again.

But Ning Jinyao didn't know, he was just melancholy.

Ning Jinyao touched the pillow and shook her head slowly, not allowing herself to think about it again.

"I will wait for you to come back."

Ye Chen, who was walking on the small road leaving Zhao's house, turned his head slowly as if he had heard something, and smiled there.

"Jin Yao is already awake, I hope I leave this way will not make her too sad, anyway, I will be back in two days, don't worry."

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