Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1082: Tree spirits help

"In my opinion, this world is actually a bit strange, but there is light underground."

Ye Chen also learned the tree spirit, only half of his words, Ye Chen tasted it carefully, and found that speaking like this is really a bit of a superior feeling.

"I approve of your answer, you continue to ask outsiders."

"Should I continue to ask."

Ye Chen pondered again. Judging from the conversation just now, this tree spirit's brain circuit is very problematic, but there is nothing to say about the question it asked.

"What should I ask now?"

Ye Chen thought in his heart, he hit the idea of ​​the person just now again.

In fact, Ye Chen thought that this person was Xiao Yan just now, because the tree spirit said that this person had been here before they arrived.

"Is it really?"

In order to confirm his guess, Ye Chen had to start asking about this person's information again.

"Then this person came to exchange information with you?"

Listening to Ye Chen's inquiry, the tree spirit sighed slightly this time.

"The person you are asking about is not here alone. There is an extremely terrifying existence behind her, so she doesn't need to exchange information with me."

Ye Chen nodded gently.

There was another piece of information in his mind, and this was something that Zhao Manyang had said before Ye Chen suddenly remembered.

That was Xiao Yan seemed to be sucked in. Does that mean that someone below needs something from Xiao Yan.

"No! Ye Chen suddenly caught a faint light, this is a clue that he found Xiao Yan."

"go ahead."

Ye Chen didn't procrastinate this time, he finally thought of what to ask.

Ye Chen almost forgot that Xiao Yan was a descendant of the Dragon Clan.

"Next time you should be able to determine whether this person is a researcher or not."

"Outsiders, I have no more questions to ask, and you have one last chance to ask."

Ye Chen nodded softly as he listened to the tree spirit's words.

He didn't think about anything this time, slowly raised his head, and looked firmly at the tree spirit in front of him.

"Does the person who was arrested has the blood of the dragon clan?"

Hearing the words that the tree spirit sang was stunned, but it was still very professional. Although it was shocked, it answered Ye Chen's question honestly.

"Yes, that girl does have the blood of the dragon clan on her body. Even I am wondering why her blood came to our underground world."

Hearing what the tree spirit said, Nangong Songyue and Ye Chen sighed. Since it said that this person is a girl and has dragon blood, it must be Xiao Yan.

"Are you here to find her?"

Listening to the words of the tree spirit, Ye Chen nodded gently, because now there was no reason to hide this matter.

Ye Chen didn't hide anything.

"Yes, we came down to find her. On the ground, she was suddenly sucked into a hole in the ground. Didn't you expect to be taken away by someone?"

The tree spirit sighed gently listening to Ye Chen's words.

"I advise you to stop trying to save this girl."

Ye Chen listened to the tree spirit and looked at it suspiciously.

"What do you mean by this."

Nangong Songyue also walked over at this time, and now there was nothing to be afraid of. Now that they had information about Xiao Yan, they had a goal.

"That guy can't deal with it at all, but I don't know why he suddenly stares at your friend."

"Unexpectedly, there are things you don't know!"

The tree spirit sighed gently, as if he wanted to use this to scare Ye Chen away from here.

The tone of speech became gloomy.

How could Ye Chen be frightened casually because of this thing.

"Okay, you don't need to tell me. Since I'm down, I must save her."

"Outsiders, I hope you can return home in triumph."

Ye Chen smiled slightly when he heard the words of the tree spirit, and nodded gently.

"Okay, I see, by the way, I have two more questions to ask you before I leave."

I don't know what's going on, after confirming that I was going to crusade that person, the tree spirit's words softened and became more talkative.

"Outsiders, you can ask."

The tree spirit didn't say anything else, just waiting for Ye Chen's question.

"I want to know how to get out here, and I want to go out of this forest to find them."

After listening to Ye Chen's question, the tree spirit groaned and sighed softly.

"So, what do you think, outsiders, do you really want to go?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly and did not speak.

Nangong Songyue pulled Ye Chen's clothes corner, wanting to talk to him.

"What are you trying to say."

Hearing Ye Chen's question, Nangong Songyue sighed softly.

"Ye Chen, let's not entangle with it anymore, otherwise we probably won't have too much time."

Ye Chen also knew that it was an emergency, and Xiao Yan didn't seem to have the ability to resist that person. If that were the case, Xiao Yan would really be in trouble.

"No hurry, let's ask first, so we will have some confidence when we leave afterwards."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Nangong Songyue nodded gently and said nothing.

"I see, foreign workers, I will answer your questions."

I don't know what's going on, Ye Chen actually has a feeling of standing on the same front with this tree spirit.

"Outsider, how did you get in here."

Ye Chen slowly waved his hand as he listened to the tree spirit's words, and pointed to the sky.

"I came down directly from above."

"Did you break that barrier!"

Hearing that Ye Chen had come down from above, the tree spirit was directly excited.

Ye Chen sighed softly as he listened to what the tree spirit said.

Although I don't know why it is so excited, but afterwards, I must ask myself something again.

But now I am really in a hurry! Xiao Yan still needs to save it by himself!

"Stop it! Let's not talk about it, I did break the barrier, can you get rid of this thing about me first."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the tree spirit also realized something and coughed slightly.

"Okay, outsider, let me show you the way next!"

Ye Chen nodded softly after listening to the tree spirit's words, and stepped aside.

"Let me come now."

Suddenly two branches that looked like palms stretched out from both sides of the tree spirit, and took a stick from his own branch.

Ye Chen looked at this stick questioningly. He knew it was useful, but he didn't know how to use it.

A faint green light flashed on the stick.

"Ye Chen, is this reliable?"

Ye Chen sighed gently.

"We have no other choice."

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