Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1436: Dispensable people

At this time, Murong Yun remembered again, the way the three of them surrounded Ye Chen together at that time, how chic it was at that time.

Where do you need to use Dao Formation now? But now if he doesn't use the formation method, he really can't restrict Ye Chen.

He didn't expect that Ye Chen could actually kill Pan Shan's big guy and the person who was Pan Shan's partner should be very angry.

Thinking of this, Murong Yun slowly shook his head, because he felt that this anger was also common sense, after all, his best partner was killed, who is not angry yet.

"I must rush to kill Ye Chen before him, otherwise he will definitely come and grab me when he is crazy."

Murong Yun seemed to have known what would happen already, so now he was also very anxious to rush over and compete with that person for the right to kill Ye Chen.

Now that Pan Shan is dead, in Murong Yun's feelings, he doesn't actually feel too much. After all, the relationship between this person and himself is not very good, and the two have not talked much at all.

It was just because they wanted to round up Ye Chen, so the two came to this place like this.

And because this assassin who occasionally got a gold medal, in fact, there are not many, now there are only five who come to round up Ye Chen.

Now Ye Chen has encountered three, the remaining two.

Murong Yun didn't know where he was, or whether he had encountered Ye Chen.

Now that Ye Chen has reached this point, it can be said that he has no place to escape. Because as long as you are gathering a wave of gold medal assassins.

Ye Chen definitely couldn't escape his palm at all, but Murong Yun didn't want to share another wave of his joy with others.

In his opinion, resources now have a way to get these things, so why should they call other helpers to share them with him?

Otherwise, at that time, there will be any disagreements like this time, Murong Yun will also have a very headache, it is better to do it alone, so that you can get what you want.

Looking at Ye Chen now, Murong Yun had already become something in his own pocket.

Because from his point of view, Ye Chen's strength is not at the same level as him at all, although he was frightened back because of his aura.

But no matter how you look at it now, there is no way to compare with yourself.

Because Murong Yun was not around when Ye Chen was fighting Pan Shan, he meant that he just knew that Ye Chen killed Pan Shan by some means.

Because before Murong Yun was there, he saw Ye Chen fighting with Pan Shan.

It can be said that at that time the Jian Qi displayed by Ye Chen was blocked by Pan Shan with an axe.

That is meaningless at all, because from his point of view, Ye Chen's attack did not cause any harm at all, and it could be blocked by Pan Shan, which shows that this sword aura is simply flashy.

From Murongyun's point of view, Ye Chen's current strength is not his opponent at all, and he can kill him there casually.

So at that time he relaxed his vigilance and left directly. But then Pan Shan, who was directly surprised by Ye Chen's performance, died directly in his hands.

Murong Yun hadn't reacted yet, even if he had died directly at that time, he felt very strange, did Ye Chen use some external force to complete this kill.

The more Murong Yun thought about it, the more sure he was thinking about what he was thinking, because he just felt that Ye Chen must have burnt the essence and blood in his body to have this kind of combat power.

But how can the menstrual blood in the body be burned at will? Ye Chen must be very weak now. In his opinion, this is a good time to attack Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, just wait, your death date is coming!"

Outside the window, Ye Chen walked into the house long ago, because he found that there was no one in the house, and he was not very good at investigating outside, so it would be better to go in and take a look.

When he came into the house, Ye Chen discovered the real weird place here.

In his opinion, the placement in this room is irrelevant, but some other things here are very intriguing.

Because there was a long sword stuck straight on the table, and Ye Chen couldn't pull it out even after that scene.

"Could it be that this is common, is he directly embedded with the table, or is it completely natural?"

Because Ye Chen also felt that he couldn't pull it out, this long sword was too weird. You must know how could he be blocked by such a wooden table with his own strength?

Ye Chen took a deep breath, not thinking, but turned to look at the spell and some strange symbols on the side wall.

After Ye Chen came in, he discovered that there were some other symbols on the wall. Ye Chen was also very puzzled, and wanted to completely crack the secret of this symbol, but no matter how he looked at it, Ye Chen couldn't find out what this symbol had.

"What on earth is this thing used for? Could this symbol be some ordinary characters?"

Because Ye Chen didn't find other fluctuations in the power of stars, it was not easy to speculate that this was an ordinary small formation. So he sighed softly and slowly looked elsewhere.

But there is nothing else to mention about these two weird places.

The others are very common decorations in the house, Ye Chen sighed lightly and then retreated out and started looking for other houses with lights on.

Because in Ye Cheng's thoughts, there are already so many weird places here, does it mean that there are so many things in other houses?

"Could it be that these lighted rooms also have the same strange sword as this strange sword, and the strange symbol on the wall?"

Ye Chen just wanted to go and explore, he suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if he was being stared at by something terrifying, he sank, his whole body trembled, and his hair stood up.

"Something or something is here!"

Ye Chen roared, and then searched in the divine sense to see where there was any suspicious person.

But no matter how Ye Chen probed, he didn't find any strange characters appearing in his divine consciousness.

"This is really weird. My feeling just now can't lie to me."

Ye Chen knew his own responsibility, and felt that because of his intuition, it was impossible for such a thing to happen.

"No, I must have been targeted by someone, but I can't find that person in the dark now."

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