Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1527: Return to the city

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words and nodded gently.

Finally secretly put a small piece of root in his storage ring.

Because after he left, the tree would definitely not survive, Ye Chen also secretly hid a root emitting green light before coming up, and placed it in his storage ring.

But no one saw this scene, only Ye Chen made this little action secretly.

Zhao Manyang took a deep breath and slowly looked at the trees that had fallen into the lava behind him.

I couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. If the two stayed there for a while, they would probably have stepped into the magma together with this tree.

"Ye Chen is fortunate that our actions are about to escape. If we stay inside for a while, we will probably never be able to get out again."

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words and nodded softly, but now he couldn't see a trace of relaxation in his eyes.

Because Ye Chen knew that this forest was too close to that city.

If the crack reached the city, and still did not find out why such an earthquake occurred, then it is very likely that this time ascension battle will not be held.

Ye Chen was worried about this, because if he missed this time, he wouldn't know how long it would take until the next Ascension battle began.

"Brother Ye Chen, are you thinking about something?"

Xiao Yan seemed to see the worry in Ye Chen's heart and asked softly.

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and shook his head slowly.

"No, I just thought of something suddenly."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan looked very uneasy, even if he was flying in the sky, he slowly approached his side.

"Is Brother Ye Chen really okay?"

Ye Chen sighed gently, seeing that he was about to enter the city in front of him, and quickly let Xiao Yan stop.

"Stop for a while. Let's take care of some things before we continue into the city."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, both of them stopped in doubt, wanting to know what Ye Chen wanted to do.

"No, my thought is that we can't just keep this form and enter the city."

Before Ye Chen's words fell, Xiao Yan seemed to understand something, and quickly removed the transformation from his body.

Ye Chen also removed the dragon bloodline on his right arm at this time.

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly felt a burst of energy in his body, as if he was about to break through the seal of the power of the stars.

Ye Chen's heart was shocked, and he quickly blocked this with more energy.

"Big Brother Ye Chen, what's wrong, what happened, is there any discomfort in your body?"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and shook his head slowly.

He couldn't tell Xiao Yan that there was actually the power she left in his body, and these powers were full of violence.

If Ye Chen couldn't control it a little bit, if there was any riot. The loss is not just Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, didn't say anything, just the two shook their heads, he would definitely not let this happen.

Although Ye Chen still has no way to deal with this energy, but with the suppression of the power of the stars, he can perfectly lock these energy in his body.

Ye Chen also knew that to keep suppressing like this was simply not a solution, he must hurry up before these forces broke through his blockade. Find out a way to completely dissipate these star powers.

Although Xiao Yan was very worried about Ye Chen now, she also knew that it was urgent to return to the city.

Facing Ye Chen, he nodded gently. Did not continue to talk about this matter.

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yan's appearance, and he was relieved. He was actually afraid of anti-inflammatory, and continued to ask questions. If he kept asking, Ye Chen really had no good way to cover this matter.

"It's good not to say so much. We will return to the city as soon as possible. Li Yuhang and the two of them are still waiting for us."

After Xiao Yan finished speaking, Flame Wings appeared behind him again, and then the three of them hurried towards the city.

After the initial panic, everyone in the city became accustomed to the huge energy from this earthquake.

Everyone knows that there are strong people in this city, and even if something happens, it is not their turn to stand it up.

So what should be done, what should be done without paying more attention to what happened in the Warcraft Forest outside the city.

Although the elder with the Star Hall was maintaining the protective formation of this city, the waves of energy impact directly disrupted his deployment.

Originally in his deployment, as long as those strong family members and people in the sect, they would definitely be able to stop them from coming here.

But he did not expect that this time the attack would be so fierce.

This breath disturbed him for a while and he didn't know how to make the next step.

At this moment, he suddenly saw it. There are three little guys coming from the direction of Warcraft Forest.

Then he hurried to the front of the three of them, and now he also wanted to know the situation in the Warcraft Forest.

The three Ye Chen stared at the elder who suddenly appeared in front of them, and looked at him suspiciously.

"Here, do you have anything to do with seniors coming over?"

Although Ye Chen was very anxious, he wanted to go into the city and share the information he had obtained with Li Yuhang and the others.

But the guy in front of him was more than twice as powerful as his own, and Ye Chen didn't dare to say anything casually.

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the elder of the Star Hall in front of him sighed gently at Ye Chen.

"In fact, the old man has something to ask you for help."

Ye Chen listened to the words of the elder in front of him, and he was stunned, because he did not expect that a strong man like this would even ask himself about things one day.

"Senior. If you want to know anything, just ask. As long as I know, I will answer it with you."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the elder nodded gently.

"I think you came from the direction of the Warcraft Forest. I want to know what the Warcraft Forest has become now."

Ye Chen listened to the words of the elder in front of him, and also thought about it.

"Actually, I didn't go to the depths of the forest. I just turned around a little bit outside, looking for this friend of mine."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the elder nodded at him without any anxiety.

"Then there, what kind of sight do you see?"

Listening to the words of the elder, Ye Chen took a deep breath and slowly recalled the terrifying sight he saw there.

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