Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1171: Ye Chen's Opportunity

Ye Chen nodded gently, and did not speak any more.

Because he knew Donggong Yiming, he must have his own ideas.

It is best to remain silent now.

When Ye Chen was thinking, Donggong Yiming slowly turned his head and looked at Ye Chen.

"Is the Donggong family now in the lower realm?"

Ye Chen listened to Donggong Yiming's words and nodded gently.

"Yes, but I don't know what to post during the period. After I walked through the portal, that's it."

Dong Gong Yiming nodded softly. Although this incident made him feel uncomfortable, it still interfered with his judgment.

Ye Chen looked at Donggong Yiming in front of him quietly and didn't say anything, just looked at him quietly.

"Ye Chen, what else do you know, can you tell me about it?"

Ye Chen nodded gently.

"It's okay to talk about things, but I really don't know about this Donggong family, but recently there is a family from the lower realm who wants to marry your Donggong family."

Donggong Yiming frowned upon hearing Ye Chen's words.

"Which family of the lower world is this, do I know?"

Listening to Donggong Yiming's words, Ye Chen slowly shook his head.

"I don't think you know, because this family probably hasn't reached the level of 300 years."

"Three hundred years?"

Donggong Yiming caught the time in Ye Chen's words and asked him suspiciously.

Ye Chen nodded gently.

"I thought you knew, that's right, this is the world three hundred years from now."

Dong Gong Yiming nodded softly.

"It seems that when I left Donggong's house, a lot of things happened here."

Donggong Yiming sighed.

He just found out that he seemed to know too little about the current situation.

"Ye Chen, can you tell me something about what happened in 300 years?"

Ye Chen was also stupid listening to Donggong Yiming's words.

Because it hasn't been a year since he came here, how would he know this?

Ye Chen coughed slightly and looked at Donggong Yiming in front of him.

"If you ask me this, I really don't know how to say it. You should have noticed that the world has changed a lot."

Donggong Yiming nodded lightly, which was indeed the same as Ye Chen's words. Just now, he glanced at the outside world through this sword. In his feeling, the outside star power was obviously weaker.

And the barrier of the upper realm seems to be easier to break through.

"Unexpectedly, only three hundred years ago, this world turned out to be like this."

"What are you going to do now."

Ye Chen asked Donggong Yiming slowly, wondering what he wanted Ye Chen to do now.

Listening to Ye Chen's question, Donggong Yiming sighed softly.

"I want to get rid of you one thing."

Ye Chen listened to Donggong Yiming's words and nodded gently.

"This is fine, you can just tell me directly, the relationship between the two of us doesn't need to be so polite."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Donggong Yiming smiled at him and nodded gently.

"If you say that, then I won't say anything more."

"I just want you to help the Donggong family. In the name of my Donggong Yiming, I ask you to help the Donggong family."

Ye Chen listened to Donggong Yiming's words and nodded gently, then slowly stood up.

"Don't worry, since I have learned Promise Swordsmanship, I am now half of the Donggong family, and I am very sorry to see the family encounter such a thing."

Donggong Yiming listened to Ye Chen's words and shook his head slowly.

"Before I left, there were actually several strong people in Donggong's family. They couldn't be unprotected for 300 years."

Something must have happened to the Donggong family.

Listening to Donggong Yiming's words, Ye Chen nodded gently.

"I know what you mean, and I will investigate it slowly."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Dong Gong Yiming nodded gently.

"Well, in exchange, I will teach you deeper things about the Promise Sword Technique."

Ye Chen nodded heavily as he listened to Donggong Yiming's words.

"I know, leave the rest to me."

Donggong Yiming didn't speak, and watched Ye Chen leave here.

As Ye Chen slowly left here, the world in this sword also fell into calm, and Donggong Yiming's figure also slowly dissipated in this world, and once again merged with Baiwu Sword.


Ye Chen outside slowly opened his eyes. Although his swordsmanship did not grow too much, he received a shocking news.

Donggong Yiming is still alive.

Now Ye Chen felt an unreal feeling for a while, but he did enter the space of Bai Wujian just now.

Just as Ye Chen was thinking about it, he suddenly found that the sky outside had slowly lit up.

"This, it shouldn't take long for me to go in, why it's dawn."

Although Ye Chen didn't seem to sleep all night, in his feelings, he was not tired at all.

"This is too strange."

Ye Chen thought this way, and suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

"Here! Who is here so early!"

Ye Chen opened the door and saw that it was Xiao Yan as expected.

Ye Chen yawned. In fact, Ye Chen was not sleepy. This was just made for Xiao Yan.

Listening to Ye Chen's question, Xiao Yan slowly walked into Ye Chen's house and closed the door.

Standing at the door, Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yan suspiciously, not knowing what she wanted to do.

"Yan'er, why did you come to me so early in the morning."

"I just don't know how to sleep, I want to come over and take a look."


Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan waiting for me, and realized that he really couldn't find any rebuttal words, so he didn't refute it.

"Then, how do you say this, Ye Chen, you were willing to leave just now, do I leave directly like this."

Ye Chen sighed softly and sat on the bed.

"Yan'er, you just come to me like this, is there anything you want to ask me?"

Listening to Ye Chen's question, Xiao Yan slowly shook his head.

"Brother Ye Chen, what are you thinking about, how could I do such a thing, I just want to come and see."

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen sighed softly.

"If this is the case, then you can watch it, but you must be careful, don't run around, I want to take a break."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan nodded gently.

"I know Brother Ye Chen, just go to sleep, I will leave later."

Ye Chen nodded gently.

"I see, you don't have to call me when you go out."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan nodded gently, knowing that he was about to rest, so there was no more sound. Fantasy: Invincible starting from the egg, the latest chapter address: Fantasy: starting from the egg invincible full text reading address: starting from the egg invincible txt download address: starting from the egg invincible mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (one hundred and seventy-first Zhang Yechen's opportunity) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Fantasy: Invincible from the Egg", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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