"Why do you have to suffer a big loss? Is there anything strange about the content of the conversation between the two people?"

Zhao Manyang didn't hear the mystery, and asked Li Yuhang on the side in confusion, wanting to know the next information from him.

"Oh? If you want to know this, then you can go out and take a look."

"By the way, take a look at the window."

Li Yuhang seemed to be afraid that Zhao Manyang would go to the wrong place, so he quickly reminded him.

Listening to Li Yuhang's words, Zhao Manyang nodded lightly, ran to the window sill aside, and looked at the wooden planks extending outside the window sill in confusion.

I saw two clear footprints on it.

When Zhao Manyang saw this, he was stunned.

"Has anyone watched us on the window sill? Ye Ge, come and take a look. There are several footprints here."

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words and sighed softly.

"This is unnecessary. When you were just wondering, I already knew there was something there."

Zhao Manyang didn't say anything about Ye Chen's words, nodded, and sat back again.

"So Li Yuhang how do you know about this?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Yuhang smiled bitterly.

"You people in the city can play, so I want to go back to my crypt now."

Listening to Li Yuhang's words, Ye Chen coughed slightly and patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay, don't think about it so much, hurry up and talk about how on earth do you know this."

"Hey, if I could come up and ask the shopkeeper below at that time, it would be great. In that case, I would know that Donggong Yunlan was probably kidnapped."

Listening to Li Yuhang's words, Ye Chen nodded gently.

Because he had guessed with the series of information just now, the current Donggong Yunlan might have been tied up.

And that person's purpose is to attract himself to the past.

So now Ye Chen is also very difficult, he doesn't know whether he wants to go to that place or not.

"Li Yuhang, what do you think? Should I go through this matter?"

Li Yuhang listened to Ye Chen's words and sighed softly.

"Ye Chen, what do you think I think?"

Ye Chen laughed loudly as he listened to Li Yuhang's words.

"I see, the thoughts in my heart are exactly the same as your thoughts at that time."

"But before I go there, I still have to prepare."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Yuhang nodded gently.

"And let's finish talking about the things you just said, so what kind of guy did you meet that made you look like this."

After Li Yuhang heard Ye Chen's words like this, his face became frustrated, and he seemed very reluctant to mention the events at that time.

"Ye Chen, I met one. I can't beat the enemy no matter how I fight it."

"What is the strength of that enemy? Is there me powerful?"

Ye Chen also knew that Li Yuhang was not in a good mood right now, but in order to quickly obtain information about the enemies he might have to confront later, he could only ask him this way.

"This, I can't say."

Li Yuhang thought for a while, and slowly shook his head.

Ye Chen's eyes were full of doubts at this time.

"Can you tell me the reason? Why is it hard to tell?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Yuhang sighed softly.

"Actually, I only fought him after a few tricks. I was beaten to the ground by him."

Zhao Manyang and Xiao Yan couldn't help taking a breath when listening to Li Yuhang's words.

Because according to what he said, the strength of this person is really unfathomable.

"Brother Ye Chen, how is it possible? Is that person really that powerful?"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and sighed softly.

"I don't know this, but someone who can defeat Li Yuhang in such a short time. Then his strength is really terrifying."

Naturally, Ye Chen would not think that Li Yuhang was lying to himself, after all, no one could say anything about it, no one could not tell.

"That person's strength has reached this level, so why did he just stare at me?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone slowly shook their heads.

"And it seems that he has studied us thoroughly, so he seized that opportunity and captured Donggong Yunlan."

When Ye Chen and the others were still analyzing, they were in an unknown corner.

Donggong Yunlan woke up quietly and turned around.

"What's wrong with me?"

Donggong Yunlan had just regained consciousness and still didn't understand what had happened to him.

Still looking at this dazedly, suddenly at this moment, he recalled, in the last stage of his memory. It seemed that a man in black broke into his room suddenly and knocked himself out.

Donggong Yunlan touched her clothes in horror, found that the clothes were still there, and let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, she took time to observe the current situation around her.

All that caught Yun Lan's eyes in the East Palace were the cold stone walls.

Although there is torch lighting around, it also looks very dim.

"What the **** is this place?"

Donggong Yunlan walked against the wall while trying to find an exit where he could go out.

At this moment, she suddenly found that after making a big circle, she had returned to the place where she had just awakened.

"There is no exit here!"

Donggong Yunlan exclaimed, and now she didn't know what to do, she sat down slowly against the wall.

"I didn't expect the strength of that person to be so powerful."

Donggong Yunlan naturally knew that the person who could stun himself and bring it here must be extraordinary in strength.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have the power to fight back under his hands.

When Donggong Yunlan thought of this place, it suddenly rang.

"My body's power shouldn't be disabled, right."

Donggong Yunlan tried to think about it, and suddenly he discovered that his star power was still working perfectly.

"I didn't expect that he didn't seal my power. If I said that, I could escape with star power."

What makes Donggong Yunlan feel broken is that there is no place like an exit here.

"If there is no exit here, how did I get in?"

Believing this reason firmly, Donggong Yunlan was not depressed anymore, and quickly walked around the stone wall again, trying to find it and see where he could see the entrance when he came in.

Because she knew that as long as she found that place, she could escape from there.

But after searching for a circle, she gave up completely and sat on the spot slowly.

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