Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1564: Brother's request

"Ye Chen! Only you can help me with this matter, Ye Chen! You must hurry up!"

Ye Chen heard this voice suddenly appeared in his mind. Almost fell directly to the ground.

Ye Chen realized at this time that this voice could directly interfere with his spiritual world.

"No, I must quickly find out where the source of this sound comes from."

Ye Chen knew that if this voice suddenly appeared in his mind during the battle, it would be fatal to him.

"By the way, senior, can't he directly monitor my spiritual world? Go and ask, did he feel anything abnormal just now?"

Ye Chen nodded lightly, thinking in his heart.

"Ye Chen, why did you come back so fast?"

At this moment, Yun Hai just wanted to drink a cup of tea, and suddenly saw Ye Chen, who had already appeared at the door.

"This is pretty fast. Brother, I have something to ask you."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Yun Hai nodded softly, and now he has no sense of just being foolish.

The faint aura that radiated from his body also brought the attention of the brother back to him.

"Ye Chen, you said what you asked first, if I know, I can naturally help you answer it, or if you have any difficulties and want me to help you, these are all possible, after all, I am too Your brother, right?"

Ye Chen listened to Yunhai's words, smiled slightly, and shook his head slowly.

"Brother, this is not necessary. In fact, it is not such a troublesome thing. I just want to tell you about a strange thing I encountered recently. I don't understand why it happened. "

Yun Hai was also very confused at this time, and nodded gently to Ye Chen.

He wanted to know in his heart what it was that could puzzle Ye Chen.

"Okay, Ye Chen, just say it, if I know, I will definitely answer it with you."

Ye Chen listened to Yunhai's words, coughed slightly, and nodded.

"Brother, in fact, after coming down from the city wall just now."

"There is a voice that has always appeared in my mind. I don't know where this voice came from, but his voice sounds very old. Could it be that something has entangled me?"

Yunhai, listening to Ye Chen's words. I was stunned for a moment and thought about it.

Because he had indeed never encountered a situation similar to Ye Chen, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind, which showed that the voice directly penetrated the human soul.

But for cultivators like them, for the soul, it is the most critical place to protect.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for such a thing to happen at all. There will be such a sound, which directly penetrates your mental protection. So as to reach your spiritual world.

This is too weird anyway.

"I haven't seen anything like that, Ye Chen, are you sure? Make sure that there is a strange voice in your mind, not something else."

"Did you receive something recently? A strange beast, or something like a treasure, a spirit treasure."

Ye Chen listened to what Yunhai enumerated, and shook his head slowly.

"Without brother, I didn't make any of these. And it seems that the voice is occasional, as if calling me to the past."

Yun Hai frowned as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

Because of what Ye Chen said, he realized the seriousness of this matter.

Because it is very likely that this is a guy from ancient times, looking for someone to let him possess.

And Ye Chen is probably the one who is suitable for him to seize the house, so he would have such a reaction, calling Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, listen to me, no matter what, you can't go to where this guy is, do you know?"

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully when listening to Yunhai's words.

"Since that brother, you have said so, I will definitely not go there, but I still want to know why not let me go?"

Yun Hai is also very anxious now, he wants to tell his brothers in the sect, and the sect master.

"Because your strength has not reached a certain level, you are not sure if that guy is hostile to you."

Ye Chen listened to Yunhai's words, thought about it, and nodded gently.

"This seems to be true. I only judge from his voice. I don't think he is malicious towards me, but who can say it clearly?"

Yunhai nodded softly as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

"It's right for you to think like this. Remember that if that voice calls for you in the future, you should tell me as soon as possible. If there is something wrong, I will notify the people in the sect to help you. "

Ye Chen listened to Yunhai's words, and put his heart down, because he knew that everyone in the sect was very powerful. For this matter, I will definitely have my own thoughts.

"Okay, then thank you brother."

Yunhai nodded softly as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

"This is fine, as long as you are safe now."

Ye Chen smiled at the sea of ​​clouds.

"Brother, I still have things on my side, so I'll leave first. This is the key to your room. You can go directly to the next door to this house."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Yun Hai quickly took the key in his hand, patted him on the shoulder, and left here directly.

Ye Chen looked helplessly at Yun Hai's back and sighed softly.

"This brother shouldn't have come to me because he has no money."

Ye Chen spat out and returned to Xiao Yan's house.

In fact, what Ye Chen thought was really right. Yun Hai didn't have a penny on him now, he only brought a weapon, so he came here.

But Yun Hai wouldn't know if Ye Chen didn't talk about it, after all, this matter was still difficult for Yun Hai to tell.

"Brother Ye Chen, you are back."

Xiao Yan looked at Ye Chen who came back, and he was also relieved.

He didn't know what was going on, just when Ye Chen left the house, his heart seemed to be lifted up, and he always felt that Ye Chen seemed to disappear.

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and nodded gently.

"Yeah, I'm back, what's the matter? Yan'er, you seem to have something to ask me."

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words, smiled bitterly, and slowly glanced at Donggong Yunlan next to her, and found that she didn't have any signs of wanting to wake up.

At this time, I was also relieved.

"Brother Ye Chen, I have something to ask you."

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