Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1463: Retreat across the board

"Ye Chen, what's going on? These two people seem to be here to help us."

After Zhao Manyang came here, he couldn't help it, and asked directly.

Ye Chen nodded gently.

"They are our people now, but this comes at a price."

Donggong Yunlan also heard something in Ye Chen's words, and asked softly.

"They are indeed here to help us, but they seem to want me to ask some things in their sect, and I agreed."

"What! Ye Chen, why did you agree to them? You have to know that this time the past is likely to be a lot of misfortune, we don't know their details!"

Li Yuhang was also anxious at this time, but looking at Ye Chen's attitude now, it seemed that there was no other way.

"Oh, there is no way. I have decided. Since I have promised them, I must do it."

"You take Xiao Yan away first. I stay here, we are meeting in the Battle of Ascension, and you can bring Xiao Yan there safely."

"Wait until he wakes up and tell him about this. She will have a decision in her heart."

After Ye Chen finished his explanation, his heart also relaxed, and he nodded gently to the three of them.

Donggong Yunlan listened to Ye Chen's words and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Then what you mean is, will you rely on the four of us afterwards?"

Ye Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head slowly.

"That was not what I meant."

"I don't know where their sect is. If it's far away, then I won't be able to keep up with you."

At this time, the atmosphere on the battlefield was already tense, and Ye Chen made a decision in his heart.

"Well, you guys go quickly! Otherwise, it will be too late."

After speaking, Ye Chen handed Xiao Yan to Donggong Yunlan.

Li Yuhang wanted to say something, but looked at the few people who were about to start fighting. He also retracted his words.

Then Donggong Yunlan left here with Xiao Yan directly, and walked towards the inn.

Ye Chen looked at the backs of several people, and also let go of his heart.

Pan Shan looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him and snorted coldly.

His figure flashed, and he came to the front of Yun Hai in an instant.

A punch hit it directly.

Yun Hai watched this scene, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, he did not expect that the person in front of him would even be faster than himself.

"Compete with me, you are 10,000 years earlier!"

When Pan Shan heard what Yunhai said in front of him, he felt that something was wrong.

With a shock in his heart, he quickly evacuated to the back.

Suddenly he felt as if his eyes were dazzled, and then he saw the sea of ​​clouds where he was motionless and slowly retracting his sword.

Yunhai saw Pan Shan look over and smiled at him.

Only a stab was heard, and the clothes on Pan Shan's arm turned into cloth strips in an instant.

The fist he just made was also covered with sword marks.

Pan Shan was also very surprised. He felt that if the defense on his fist hadn't been higher, you might have already turned into muddy flesh.

Now he was thinking about what kind of power the two people in front of him were.

"What kind of people are you guys, we are organized by the assassins, don't you understand!"

Both Yun Hai and Lu Yu laughed loudly at this time.

"You are a gold medal assassin, dare to come, the lower realm is prestigious?"

Lu Yu spat and looked at the two people in front of him with disdain.

"I tell you, now you'd better leave as soon as possible, don't wait for a while, and regret it if you can't leave."

Duanmuliu and Lin Le were already rushing here at this time. As long as they wait a while, the two of them will not be able to leave.

Pan Shan was shocked when he heard Lu Yu's words in front of him. Just now, he also received news from the intelligence department of the Assassin organization.

There are also two guys with unusually strong auras, hurriedly approaching them.

Pan Shan looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him and clenched his fists.

He gritted his teeth and said to the two.

"This time you won, don't let me meet you next time! Ye Chen! Next time is your death date!"

Pan Shan snorted coldly and left here with all the remaining assassins.

Yun Hai snorted coldly looking at the people who were running away.

"Just the clown jumping beam, I only dared to run away."

Just after they left here, Duanmuliu and Lin Le came to them.

The two of them naturally saw Ye Chen standing behind.

"Why is Ye Chen here? You have just met him."

Duanmuliu and Lin Le hadn't reacted yet, they heard Lu Yu and Yunhai's words.

"Yeah! I told you that just now, Ye Chen, he was chased by people organized by these assassins, and then he met us."

Duanmuliu and Lin Le are still very strange now.

How did they convince Ye Chen to let him stay here.

"This, but how did you let Ye Chen stay here and those from the Assassins organization are simply vulnerable. If you use this to keep him here, I really admire you."

Lu Yu laughed loudly as he listened to Duanmu Liu's words.

"Unexpectedly, you really guessed it, because of this."

"Unexpectedly, who made us lucky?"

Duanmu Liu sighed softly, without saying anything.

Ye Chen also recognized this time, Duanmuliu and Lin Le.

Ye Chen watched this scene and sighed softly. He was still immersed in the absolute confrontation between the two just now.

Now he also knows that this is something that has already been planned.

"Why did the clan in that sect stare at me."

Ye Chen also had a doubt in his heart now.

"Ye Chen, long time no see."

Ye Chen smiled bitterly when listening to Duanmu Liu's words.

"Long time no see, have you already started looking for me?"

"At that time, did you go to Los Angeles to find my information?"

Duanmuliu nodded softly after listening to Ye Chen's words, and did not make any strange reactions.

"Yes, at that time I already got news from the Sect Master to look for you, but I didn't expect that at that time that person was actually the one we were looking for."

"So we missed it at that time, but it's not too late to meet it now."

Ye Chen sighed softly without saying anything.

It is considered to have joined now, and they naturally have to maintain a relationship with several people in their team.

But now Ye Chen was also very shocked.

Because the strength of these people is far beyond his imagination.

"If they are people in the lower realm, then it would be too bad."

Thinking of this, Ye Chen slowly shook his head. After all, they hadn't said their identities, so it's better not to guess randomly.

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