Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1522: Mysterious tree hole

"I think this tree is probably related to the tree we saw in the crypt."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan looked at him suspiciously, his eyes filled with puzzlement.

"Brother Ye Chen, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you feel that the two of them are not related?"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words, but did not show any excessive emotions.

"I was joking just now, but the tree in front of me is really weird."

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words and was stunned for a moment, and did not continue to question, but slowly looked at the tree.

"That's right, Ye Chen, you see there is a strange footprint outside the tree."

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and slowly looked at the footprints.

Ye Chen frowned slightly when he saw the footprints.

There was no aura on this footprint, and Ye Chen couldn't judge whether it was Zhao Manyang or not for a while.

But both of them discovered the huge tree hole in front of them.

"Brother Ye Chen, you said Zhao Manyang, did he run into this tree hole?"

"It's not impossible."

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and nodded gently.

"In this way, I will go in and take a look. You are guarding this way at the door. If something happens, you can retreat all over."

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words and turned to look at him. How could Xiao Yan agree to Ye Chen's request? When Ye Chen just finished speaking, Xiao Yan refused.

"Brother Ye Chen, what are you talking about? How could I, Xiao Yan, leave you and run alone?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly when he heard what Xiao Yan said. In fact, he thought that way. Although he was very pleased in his heart, he was still very worried about Xiao Yan's safety.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. I have other ways. When I go in, if I don't come out, I will tell you how to do it."

Ye Chen didn't wait for Xiao Yan to answer after speaking, and he went straight into this tree hole.

After entering the tree cave, Ye Chen found out that there was a cave in this place.

Looking outside, the entrance was very narrow, but after entering, a huge space instantly spread out in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at the suddenly enlarged space, and was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he suddenly couldn't feel the existence of Xiao Yan outside.

Ye Chen also understood at this time. Coming over, it was probably because this tree had its own aura.

That's why the breath of other people was covered. Ye Chen thought of this, and understood in his heart, he came over and nodded gently.

"That said, Zhao Manyang is probably here."

Ye Chen muttered softly, walking slowly along the mottled road towards the inside.

This tree hole connects to a huge cave under the tree. Ye Chen felt a strange breath in it, but he couldn't tell what the breath was.

"What the **** is this? Could it be this breath that attracted Zhao Manyang?"

Although Ye Chen was very puzzled, he also knew that he had to be vigilant now.

Because although there are many monsters fleeing outside, you may have other unknown monsters fleeing here.

Ye Chen didn't dare to guarantee that there was no danger at all here, so he had already played a twelve-point spirit to deal with any unexpected situation.

But what makes Ye Chen strange is that in his feelings, he has been walking down, but the light beside him doesn't have any dark feeling.

After walking for a while, Ye Chen suddenly found that there was only one road in front of him, a small cave.

It can be said that this cave can only allow one person to pass through. If you want to turn around, it is very difficult.

Ye Chen frowned slightly when he looked at this cave. In fact, after arriving here, he didn't want to continue exploring anymore.

Because his purpose is to find Zhao Manyang, not to seek treasure, this has become a very dangerous area, if you don't leave as soon as possible, it is likely to be directly swallowed by magma.

After all, this number can withstand a temporary earthquake, but over time, its star power begins to dissipate.

After calculating in my mind, this tree could not withstand the power of this earthquake at all.

Although Ye Chen said that he had already wandered around in this forest, in fact, he had not yet approached the true center point.

Because that machine was really terrifying, Ye Chen felt that if he passed, he would probably be killed instantly without the slightest strength to fight back.

Ye Chen didn't understand what that thing was, but he still cared very much about the judgment of the danger of that thing.

Facing this cave, Ye Chen sighed softly.

Slowly pulled out his white fog sword.

"Senior, go in and see what's inside. I will help you outside."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he directly sat down cross-legged, and the Flame Sword turned out directly, guarding him aside.

Because Ye Chen's thoughts afterwards will be placed on the White Mist Sword, if he encounters a sudden attack, he can't react at all. The Flame Sword is by his side, playing a protective role.

After Donggong Yiming heard Ye Chen's words, he immediately appeared and possessed himself on the Baiwu Sword.

Indeed, in the face of such a narrow terrain, with his current Promise Sword on the White Mist Sword, he would not be afraid of anything at all.

Ye Chen's divine consciousness was directly attached to the white mist sword.

With the white mist. Slowly rushing into the cave, Ye Chen also saw clearly, what is inside it.

This stone wall looks like it was formed naturally, and there is no trace of artificial excavation at all.

The White Mist Sword controlled by Donggong Yiming was very fast, almost instantly reaching the end of this passage.

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly felt a familiar breath.

"I didn't expect Zhao Manyang to be here!"

Ye Chen knew that when he entered this place before, he was actually just guessing, and he didn't really feel that Zhao Manyang was here.

But the breath he felt just now was absolutely correct, it must be Zhao Manyang.

Ye Chen controlled the Baiwu Sword and flew in the direction where the breath came.

Donggong Yiming was very puzzled at this time, because in this direction, it not only felt the breath of Zhao Manyang, but also had another breath that he was also very familiar with.

But Ye Chen was very excited, did not notice this suspicious thing, and continued to let the Baiwu Sword fly towards the depths.

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