Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1447: People's conversation

Ye Chen rubbed Xiao Yan's head and slowly looked at the people behind Xiao Yan.

"Unexpectedly, you are all here. It seems that there is nothing wrong with you. Why are you all gathered here."

Ye Chen looked at the few people here in confusion, it was strange that they made Ye Chen feel like they were all gathered here suddenly.

When this person was here, they all gathered around and talked to Ye Chen verbally.

"Ye Chen, what's going on outside now, did anyone from the Assassin Organization find you?"

Donggong Yunlan also asked at this time, because she was most concerned about this.

"Now the people of the Assassin organization have started chasing me outside."

"So now I feel that we should leave as soon as possible."

Ye Chen was very anxious, everyone was stunned and glanced at each other.

"Ye Chen, how is it! The strength of those outside the assassin organization."

Li Yuhang's focus is different from everyone else.

Ye Chen shook his head slowly.

"I don't think it's time to talk about this."

"Right now, the strength cannot be underestimated. If we match up, I don't think there will be a chance to escape at all."

"Now you still don't want to fight them."

"Now that they have occupied Los Angeles, I just went to Nangong Songyue."

"But halfway through, I met the resistance of the gold medal assassin."

Ye Chen sighed softly, this is also something that can't be helped.

"So sister Nangong Songyue didn't she come?"

Xiao Yan asked suddenly, Ye Chen was dumbfounded by Xiao Yan's questioning.

At this time, everyone understood what had happened, and there was a slight sense of sadness in the air.

"Well, we can't just be immersed in sadness forever."

"This is also my fault. I don't know how to explain it to the Nangong family."

"At that time, we met the gold medal assassin and there was no chance to escape."

Ye Chen sighed softly, now he still hasn't figured out how exactly Nangong Songyue disappeared.

"At that time, I never guessed that he would kidnap Nangong Songyue."

"After the battle was over, only one of her objects remained on the battlefield."

Zhao Manyang was also locked up listening to Ye Chen's words. He was wondering whether this company was just missing and was not killed by those people.

But he changed his mind again, he didn't even know what the battlefield was like at that time.

At this time, there is no right to comment at all.

"Ye Chen, don't be sad, Nangong Songyue may have already escaped."

"We have to think about it better, if he has returned to Los Angeles now, then nothing will happen."

"I hope so."

Ye Chen sighed softly. In fact, what he didn't know was that this Nangong Songyue was not real at all, but was just a dead soldier whose breath was shielded.

Really, Nangong Songyue is still in Los Angeles now.

"Ye Chen, were you tracked down when you came?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a while listening to Donggong Yunlan's words.

"How do you say this, if you are tracked, I can feel someone approaching me."

Donggong Yunlan was relieved at this moment listening to Ye Chen's words, came down, and nodded gently.

"I know, but I didn't expect them to be so cruel."

Ye Chen listened to Donggong Yunlan's words and nodded gently.

"In fact, wherever they went, as long as the people who resisted them were dead and dead."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone was puzzled by what these Assassins had done.

"What's the matter? Are they already attacking from Los Angeles?"

Zhao Manyang also became nervous at this time, after all, his family was there.

If something happens, his family will definitely bear the brunt.

"Yes, both the Zhao family and the Nangong family have been hit to varying degrees."

Ye Chen sighed softly, he didn't go on, because he felt that Zhao Manyang might not be able to bear it if he knew about this.

"Could they have entered the Zhao family?"

Ye Chen shook his head at this time.

"That's not true. They didn't enter Zhao's house, but they captured Ning Jinyao and Nangong Songyue."


Hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhao Manyang yelled. He really didn't expect Ning Jinyao to be taken away like this.

"How could our Zhao family's defense not be that bad!"

Ye Chen sighed gently and shook his head slowly towards Zhao Manyang.

"I also know, so I am also very surprised, why can they enter Zhao's house like no one?"

"And now there are some problems with the Nangong family. The Assassins have raised the big camp there, and I simply can't sneak in perfectly."

"And after I investigated, I discovered that they have all been erased now."

People are here, listening to Ye Chen's words, thinking about it, a person who can erase his memory, how high his strength should be.

"This seems very reasonable, and this is probably why neither the Zhao family nor the Nangong family can fight this person."

"Could it be that we just have nothing to do? Do you want to go to Los Angeles?"

Ye Chen shook his head. He had just returned from there, and he knew how tight the protection there was.

"No, we can't go there now. It can be said that as long as we are not there, the Assassins will not do anything."

"But once we pass, they will use those people to blackmail us and let us make choices that we shouldn't have made."

"I think the best way now is to get some news of our appearance in other cities, and they will rush out to round up us, so that Los Angeles will be safe."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone felt that this was indeed very useful.

"I think this looks good, this plan."

Yuhang was the first to announce his own thoughts, and everyone at this time also agreed. They thought about it and found that this was indeed a very safe method.

"But once we reveal our identity, what is waiting for us is the assassin organization coming out!"

"Everyone, are you ready?"

Ye Chen looked at the people here solemnly.

"Let's go to the place where the Ascension Battle is located first, I think you will understand the rest."

Ye Chen's words made everyone think about it. At this time, they also realized that they didn't seem to understand Ye Chen at all.

"If we want to protect our family, we must leave here as soon as possible."

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