Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1509: Ye Jun's persuasion

"In fact, we have discussed it among our family, it depends on what you think, Ye Chen."

"As long as it is your request, we will meet you. I just hope you can go to our family."

Ye Chen was stunned for a while listening to Ye Jun's words in front of him.

Because he didn't expect that the Ye family, who is so powerful among other populations, would have such an attitude.

Ye Chen frowned slightly, did not say anything, in his feelings, he always felt that this was a bit strange.

But if you ask him what is strange, he won't know.

"Well, I will carefully consider what you said."

Ye Jun seemed to know that he couldn't persuade for a while, so Ye Chen gave up and continued to talk to him.

"By the way, how did your Ye family find me here?"

Ye Jun listened to Ye Chen's question and shook his head slowly.

"Actually, I don't know too much, because I didn't get your news directly, but the elder in the family told me."

Ye Chen was also very puzzled at this time, because he knew that apart from the Assassin Organization in the Upper Realm, it was impossible for anyone else to know his surname Ye, and there were a lot of troubles.

Ye Chen also had guesses in his heart at this time, but he was still very uncertain. After all, no one can say this thing badly, why on earth.

"Okay, do you have a place to live?"

Ye Jun listened to Ye Chen's words and shook his head aggrievedly.

Ye Chen looked at Ye Jun and sighed softly.

"Then you can go back with me, the inn where I stayed, they should still have a room available, just arrange it for you then."

Ye Jun did not refuse, and quickly agreed to Ye Chen's words.

"Well, Ye Chen, I'll follow you first, anyway, your surname is Ye, right? We are also of the same generation."

Ye Chen listened to Ye Jun's near words, and sighed softly.

This statement is indeed true, and he has no way to refute it.

"Okay, let's not say so much. Now I'm taking you to find a place to live. Anyway, you will have nothing to do before I go to participate in the Battle of Ascension."

Ye Jun nodded gently, and followed Ye Chen slowly without saying anything.

Because Ye Jun knew that if he continued speaking, he would probably annoy Ye Chen.

So she stopped her mouth in time.

In fact, this is also the reason why the elders sent her down.

Because Ye Jun is very good at observing words and colors, in order to make Ye Chen believe what they said, they sent Ye Jun down.

But what these elders did seems to be right.

The thing that Ye Chen can't deal with most is such a talking person. Of course, if that person is an enemy, Ye Chen would never talk to him and just copy guys.

Just like that, Ye Jun looked left and right.

Ye Chen also saw her at this time and smiled at her.

"How do you feel that this is different from the streets of your upper bound?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Ye Jun slowly shook his head.

"In fact, there is not much difference. It is the people here. The strength is a little low."

Listening to Ye Jun's words, Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, and nodded gently.

This is indeed true, after all, in their upper realm, people with their own strength can be seen everywhere.

If your strength hasn't improved much after going up.

It is very likely that it will be pushed down by others.

Ye Chen took a deep breath and didn't think about it.

"It turned out to be like this, then let's continue walking, and when we are in the inn, I'll talk to you about other things."

Ye Jun listened to Ye Chen's words and nodded gently, but she was not in a hurry.

Because there is still a long time before the people in the family give her this time to go back.

Therefore, Ye Jun is not in a hurry either.

As long as she can abduct Ye Chen back to the Ye family two days after the end of the Battle of Ascension.

"what are you thinking about?"

The speed of the two people in a city was very fast, and after a while, they came to the inn.

Ye Jun listened to Ye Chen's words, looked at him slowly, and then came back to his senses.

"No, I was actually thinking about what someone in my family said when they sent me down."

Ye Chen was also interested in hearing what Ye Jun said.

"Oh, what did the people in your family say to you? It shouldn't just ask you to take me back."

Ye Jun listened to Ye Chen's words and was stunned, because she suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Before coming down, people in the family had reminded her that Ye Chen had a very flexible mind and must pay more attention.

At this time, Ye Jun also truly felt Ye Chen's wisdom in finding key points with a hint of clues.

Ye Jun lightly coughed twice and shook his head slowly.

"Actually, there is nothing, because people in the family are very worried about my safety, so I have to tell me that they can find you to protect me after they come here."

Ye Chen listened to Ye Jun's words and nodded gently.

But even though Ye Chen nodded gently, he still didn't believe what Ye Jun said.

Because the meaning in Ye Jun's words meant that people in the family already knew that Ye Chen was very powerful, so they came to him.

Where did they get the news? You know, he has never seen one from the Ye family.

Ye Junhuanhuan can shake the material head. Regarding this question, no matter what Ye Chen said, she said that she didn't know. Although Ye Chen was very puzzled in his heart, he did not continue to question.

"Okay, then you go to your room first. If there is anything, I will talk to you."

At this time, Ye Chen directly issued the order to chase away the guests, and Ye Jun naturally heard the meaning of Ye Chen's words and nodded gently.

As the door slowly closed, Ye Chen was left alone in the house.

Not long after Ye Jun went out, the door of the house suddenly knocked again.

Ye Chen froze for a moment, walked over in confusion, and opened the door.

"Have you not left yet?"

"Brother Ye Chen!"

Ye Chen was taken aback by the crowd who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then he reacted, it turned out that it was Xiao Yan and several people who had returned.

Ye Chen smiled slightly at Xiao Yan, turned aside, and let everyone walk in.

Donggong Yunlan looked at Ye Chen suspiciously because she had just heard what Ye Chen said.

"Ye Chen, what do you mean by the words you just said? Did someone come just now?"

After listening to Donggong Yunlan's words, everyone also reacted at this time, and they all slowly looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't hide anything, and nodded gently to Donggong Yunlan.

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