Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1519: Sudden danger

Ye Chen slowly opened his eyes and looked at the child in front of him.

Although this cultivation method had been completely engraved in his mind, Ye Chen still talked about this to the little boy.

As the little boy stared at Ye Chen, he slowly left the table and came to him.

"Ye Chen, what do you mean by that, don't feed the horse, but want the horse to run, how is it possible."

The boy was also very angry at this time, because Ye Chen obviously didn't give her much, but instead asked her to extend the time for deduction.

Ye Chen knew what he was saying too, he overtook it, coughed slightly, and grabbed the little boy in his hand.

"Okay, okay, I see, then after God, I will definitely collect enough exercises and scrolls to give to you."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the child snorted softly.

"It's pretty much the same, but Ye Chen, have you really mastered it completely?"

Ye Chen listened to the child's question, did not answer, and slowly stretched out his hand.

Ye Chen didn't hold a sword in his hand, but Xiaotong felt as if he had a sharp long sword in his hand.

This movement of Ye Chen also showed that he had fully comprehended the sword intent.

Because the child had absorbed the moves demonstrated by Ye Chen, he also understood what kind of strength this action required.

"That's good. When the time comes to participate in the Battle of Ascension, don't die. If something happens to you, what should I do?"

Ye Chen, listening to Xiaotong's words, smiled and slowly responded to her words.

"That's natural, don't worry, now my strength, I also have a sense of measure."

Before Ye Chen finished speaking, the boy lost his vitality and stopped in Ye Chen's hands.

Ye Chen watched this scene and sighed softly. She also knew that because the book she had just given didn't have much energy, and the move she used to deduct was too much of her energy.

The boy fell asleep again, Ye Chen was not surprised, but a little sad in his heart.

Ye Chen also knew that he didn't actually have too many things for the children to absorb.

It can only be like this, let her be wronged first.

Ye Chen thought of this, sighed softly, and put the boy in his arms.

Ye Chen felt the new power emerging in his body, and his heart was also filled with joy.

Because this power represents, he has fully understood the sword intent in the Promise Sword Technique.

"It turns out that the old man used such power?"

Ye Chen took a deep breath and slowly retracted his strength.

Because he didn't know how many masters there were in this inn, the doctor decided not to reveal his strength before participating in the Battle of Ascension.

Feeling the strength in his body, Ye Chen slowly walked to the window, looking at the sun slowly rising in the distance, Ye Chen also realized that it was morning now.

"I didn't expect the time to pass so fast. So, boy, it's actually been a long time since her presentation just now."

Ye Chen also understood that in the dream state, the flow rate of time is uncertain, so if he feels outside for a moment, a long time may have passed.

Ye Chen also put away his inner thoughts at this time, and walked out the door slowly.

Looking at the empty corridor, Ye Chen was stunned for a moment and was also puzzled.

"What's the matter? Why is there no one here?"

Ye Chen just wanted to knock on Xiao Yan's door.

Suddenly, I felt a very strong vibration on the ground.

Ye Chen sat down slightly and walked to the outside of the inn.

Here, he found that Li Yuhang and others were already outside.

He walked quickly to their side.

"Li Yuhang, what happened? Why did you all come out?"

Li Yuhang listened to Ye Chen's words and sighed softly.

"I don't know why, just when we just took a rest, since the earthquake started, then we all came out. When we called you just now, you didn't respond. We thought you had already come out."

Ye Chen listened to Li Yuhang's words and shook his head slowly.

He also thought about it at this time, probably because he didn't have the shielding formation at that time, so he didn't hear any movement from the outside world.

"Don't worry now, wait for Zhao Manyang."

Ye Chen wanted to talk, but suddenly realized that Zhao Manyang was missing between them.

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Yuhang was actually very puzzled.

"Zhao Manyang didn't come back tonight? We thought he went out with you."

Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a little worried at this time, Zhao Manyang probably had something wrong.

"Yan'er! Let's go find Zhao Manyang and see where he is now."

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words without any hesitation, and instantly agreed.

"Good Brother Ye Chen, then let's go quickly!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen nodded gently, and slowly looked at Li Yuhang and Donggong Yunlan beside him.

"You two pay attention to your safety and wait for us to come back."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he took Xiao Yan and hurried out of the city.

Now the streets are full of people attracted by the earthquake. Everyone doesn't know what happened. They all looked around on the street suspiciously.

"Xiao Yan, what is going on with this earthquake? Do you have a clue?"

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words, and slowly shook his head.

"Brother Ye Chen, I think there must be skills at this time. You must know that not everyone in this city can cause turmoil here."

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and nodded gently. Now he was very confused, because he faintly felt that there must be some strange things behind this earthquake.

Ye Chen thought of this, and slowly shook his head, no longer thinking about it, because the main task now is to find Zhao Manyang.

"Although he has tried his best to improve his strength, but I feel that if he is outside, he is likely to encounter a beast he can't deal with."

Ye Chen naturally knew where Zhao Manyang was going. Now he was all focused on improving his strength. He must be in the Forest of Warcraft. Xiao Yan didn't speak much on the road. He slowly looked at the sides. Is there anything strange? Mark of.

After leaving the city gate, Ye Chen realized that the outside had changed drastically.

The road that was originally very flat has now become bumpy, and from time to time there are some small cracks spreading below.

Looking at this scene, Ye Chen couldn't help but take a breath, and the pace under his feet became more rapid.

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