"Sect Master, I said I said everything."

The man listened to Wu Qishui's words and looked at him coldly.

"I hope everything you say is the truth, if you let me hear a little bit. If the news is false, you know your consequences!"

Listening to the words of the man in front of him, Wu Qishui's face was sweaty, and now he didn't know what was going on, he couldn't even mention the idea of ​​resistance.

"I didn't expect that it would be like this after I came back. I had known this a long time ago and I shouldn't have caught it like this at that time."

Thinking of this, Wu Qishui slowly raised his head to look at the man sitting on the seat.

He didn't think about it anymore, he knew that if he didn't take this seriously, his life would probably be gone.

Wu Qishui took a deep breath, slowly talking about the thoughts in his heart.

"In fact, about this Ye Chen, I have already met him a long time ago."

Hearing Wu Qishui's words, the man also had some doubts in his heart.

Because he knew what mission he sent this guy to perform, if he had seen Ye Chen, why didn't he know.

But he didn't interrupt the guy in front of him. After all, he still has the value to use now. After he finishes saying these words, it is not too late to think about the next step.

"Where did you meet Ye Chen? Why don't I know."

Listening to his suzerain's question, Wu Qishui slowly shook his head.

"Sect Master, you definitely don't know, you know that at that time, I didn't tell you any news, but at that time, you didn't realize it. This also let me escape."

The man snorted coldly when listening to Wu Qishui's words.

"Wait a minute, you tell which sect you have defected to, I can still give you a happy one, otherwise you will definitely not be able to escape who is waiting for you."

Wu Qishui seemed to have thought of something at this time, and he fought a cold war.

But he still resisted this feeling and went on.

"After that, I already know almost everything, do I need to talk about it?"

Listening to Wu Qishui's words, the man gave a cold snort and waved his hand directly.

"Take him down and lock him up. After that, I will let him obediently tell the information he knows."

All the people present saluted the person sitting above.

"We know, Sovereign."

Then everyone left here directly.

The man sat there, as if thinking about something.

"I thought there would be such a thing. It seems that there should be a lot of news hidden by that guy."

The man whispered, thinking in his heart how to make Wu Qishui spit out the information.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen. It turns out that Ye Chen passed us by a long time ago."

Lu Yu and Lin Le were talking on the road. But the content of their conversation was Ye Chen.

"Yeah, I also find it very strange now. If we met Ye Chen before, would it be a different ending?"

Duanmu Liu was naturally thinking about what a few people said.

"But I think if we met Ye Chen at that time, it is likely that we are now enemies."

After listening to Duanmu Liu's words, everyone felt that it was very likely to be the case.

After all, no one came to chase and kill them at that time, and the previous partner did not encounter any danger, why should he follow his sect obediently.

"Okay, guys, don't think about this anymore. You can lock up this guy as soon as possible. Otherwise, the suzerain will be in trouble when it comes to blame."

Lu Yu still knows what he is going to do now, so I have to remind you as soon as I don't want them to be distracted anymore.

Li Zitong smiled slightly when listening to Lu Yu's words.

"Oh, don't worry, this is in the sect, what can happen, and we are all there, the sovereign nation can come to us directly, and he can turn up any big storms."

Duanmu Liu slowly shook his head while listening to Li Zitong's words.

Naturally, I don't agree with this approach in my heart. After all, the enemy is the enemy, and we must be vigilant.

"By the way, where did Yunhai go, do you guys know?"

Lu Yu suddenly said a word, causing everyone to shake their heads.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him, I don't know where he has been recently."

Duanmuliu was the first to say that he didn't know, after all, he had been for a while. But they are all honing their star power.

"He seems to have a mission recently. He went out and didn't come back."

Lin Le seems to know something. Speaking softly to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu nodded softly, and didn't ask any more.

In the lower realm, in the city where the ascension battle is about to be held, a black shadow quickly moved on the beams of the room with the help of the night.

This person is naturally the sea of ​​clouds in the sect.

Yun Hai knew that Ye Chen was also in this place, so he wanted to see if he could find the inn where Ye Chen lived.

When he was performing his mission, he was able to turn that place into a foothold.

"Hey, I don't know where Ye Chen was looking for an inn."

Yun Hai was also lost now, and didn't know what to do in this city.

Now the sky was completely dark, and now it was too late to ask for help from the sect.

Because at this moment, he suddenly saw that in the alley beside him, there were two dark figures thinking about something.

Yun Hai naturally understood the rules of the Ascension War. He knew that if he didn't leave quickly, he would most likely be discovered by other strong men.

"No, I can't continue, stay here again, this place is on the ninth floor, first find an inn to stay overnight, and look for the location of Ye Chen the next day."

But what Yun Hai didn't know was that the roof he stepped on was the inn where Ye Chen lived.

Yun Hai completely concealed his body, Ye Chen didn't feel anything at all.

The two also missed it.

The arrival of the sea of ​​clouds was a huge boost for Ye Chen.

With this, Ye Chen is not afraid of those guys.

"Brother Ye Chen, sister Yun Lan, isn't she awake yet?"

"I'll take care of you for a while, you go find a place to sleep."

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words, and slowly looked at her.

"Sister Yan'er, it's okay, you continue to sleep. If I can't hold it anymore, I will naturally call you."

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words, but did not insist, and nodded gently to him.

"Okay, Brother Ye Chen, call me when you are sleepy, and I will do it for you."

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