Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1543: Ask for help again

Hearing this, Dong Gong Yiming nodded softly without saying anything.

Ye Chen also directly withdrew from the space in the White Mist Sword at this time.

After opening his eyes, Ye Chen knew now that the Blood Demon probably would not be resurrected.

"Does that guy summon another new blood demon?"

But Ye Chen laughed at himself when he thought of this.

If there are so many blood demons in the world, can people be peaceful?

"Then what's going on, he actually has the breath of the blood demon, and he can use it to defeat Li Yuhang."

Ye Chen took a deep breath and decided to go out and ask Zhao Manyang and Xiao Yan first to see if they two found any useful clues.

If there were any clues, he wouldn't have to think hard here.

As soon as Ye Chen walked out the door, she ran into Xiao Yan who was oncoming. She looked very anxious, as if she was about to say something.

"Yan'er, what's the matter? Why are you worried?"

The moment Xiao Yan saw Ye Chen, a smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Ye Chen, I have something to tell you."

Ye Chen was very puzzled, and nodded gently to Xiao Yan.

"Okay, then you first talk about what it is, then I will have a judgment in my heart."

"Big Brother Ye Chen, I saw a strange thing in the room where I and Sister Yun Lan were."

"And Zhao Manyang asked me to come over and call you to take a look."

Ye Chen nodded gently, and walked directly to Xiao Yan's door.

Because he knew that since Zhao Manyang had already said this, it showed that this matter brooks no delay.

There is no need for him to stop there, after all, even if you continue to talk to Xiao Yan there, there will be no useful information.

It's better to go directly to this house to see what weird things have happened.

"Zhao Manyang, what's wrong? What did you find?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, this person slowly turned his head and looked over.

"Brother Ye, come and see, I don't know when I dropped a tip here."

Ye Chen, listening to Zhao Manyang's words, also came to his side, looking at the purple kit in front of him, Ye Chen fell into contemplation.

"Brother Ye, what do you think is going on?"

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words and sighed softly.

"Actually, this is not easy to say, but it is very likely that they are both related."

Ye Chen said as he slowly took out the kit that Zhao Manyang had picked up at that time.

In contrast to Ye Chen, the material and even the breath are exactly the same.

"Brother Ye, do you think it is possible that someone with this kit kidnapped Donggong Yunlan here."

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words and nodded gently.

"What you really want to say is likely to be the case, but we don't have any evidence at all now."

"If you just use this kit to express, then this evidence is too inconclusive."

Ye Chen suddenly thought of it at this moment. In this kit, is there anything he hasn't read yet?

"Well, let's take a look at this skill. If there are things that are the same, then it is likely that the same person left."

Ye Chen said, and sighed softly.

Although he said that, he still wanted to know what was in this kit.

Ye Chen took the lead in opening the first kit, which was the one that Zhao Manyang had picked up in the grass.

After Ye Chen opened it, a strange breath suddenly appeared inside. Ye Chen felt the breath and frowned slightly.

"I didn't expect the breath of the blood demon to be stored in this kit. Who did this prank on earth?"

Although Ye Chen said so in his mouth, he was already wary in his heart.

Because now anyway, in the next kit, things are likely to be more terrifying than this breath.

Because Ye Chen owns the power of stars.

The power contact of these blood demons could no longer invade him at all, if this kit was handed over to Zhao Manyang to open it. The consequences may be unthinkable.

Ye Chen also realized the seriousness of the matter at this time, and quickly talked with the two behind him.

"You two leave this room now, and you will come in again when I let you in."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan and Zhao Manyang froze for a moment.

Because they didn't understand what Ye Chen said.

But they nodded obediently, and went to the next room.

Because they knew Ye Chen was doing this for their good.

Or maybe there is something terrifying in that kit. Ye Chen asked them to leave as soon as possible to protect them.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"It seems that the predecessor said that there is something strange in the kit."

Ye Chen didn't know what exactly was in the next kit.

Ye Chen took a deep breath and slowly opened the purple kit in front of him.

The terrorist attack in Ye Chen's imagination did not appear, but a note, slowly falling in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stared at the note for a moment. Slowly walked in front of him and picked it up.

When heading to this note, Ye Chen also watched this thing vigilantly.

Because Ye Chen is also very uncertain now, whether there is any strange aura on this note.

What Ling Ye Chen didn't expect was that he reached the side of the note very safely.

At this time, Ye Chen also breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly picked up the note.

"What the **** is this?"

Ye Chen looked at the content on the note, and was stunned, because the handwriting was exactly the same as the note he had just read.

"Is this also a note written by Donggong Yunlan?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, and slowly looked at the content on it.

The above content is very brief. It means that she is trapped in a strange place now, she can feel the breath of other people, but can't see them.

After Ye Chen confirmed that there was no danger, he called Zhao Manyang and Xiao Yan into this room.

"This note was left by Donggong Yunlan. Do you think we believe it or not?"

Ye Chen said as he handed the note to him, the two who were still there in a daze.

Zhao Manyang frowned slowly after reading the content on the note.

He seemed to be thinking about something in his heart, and Xiao Yan's appearance was also a little confused.

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