Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1505: Systematic evolution

"Beep! Please hurry the host to the system space."

Ye Chen frowned slightly as he listened to the system's prompt.

Then he entered the system in his mind.

"What happened to the system?"

Ye Chen stood in the hall, looking at the system with a big screen in front of him in confusion.

"The host continuous mission is about to start. Please make sure to start. After completing this mission, you will receive 50,000 merit points, and this is the final reward of the mission, and the small mission rewards are not counted in it.”

Ye Chen nodded softly as he listened to the system's words, and now he was also somewhat delighted, because he knew that he could finally return to his own world.

Ye Chen took a deep breath and directly opened the task interface of the system.

I saw that the very complicated and small tasks were still there, but now they have disappeared. Only one task with golden light is left, occupying all the space.

Ye Chen also had an idea in his heart.

"It looks like this should be the mission."

Ye Chen didn't hesitate at all, and directly clicked on the interface of this task.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed on this interface. The world of the entire system started to change slowly.

Ye Chen froze for a moment, he had never seen the system appear like this.

"System, what's the matter with this? Why did you shine?"

Hearing Ye Chen's call, the system also appeared immediately.

"Beep! Don't be nervous, the host, these are necessary processes for system updates."

Ye Chen, listening to the system's words, froze for a moment.

"System update? Is there anything else that needs to be updated in the system now?"

Ye Chen was naturally very puzzled, because he hadn't done anything to update the system.

"Could it be because of this chain task?"

Ye Chen just finished asking, he was determined in his heart, and nodded gently.

"After that, you will update the system with something good."

Ye Chen wasn't in a hurry anymore, waiting quietly for the completion of the system update, and just waiting to take advantage of it.

"This system update will perform various analyses on the host's current environment. It will also analyze your strength improvement."

"At that time, if the speed of your strength improvement is too slow, the system will help, so that your strength will be promoted more quickly."

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, he didn't think this would be helpful, but it would make his strength even more vain.

"After that, what else is there?"

Ye Chen took a deep breath and continued to inquire.

Naturally, Ye Chen wouldn't, thinking that the only benefit of renewal was this.

"The rest of the update content. It is still under confidentiality, please check it by the host at that time."

Ye Chen listened to the system's words, and was also puzzled.

"How far can you keep it secret?"

But Ye Chen knew this was hard to say, so he didn't ask too much.

"Okay, then you will update slowly."

Ye Chen directly withdrew from the system, and now he had other things to do, and he didn't have the energy to pay attention to the system anymore.

After Ye Chen withdrew from the system, he walked directly towards the city.

In one room, Fang Li and Xiong Le were reporting something to one person.

"What, you actually met Ye Chen at that time!"

The spirit wolf sitting in the first place was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Fang Li and Xiong Le in surprise.

The two nodded softly as they listened to Linglang's words.

"Yes, Brother Wolf, we did meet. Ye Chen who was wanted by the Assassin Organization."

At this time, the spirit wolf nodded gently. After coming here again with the organization, he naturally noticed this.

Not and they affected his subordinates, and they encountered Ye Chen written on the wanted order so soon.

"How about the strength of Ye Chen?"

Linglang asked the two people below softly, and now he knew nothing about Ye Chen's strength, so he naturally wanted to ask.

"This, Brother Wolf, we really can't beat him."

At this time, Fang Li also complained to the spirit wolf in front of her.

"Yes, Brother Wolf, you need to know that there are two fire-phoenix silver-sky monkeys in the forest. They were killed by a sword qi."

Listening to the words of the two, Linglang's eyes widened. He had seen the wanted order and naturally knew how powerful the people wanted by the Assassin Organization were.

It's just that he didn't expect Ye Chen to be so powerful.

"I didn't expect him to have such a strong strength. After saying that, if I want to take some action against him. It won't be troublesome."

Spirit wolves still have some power in this city. He naturally got the assassin organization's entrustment and wanted to take action against Ye Chen.

But only now did he know that after Ye Chen's true strength, he also fell into thinking.

"Forget it, now tell my brothers, don't shoot Ye Chen, our strength can't challenge him."

The moment the spirit wolf understood the situation, he chose to escape from this chaotic battlefield.

Because he knew that the strength of himself and his younger brother was definitely not enough, Ye Chen can deal with such a powerful monster so easily now, which shows that its strength is not low at all.

If you forcibly wade into this muddy water, you probably won't be able to come back.

Linglang sighed softly and looked at the two people who were still standing in front of him in confusion.

"Why are you two still standing here? Don't hurry down and inform them."

Fang Li and Xiong Le recovered at this time, and nodded gently to the spirit wolf in front of them.

"Ok, Brother Wolf, let's go now."

After speaking, the two ran out of here.

Linglang looked at the back of the two and sighed softly.

"Hey, although these two guys say they are lucky, they are really stupid."

Linglang knew very well in his heart that the two of them were probably going to find Ye Chen, so they saw his power.

But what he didn't expect was that the two of them had already appeared in front of Ye Chen, but Ye Chen didn't chase them, leaving them a way out.

If the spirit wolves knew, they must be lamenting their fate now.

Yiye Chen walked slowly on the road. He still doesn't know that some discussions about himself have spread in this city.

But even if Ye Chen knew, he wouldn't know too much. Because he has enough confidence in his own strength.

The three of them were in the Ascension Battle at this time, the outside field, where they were hanging out.

At this moment, a mysterious person suddenly came in front of the three of them.

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