Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1514: Ascension Token

Ye Chen was stunned after listening to Yue Luo's words, and nodded gently.

"In fact, it doesn't mean that I have it, but the person next to me has it. It was her family's entrustment to me. I must take her to the Ascension Battle.

Ye Chen didn't say who the person with the Ascension Token was, because this information still cannot be exposed, after all, who knows if the wall has ears.

Yue Luo seemed to know Ye Chen's thoughts, smiled at him and nodded gently.

"Since Ye Chen asked me, I will naturally answer it for you. In fact, from the information I understand, few people have such tokens, so everyone actually doesn't know how to use this."

When the two were talking, suddenly, a powerful old man slowly fell from the sky.


Yue Luo and Ye Chen looked at the old man together.

"Everyone is here to participate in the Battle of Ascension."

"Then this time the ascension battle will be supervised by the old man."

Ye Chen was also very puzzled when listening to the old man's words.

Yue Luo looked at Ye Chen's puzzled eyes, and slowly walked to his side.

"Ye Chen, don't you know who this person is?"

Ye Chen coughed slightly after listening to Yue Luo's words and nodded slowly.

Ye Chen didn't plan to hide anything, after all, he also needed the old man's intelligence.

"Yes, that's right, then Master Yue, do you know who this old man is?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Yue Luo nodded gently.

"This person who has to do enough homework before participating in the ascension is an elder in the Star Hall, but every time the person he brings is random, I don't know which elder is here."

Ye Chen's heart is now very much later, because he just heard a new term "Star Hall".

Yue Luo looked at Ye Chen's appearance and sighed softly.

"In fact, the Star God is the ruler of this hall."

Yue Luo's words made Ye Chen stunned, in fact, he had already guessed in his heart.

But I didn't expect that I would guess so accurately.

"I didn't expect this to be the case, so do these people they selected have a chance to enter the Star Hall?"

Ye Chen always felt that the secret he came through was because of this Star God.

So Ye Chen's ultimate goal is to find this Star God first, and see if he has a way to return to the original world by himself.

However, it seemed that Yue Luo didn't know this, and instead looked at Ye Chen suspiciously.

"Ye Chen, you don't want to enter this hall of stars, right?"

Ye Chen listened to Yue Luo's words and nodded gently.

"I thought about it, too, but would it be easy if I really wanted to go in?"

Yue Luo wanted to chat, he didn't know how to do this, but now their focus was not on this place, but on how to pass the Ascension War.

"Well, this time you are all determined to participate in the Ascension Battle?"

Everyone nodded as they listened to the old man in front of him.

"Yes, we are all going to participate in the battle of ascension."

The old man nodded softly as he listened to the people below.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, a silver light enveloped all the people here.

Ye Chen had been exposed to sunlight, he didn't feel anything strange in his body, he looked at Yue Luo beside him suspiciously and wanted him to explain.

"Master Yue, what's going on with this?"

Yue Luo sighed softly as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

"This should actually be here to collect your breath, so that you can participate in the Ascension War."

"By the way, you must not be like this when you are outside."

"On the day when the Battle of Ascension begins, many forces and families will come here."

"It's very likely that people from the upper realm will also come, so you know what I mean, Ye Chen, don't expose your identity by then."

Yue Luo now also knew that Ye Chen in front of him was the one pursued and killed by the assassin organization.

So he also reminded Ye Chen softly, afraid that he would encounter any troubles.

Ye Chen nodded lightly, indicating that he knew it.

At that time, he had already learned about the situation from the elders of Sin City.

"No, this ascension battle hasn't started yet? How long will it take?"

Yue Luo took a deep breath and looked at Ye Chen suspiciously.

"This is actually not that anxious, but now our strength seems to be stronger than most people here."

In fact, Yue Luo had one piece of information that he didn't say. The first person who came here was not actually the main force participating in this event.

The real big family came at the beginning of the Battle of Ascension.

After all, some forces, even the Star Hall, have to give three points.

Yue Luo felt that Ye Chen was not suitable for knowing such information, so he didn't tell him.

"The battle of Ye Chen's ascension will begin, and there will be at most three days left, and after three days you will see how powerful the forces here are."

Ye Chen listened to Yue Luo's words and nodded gently.

But Ye Chen's heart was still a little strange, because he felt that Yue Luo in front of him seemed to have something he didn't want to say.

Ye Chen didn't force it either, he nodded gently.

He returned to the crowd of people.

Everyone saw that Ye Chen had come back, and they all came to him.

"How is Ye Chen? Did you call there? What information did you hear?"

Donggong Yunlan asked Ye Chen softly, he actually didn't know much about the Battle of Ascension.

So I hope Ye Chen can learn more about something and talk to them.

"I just got some more important information from Master Yue. This old man is the supervisor of this ascension battle."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone slowly looked at the old man, and then nodded gently.

"It turned out to be so."

"Brother Ye Chen's ascension battle, you should be able to pass safely."

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen smiled slightly, walked slowly to Xiao Yan's side, and touched her head.

"Yan'er, don't worry, you have to know that I have a lot of power now."

"There is the Yue family, and Li Yuhang, they will surely pass this ascension battle safely and steadily when they arrive."

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words, smiled slightly, and nodded gently.

Xiao Yan knew what the token he had in his body meant, which meant that he could. You don't need to participate in such a battle, you can reach the place you want to go.

But they can't.

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