Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1275: Enter the roadway

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Gong Yueting nodded gently.

"Let me just say, Ye Chen, you will definitely not forget us. After all, we are all born to death."

Ye Chen watched, Gong Yueting's eyes smiled bitterly, and nodded to her.

Then he began to think quickly in his mind.

Because Ye Chen really didn't have any memories, Ye Chen really didn't know what he said suddenly.

"Born to death, born to death, who is it?"

The relationship between the person who can say this at this time and me is definitely not ordinary.

But thinking of this, Ye Chen was also puzzled.

Because he really didn't know what he got.

"Are you one of those people who came up from the crypt."

Today, Ye Chen's questioning Gong Yueting was stunned for a moment, and then nodded gently.

Although he felt very strange about Ye Chen's questioning method, he still answered his thoughts.

"Did you forget us."

listen. Gong Yueting just answered, Ye Chen also had a bottom line in his heart, and now he began to gradually remember what happened at that time.

"It is impossible, how could I forget you."

Listening to Ye Chen's words. Gong Yueting nodded suspiciously.

Then began to wait for Ye Chen's words.

"Why did you come here to live? Aren't you at Nangong's house?"

Because the news that Li Yuhang gave him before was that they were temporarily staying at Nangong's house, Ye Chen didn't know that they had found a village outside to live.

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Gong Yueting was puzzled, because it was not a secret thing for them to live here, but why didn't Ye Chen know?

"We have been talking about living here for some time, didn't Li Yuhang tell you?"

Ye Chen nodded lightly, and slowly looked at Gong Yueting.

"This Li Yuhang didn't tell me either."


Gong Yueting didn't know what to say for a while.

"Unexpectedly, Li Yuhang didn't even tell you this. What is going on?"

Ye Chen shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

"Has Li Yuhang come here? I saw him coming, but I still haven't found him yet."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Gong Yueting also thought about it.

In fact, what she thought was whether or not to let Ye Chen know the secret alleyway. After thinking for a while, she also came up with the answer.

"Li Yuhang is indeed here, he is in an alleyway, do you want to go see it?"

Ye Chen listened to Gong Yueting's words and slowly looked at the house on the side.

"You mean there are strange secret paths in these houses?"

Gong Yueting looked at Ye Chen in surprise, because he listened to Ye Chen's words, as if he was familiar with this place, he actually knew that the secret road here was in the house.

"Ye Chen, how did you know this? Did you come here before? Or did Li Yuhang already tell you this?"

Ye Chen listened to Gong Yueting's shocked words, coughed slightly, and shook his head slowly.

"Li Yuhang didn't tell me that I guessed it all."


Gong Yueting couldn't understand what Ye Chen said for a while, could this matter still be guessed?

"In fact, it's not a guess, I guessed it."

"Actually, this is not too difficult. Everything is quite speculative."

Ye Chen also talked to Gong Yueting about how he did it.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about that much, you quickly take me to find him."

Someone thought for a while, and suddenly found himself here and said to him, what is this for?

I'm here to find Li Yuhang now, so I have to ask him clearly. This is the correct way now.

Listening to Ye Chen's impatient words, Gong Yueting didn't say anything and nodded gently.

"Since you want to know now, follow me."

Afterwards, Gong Yueting took Ye Chen into the lane full of mysterious inscriptions.

"Unexpectedly, your stone actually has the effect of pattern divine consciousness."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Gong Yueting didn't say much.

"How come I am a little familiar with this?"

Looking at the inscriptions on both sides, Ye Chen said what he was thinking.

Ye Chen naturally came to the place where Li Yuhang had walked before, and the tunnel with the inscription of that department was also seen by Li Yuhang before.

But for Ye Chen, the inscription in this tunnel was a bit familiar.

Ye Chen didn't know where this feeling came from, but he just felt very familiar.

"Ye Chen, do you know what is written on this?"

His eyes slowly shook his head, indicating that he was actually not very clear, just a little familiar.

"I don't know much about what I really want to say."

"I just think these things are a bit familiar."

Gong Yueting sighed softly, he thought Ye Chen knew what was on it.

Ye Chen naturally saw the sigh of the little girl beside him.

But Ye Chen really couldn't help her.

"Let's go, let's go to Li Yuhang as soon as possible. I don't even understand this place now, so there is no need to talk about that much."

Ye Chen is really talking now, knowing how much information Li Yuhang is hiding from him.

"okay, I get it."

Gong Yueting Henan didn't say anything after saying a word, and kept rushing in the direction in front of her.

You admitted it, but didn't say anything, because this was exactly what he wanted.

Then a man and a woman continued to walk in this lane.

At this time, Li Yuhang also encountered a new danger.

That strange energy became restless the moment he saw Li Yuhang again.

The energy was not managed at all, and Li Yuhang rushed over in his current state.

Yuhang was already stunned there, but he still had a hint of resistance.

At the moment that idea appeared, Li Yuhang made him ferment instantly.

Because the first line is afraid that he will lose the idea of ​​resistance, so now that he has this idea, let him grow up quickly.

When the time comes, I can intervene in this idea to rush out here, at this time Li Yuhang has been surrounded by that strange energy.

But even though I was wronged by that energy, I didn't want to hurt him, so I just surrounded him.

"Sister Yun, where did you hear me?"

The banker yelled. But I didn't hear the sound from outside, I could only hear my own echo in this energy ball.

Seeing that there was really no hope of escape, Li Yuhang also calmed down. Fantasy: Starting from the egg invincible, the latest chapter address: Fantasy: starting from the egg invincible full text reading address: starting from the egg invincible txt download address: starting from the egg invincible mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (1275 Chapter enters the laneway) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Fantasy: Invincible from the Egg", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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