"Listen to you, that person is really old Xu!"

Zhao Gaoyi was stunned after hearing what Ye Chen said, and slowly looked over.

"Don't you know? Mr. Xu told me before that I saw you there."

Ye Chen realized it at this time, because Guan Shi was ordered by Zhao Gaoyi to pass, so he is not actually a spy.

The real spy is that the person who ordered him is also Zhao Gaoyi.

Ye Chen nodded gently.

"In that case, don't care about that much, you can just finish it with me, don't talk about it one by one."

"Oh, you know now, if I say it now, I'm afraid my identity will be exposed."

Ye Chen nodded lightly, but calculated in his heart.

Now this matter must be said, but it would be good to just say this to Ning Jinyao, so that he can complete the task, and he himself said this to Ning Jinyao.

Then I told her not to tell her.

Ye Chen nodded lightly, ready to do so.

"Okay, now you have made it clear to me, so if you want me to help you also pay attention, but your way of approaching Nangong's house is really amazing."

"It turned out to be someone from my own family to be an insider."

"Then what was going on with you at that time."

Zhao Gaoyi shook his head slowly.

"You have to know that I got Ning Jinyao and her family waiting for me to tell me, this thing is a pediatrics."

Ye Chen nodded lightly. There is indeed such a spell that can make people mistake another object.

"But I didn't expect you to fool me."

Zhao Gaoyi couldn't help but blush when he heard what Ye Chen said. In fact, he was lying there in the morning, just to fool Ye Chen and let him know how good he was.

Zhao Gaoyi saw Ye Chen still wanting to go deeper, so he quickly stopped him.

"Okay, okay, Ye Chen doesn't care about anything else now, is it true that you just said you wanted to find Nangong Blue Wind for me?"

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Gaoyi's words and nodded gently.

"I said, since you will do it, don't worry."


Zhao Gaoyi was also puzzled by Ye Chen's words.

"But what? If Ye Gongzi asks for anything, don't hesitate to mention it."

Ye Chen smiled slightly as he listened to Zhao Gaoyi's words.

"That's what you are waiting for."

"Then Patriarch Zhao, please give me the half scroll just now."

Zhao Gaoyi was stunned and nodded gently.

Who made him just boast about going to Haikou?

"Okay, please tell me directly if you have any news from Young Master Ye."

"This is natural, but how are you going to deal with this matter between yourself and Nangong's family."

Zhao Gaoyi sighed softly.

"Now I can only take a step and take a look. Actually, I hope I can find information about Blue Wind at Nangong's house."

Ye Chen shook his head slowly.

"Okay, I'm leaving, I will keep this secret for you."

Ye Chen said it again and shook the scroll in his hand.

"Young Master Ye, I hope you can tell me if you have news."

Ye Chen nodded and walked out directly.

After coming out, Ye Chen put away the scroll, although Ye Chen wanted to see if this was the other half of the map he had, but it was a bit wrong to open it like this.

Ye Chen also held back his thoughts.

"Okay, that's it, let's see how Xiao Yan is going first."

"I just heard that the two of them went to Ning Jinyao together."

"It should be fine."

Ye Chen looked outside and everyone left. In fact, although everyone was a little worried, everyone knew that Ye Chen was very powerful, so after Ye Chen gave the order, everyone left here.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to, let's go to Jin Yao's place first, and finish the task by the way."

Ye Chen went directly to Ning Jinyao.


Five people are here now, plus Ye Chen, a total of seven people.

Ye Chen heard the conversation inside as soon as he came here.

"Nangong Yun, so do you Nangong family still want to oppose Zhao family?"

Nangongyun cried and laughed while listening to Ning Jinyao's words.

"Madam, our line is not the Patriarch, you have to ask Song Yue about this!"

Nangong Songyue heard Nangong Yun's words and almost didn't shout out loud.

"If you ask me, I can't say anything! My father doesn't listen to me."

"I will tell you about his plan at most, and let you be prepared."

Listening to Nangong Songyue's words, Ning Jinyao was not prepared to say anything.

"Ye Chen is here!"

When Ning Jinyao stopped talking, Ye Chen suddenly came out from the side, and everyone looked there in surprise.

"Brother Ye Chen!"

"Brother Ye!"

Ye Chen smiled slightly at several people.

"I'm back. I have found out what happened just now and it was just a misunderstanding."

Everyone was stunned listening to Ye Chen's words.

"Does the misunderstanding make Zhao Hu work so hard?"

But this was just thinking about it, and everyone didn't say it. Although there were some doubts, Ye Chen should be able to answer it.

"How is Ye Chen's thoughts?"

Ning Jinyao looked at Ye Chen playfully, as if he had already seen him, Ye Chen was uncomfortable being seen by Ning Jinyao.

Coughed slightly.

"Thinking you mean, are you talking about this now?"

Ning Jinyao nodded gently, but everyone did not speak, quietly watching the two of them talk there.

"Ye Chen, you should have heard something, so what's your opinion?"

"Unexpectedly, Ning Jinyao felt that I was eavesdropping?"

Thinking of this Ye Chen smiled bitterly.

"I have also contacted Nangong Hongyun. It can be said that he is a man who does not scramble for his own ends. Songyue is indeed right. No one can interfere with his decision."

"anything else?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Ning Jinyao suddenly felt that what he said turned out to be a little more than he knew.

"Also, there is more!?"

Ye Chen was stunned there.

"What else do I have! I made up these things."

Ye Chen looked at the few people in front of him, looking at himself expectantly, and he couldn't help but think.

"Also, don't touch the hole at Nangong's house at all."

Ye Chen's words directly aroused Nangong Yun.

Nangongyun became interested in this topic, and Ye Chen watched him talking about the Nangong cave.

In fact, those things, there are no traces of treasures in them, and it is difficult for people who enter it to come out again.

"It seems that what we heard from Ye Chen at that time was correct."

Listening to Nangongyun's explanation, Ning Jinyao nodded gently, and talked about his own opinions, but now the atmosphere among the few people has become a little serious.

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