After the elder finished speaking, he turned and slowly looked into the distance.

Then you are also the direction where Ye Chen left.

Even he didn't expect that the invasion of this monster would be so easy to let Ye Chen solve it.

The elder of the Star Hall also breathed a sigh of relief now, because he knew that there were still some things that these people didn't ask about.

For example, why these monsters will now attack the city.

But since no one asked, he was not prepared to say that one day later, when the elders of those families are here, there is no need to fear this crisis.

The elder of the Star Hall thought of this, and he was relieved in his heart, and he turned and left here.


I was also very worried that those monsters would chase from behind him.

But after a while, Ye Chen realized that his worries were completely unnecessary.

Those monsters seemed to have been frightened by the phoenix they had transformed, and they didn't even seem to chase them at all.

Ye Chen also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and focused on searching for Li Yuhang.

What worries him even more now is actually Donggong Yunlan.

Because in the information given by the middleman just now, Donggong Yunlan did not go out of the city with Li Yuhang.

This was something Ye Chen didn't expect, so he was also very shocked. If you didn't leave the city with Li Yuhang, where could the current Donggong Yunlan be.

Because Donggong Yunlan didn't sign a contract with herself, Ye Chen would not find her position at all in a short while.

"I can only hope that Li Yuhang now knows where Donggong Yunlan has gone."

Ye Chen sighed gently, and quickly looked for Li Yuhang's trace here.

"Do you hear Li Yuhang? I'm here to pick you up, where are you?"

Ye Chen was also trying this time, and got a response from Li Yuhang.

But no matter how many times he called, no one answered him.

Ye Chen frowned slightly. He knew that Li Yuhang said before losing contact with him that he kept going east.

Ye Chen also decided to continue walking towards the east to see if he could find anything.

At this moment, a streamer rushed towards Ye Chen here.

Ye Chen directly reached out and caught the arrow.

This is Fengming Arrow's arrow. After each attack, it seems to know where Ye Chen is, and it flies directly towards here.

After Ye Chen took it, he put it away. But this time he didn't expect that Feng Mingjian's power would be so powerful.

At this time, Ye Chen also thought about whether the moves he hadn't developed before were now greatly increased.

But Ye Chen just think about it now, after all, this is not a good time to experiment.

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly found a huge wake from below.

"This seems to be Li Yuhang's tail."

Ye Chen stared at this for a moment, because in his impression, Li Yuhang could indeed cause such a huge mark after his transformation.

But this shows that he is likely to have already turned into Long Fei long ago.

Ye Chen looked at this and sighed softly in his heart.

"I'll look for it first. If you really don't find Ye Chen, then leave here first."

Ye Chen didn't want to call Li Yuhang anymore, and Ye Chen didn't figure out where Li Yuhang was.

I can only rely on the last message he left to search aimlessly here.

"Hey, if you weren't for me, I wouldn't be looking for you so hard."

At this time, Ye Chen suddenly felt a touch of helplessness.

Because he clearly knew that Li Yuhang might not be here anymore, but he still wanted to continue searching for him.

After all, a city has spent so much energy out of it, and almost took his life in it, how could it be left halfway like this.

"Today I must find out why!"

Ye Chen said as he continued to walk slowly towards the east, after all, the last message left by Li Yuhang was only these things.

At this moment, Ye Chen detected a strange breath.

Ye Chen didn't have any hesitation, and hurried over, because he always felt that something he wanted might appear over there.

Ye Chen didn't know why he felt this way.

The place where the breath came was an empty grassland. The grass there has risen to waist height.

Looking at this, Ye Chen frowned slightly, because there was so much grass here, which meant that he couldn't use flames casually.

If you use a flame, it will directly ignite here, and it will be too troublesome to put out the fire.

Ye Chen flew directly into the sky without using the flame wings.

Although not using this wing, Ye Chen can still fly.

It's just using wings. His speed will be even faster.

Ye Chen flew towards the place he was familiar with, but he was already on guard.

Because he didn't know if the one he was facing was a friend or an enemy.

Although the breath was very familiar, Ye Chen knew that it was probably Zhao Manyang.

But it is hard to say whether someone deceived him by relying on Li Yuhang's breath.

Ye Chen looked from the sky and found a huge dragon lying underneath.

Ye Chen also confirmed that that person was Li Yuhang, but he did not expect that Li Yuhang would become like this.

Ye Chen slowly came to his side and felt the emptiness in his body.

"Li Yuhang how are you doing? I'm Ye Chen, are you okay now?"

Li Yuhang seemed to have heard Ye Chen's words, and slowly responded.

"Is Ye Chen you? You are finally here."

After hearing Ye Chen's voice, Li Yuhang went into a coma and went unconscious.

Ye Chen originally wanted to ask if he knew the whereabouts of Donggong Yunlan, but when he saw him like this, he sighed softly, gave up, and continued to ask.

But now Li Yuhang is still in the shape of a dragon, and Ye Chen has no way to carry him back.

No way, Ye Chen had to slowly inject his star power into Li Yuhang's body, repairing his body's damage.

At this time, Ye Chen also felt the terrible situation in Li Yuhang's body.

Because he didn't expect that Li Yuhang would become like this now.

There is almost no place in his body that is intact, and there are marks of injuries all over his body.

Even Ye Chen, who has a very strong repairing power, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when seeing this scene.

He even began to wonder if he could cure Li Yuhang by using his own star power.

"I can only try it first."

After seeing this, Ye Chen was gone, and continued to blame Li Yuhang for his thoughts.

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