The moment Ye Chen got this information, he ran towards the East Gate with the two of them quickly.

"Zhao Manyang, Yaner, let's go quickly."

Zhao Manyang and Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words, and had not figured out what was going on right now, their bodies followed Ye Chen uncontrollably.

They were also used to Ye Chen's command. After hearing what Ye Chen said, their brains hadn't reacted yet, but their bodies had already followed Ye Chen's back.

At this time, the three found that the more they walked towards the east gate, the stranger the scene here.

I don't know when, some houses here have ignited strange flames, but Ye Chen clearly remembered that now the city is under the protection of that person, and it is impossible for such a thing to happen.

But now it was not his turn to think more, so he could only rush to the outside of the city.

"Brother Ye Chen, did you get any information from Li Yuhang?"

Xiao Yan also reacted at this time and asked Ye Chen softly.

Ye Chen didn't conceal anything when he arrived, and nodded gently.

"Yes, I got information from Li Yuhang. He seems to have encountered something outside the East Gate and needs us to rescue him."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan and Zhao Manyang's hearts were also raised.

Because now the three of them don't know what happened to Li Yuhang, they can only guess out of thin air.

And according to Ye Chen's point of view, they lost contact directly at that time, which shows that what Li Yuhang is encountering now is definitely not ordinary.

Ye Chen thought of this and sighed softly.

"It would be great if I could react as soon as possible, but why should the two of them go outside the east gate?"

This was the point that made Ye Chen most puzzled, because he didn't know what could make both of them leave the city without waiting for himself.

Ye Chen sighed softly, not knowing what was thinking in his heart.

Zhao Manyang actually discovered this, because he knew Li Yuhang's mind, and based on this, he felt something was wrong.

"Brother Ye, I think this may not be what Li Yuhang asked to go."

Ye Chen nodded softly as he listened to Zhao Manyang's words. In fact, he had the same idea in his heart.

"Indeed, I also feel that this is probably not something that Li Yuhang can do."

Ye Chen sighed softly, but what's the use of discussing this now.

"It's useless to say this now. The two of them have passed. Let's go over now and see if we can meet them on the road."

"Donggong Yunlan, what on earth did you make such a choice because of?"

Ye Chen thought this way in his heart, the speed at his feet did not decrease, the more he walked towards the east gate, the more he would find that this place seemed to have been destroyed.

That was Ye Chen, and it was still not clear what exactly made this place look like.

Zhao Manyang and Xiao Yan couldn't help taking a breath when looking at the way here.

"What the **** is going on here? How could it be like this here?"

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words and shook his head slowly, because he couldn't say a word, so he didn't answer him.

"Brother Ye Chen, isn't this place being invaded by Warcraft, but we just came out of the Warcraft Forest, and we didn't find any traces of Warcraft coming here."

Ye Chen looked at the traces on the ground and slowly shook his head.

"Actually, from my point of view, it may be that the Warcraft attacked here, but why did the Warcraft come from the east gate? This is too strange."

Ye Chen said, and slowly shook his head, looking very confused in his heart.

"Forget it, don't say so much, let's go quickly."

The reason why Ye Chen was not sure was actually because he hadn't seen any wounded along the way, it was just that the house was damaged a bit, so this made Ye Chen feel a little strange.

Because if it is a Warcraft invasion, no matter what, someone will resist these warcrafts, and their current strength, in fact, can't completely block the warcrafts, they will definitely suffer some injuries.

But Ye Chen looked at this place, it was just that the road and the house had been damaged. Walking on the road, those people didn't seem to panic at all.

So Ye Chen didn't make a conclusion like this casually.

Although he quickly saw the outline of the eastern city gate, Ye Chen realized that it was now completely different from what he had imagined.

Because above the city gate, there are many flying beasts that are hitting the protective cover of the city desperately.

Even Ye Chen who had seen many monsters, looked at the number of these monsters, couldn't help taking a breath.

But letting the protective shields outside the city hit after the flight mode, the people in the city didn't seem to panic at all.

In fact, the most annoying thing on the first floor is this, a clinging expression without fear. Because crises always come inadvertently, if you are not fully prepared, then you will most likely die next.

"Brother Ye Chen, the outside of the city has become like this, how are we going to get out?"

Ye Chen looked at the east gate, those monsters sighed softly, and now he had no idea in his heart.

"Let's observe first and see if there is a chance to get us out. If that doesn't work, then we can only find other ways."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan and Zhao Manyang nodded at the same time. The two of them had no idea now, everything could only be up to Ye Chen.

This is the three of them slowly climbing the east city wall, looking at the endless beasts outside, Ye Chen's heart is also getting a little wrong.

"Stop! What are you here for? The city is heavily defensive, and the idlers are not allowed to approach."

The defending army above the city wall naturally found Ye Chen and the others, and the captain of Huang Jin came directly to stop the three of them, not letting them go any further.

Ye Chen looked at the captain in front of him and nodded gently at him.

"Brother, don't get me wrong. We are not here to disturb your city defense forces. I want to see how we can get out through this door."

The captain of the city defense army in front of him listened to Ye Chen's words, frowned slightly, and looked at him in doubt.

"You are serious about this. Now there are thousands of these monsters out there. If you want to go out, it's impossible."

"But brother, we really have something important."

The captain of the city defense army sighed softly listening to Ye Chen's words.

"Although I don't know what kind of things you have, the safety of this city must be guaranteed now."

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