Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1157: outside world

In fact, this idea of ​​Li Yuhang is completely an illusion. You must know that since you have signed a contract with Ye Chen, how could he let you die like this for no reason.

Ye Chen sighed slowly, then looked at Li Yuhang in front of him.

Seeing that he seemed to be thinking about something, he walked over slowly and woke it up.

"Li Yuhang, what do you think."

Now that Nangong Songyue and Xiao Yan were not here, Ye Chen called his name directly.

But Li Yuhang didn't know that Baqiao actually signed a contract with Ye Chen, otherwise he would definitely panic even more.

However, Baqiao's contract was actually completely cancelled when she was possessed by the blood demon.

It can be said that what Ye Chen signed with her was a spiritual and soul contract.

But her soul has been directly replaced by the blood demon as nourishment, so the contract with her will naturally disappear.

In fact, it was a contract, but Ye Chen didn't have any compulsory conditions, and even one aspect was easier to implement than those contracts.

Because of this, it means that you can communicate with Ye Chen directly, and it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

Li Yuhang stared at Ye Chen blankly, as if he hadn't come out of his thoughts yet.

"What's wrong, what are you thinking about here."

Listening to Ye Chen's questioning, Li Yuhang coughed slightly and turned his head slowly.

"No, I didn't think about anything."

Ye Chen looked at Li Yuhang suspiciously. He knew that Li Yuhang must be hiding something from him, but he was not the kind of person who asked questions, since he didn't want to say it, then don't say it.

Anyway, it would not harm Ye Chen's own interests.

"Let's go, let's go and see wherever we go, if we miss something weird, it won't be good."

Li Yuhang slowly looked at the always portal.

Seeing that the teleportation array there was already turned on, Li Yuhang sighed softly. He began to know how much star power it would take to start this guy. At that time, he almost got himself in in order to turn on this thing.

It wasn't that it had only two magic rings at that time. Now there are five. In fact, there are not so many things.

If you really want to use star power to wait for me, it will be enough to use his.

In this way, Li Yuhang followed Ye Chen slowly towards that side, only to see Xiao Yan and a few people studying this thing here.

"Brother Ye Chen, you are here."

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and nodded gently.

"Since the teleportation array has been opened, then I will first go to this portal to have a look."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone looked over with concern, because if Ye Chen really wanted to go in, he must be fully prepared.

Because it's too dangerous to simply go in like this.

Ye Chen looked at everyone like this quietly, and slowly shook his head.

"I naturally have a way. Just wait for me here."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he didn't have a chance to speak to others, and walked in directly.

"Brother Ye Chen!"

"Ye Chen!"

Everyone just watched Ye Chen's figure slowly disappearing into the portal, but there was nothing they could do.

Xiao Yan sighed softly, and sat down desperately.

"Well, you don't have to worry about anything, I will naturally have a way to get there later.

Listening to Li Yuhang's words, Xiao Yan looked over slowly.

I found that Li Yuhang didn't seem to panic.

"How do you know that Brother Ye Chen will be fine and wait for me."

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Li Yuhang slowly shook his head and did not speak. Ye Chen had told him about this before, so he was not very concerned about this.

A white light flashed in front of Ye Chen's eyes, and then Ye Chen felt that he had lost consciousness.

Ye Chen didn't know how long it had passed before he woke up slowly in a forest.

Ye Chen looked at this unfamiliar environment and felt the surroundings for a while, and he found that there was no aura of confiscated here.

"It's strange, where did I come from."

Ye Chen stood up slowly, and just wanted to see if there was someone around him, Ye Chen had to ask what exactly it was.

Before Ye Chen moved his feet, he felt that his spiritual sense actually felt someone approaching.

Ye Chen frowned slightly, and then looked at the portal in front of him. Ye Chen can leave here, but for this big guy, if something goes wrong, they won't be able to get through.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen sighed gently, then hid behind this portal, observing the slowly approaching figure.

In Ye Chen's spiritual sense, this person didn't have a face, and this made Ye Chen very puzzled.

"Could it be that there is no other treasure on this guy's body."

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's heart had already begun to think about it.

You must know that this treasure that can be shielded and detected is not something ordinary people can get, especially Ye Chen's divine sense. If Ye Chen's divine sense were not more powerful, then it would actually have been blocked.

When Ye Chen was thinking, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ye Chen frowned slightly when he looked at this person.

The person who came here is a young girl, and her dress must be the kind of wealthy family, and she still has a touch of coercion.

"This looks like a rich kid, this luxurious outfit."

Ye Chen was surprised in his heart, and slowly sighed. If it's okay in that world, it can be said that he came alone in this world.

If Ye Chen didn't have any preparations when he came to this world, he would definitely not fall to this point.

Ye Chen sighed softly, the girl wore a veil on her face, Ye Chen couldn't see her face for a while.

I saw that girl slowly walked over with a bunch of flowers and placed it at the portal in front of Ye Chen.

"I came to see you again."

The girl's voice was very gentle, making Ye Chen feel like a spring breeze.

"What is happening."

The girl suddenly discovered that this thing had been activated.

Then he became vigilant. In the girl's memory, this thing hadn't been activated for 300 years.

Then what is the thing that came this time?

Ye Chen also felt the girl's movements, but it was not time to go out yet.

At this moment, a middle-aged man's shout came from the woods beside him.

"Yun Lan! Where are you Yun Lan!"

The girl also heard the man's shouting, and yelled directly there.

"I am here, father!"

After Yun Lan shouted, a footstep quickly approached. Fantasy: Invincible starting from the egg, the latest chapter address: starting from the egg invincible full text reading address: Invincible starting from the egg txt download address: starting from the egg invincible mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 157 The Outer World), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Fantasy: Invincible from the Egg", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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