Because when Ye Chen got this bell, the bell was still golden and bronze, and it was not as crystal clear as it is now.

The bell at this time, I don't know what's going on, turned into a crystal-like color and became transparent, and in the middle of the bell, there was a gray thing constantly floating in it.

Ye Chen also felt very strange at this time, and asked the child next to him softly.

"That kid, what do you think this is?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the little boy came to Ye Chen's side doubtfully, looked at the bell in her hand, and instantly understood.

"This is because he has absorbed some souls to harass you."

Ye Chen listened to the little boy's words, stunned for a moment, and quietly looked at the little bell in his hand.

"Unexpectedly, something really came to me last night."

Ye Chen actually thought that it was his luck last night that the guy didn't harass him, but after seeing this, Ye Chen also knew.

It's not because that guy didn't come here, but because the soul-like thing sent by that guy was absorbed by his own bell.

Ye Chen took a deep breath and slowly hung the bell around his waist.

"Now that I have this baby, I don't have to worry about being harassed by that voice anymore."

Since Ye Chen had decided not to pay attention to that voice anymore, naturally he didn't want to hear him wandering around in his ears anymore.

"Boy, you hide in my arms first, if there is something, I will call you out."

Ye Chen would definitely not let the child go out like this. Once he went outside and was seen by others, the identity of the boy was revealed in minutes.

At that time, Ye Chen would be in danger, and the boy didn't refute anything. Hearing what Ye Chen said, he nodded gently.

"Okay, if Ye Chen has something to do, just tell me that I feel very energetic this time."

Ye Chen listened to the child's words, smiled slightly, and nodded gently.

"Okay, I know."

After Ye Chen answered the child's words, he grabbed her directly and stuffed it into his arms.

The boy didn't even make a scream, he was already stuffed into his arms by Ye Chen, and he was hidden with a breath-shielding stone.

Ye Chen looked at the child who was already in his arms, and he was relieved, and walked towards the door slowly.

Ye Chen, there is always an idea in his heart now, that is to ask when Xiao Yan's voice disappeared.

So Ye Chen didn't stay any longer, and walked directly to the house of Xiao Yan who lived next to him.

At this moment, Xiao Yan's door suddenly opened.

Xiao Yan quickly came out of it and ran towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was stunned at this moment, and looked at Xiao Yan suspiciously.

"What's the matter with Yan'er? Is there something you want to tell me? Don't be anxious and speak slowly."

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words, swallowed, and nodded gently at him.

"Yes, Brother Ye Chen, I have one thing I want to tell you, that is, sister Yun Lan, she woke up!"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and nodded lightly, without too much shock on his face.

It was as if she had already known that she would wake up.

"Actually, I thought about it a long time ago. Donggong Yunlan didn't suffer any harm. She was just too tired and fell asleep. As long as she rests well, she will definitely wake up."

When Ye Chen said this, he sighed softly and touched Xiao Yan's head beside him.

"Since she is awake, let's go over and take a look."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he walked in front and walked directly towards the house.

"Ye Chen, you are here. I'm sorry this time, I've caused you trouble."

Ye Chen listened to Donggong Yunlan's words and nodded gently.

"This is all right, anyway, when I rescued you, I didn't put much effort into it."

"It's Li Yuhang, he wants to save you, but he is going to compare with something. The evil things fight against it. Fortunately, I rushed in time at that time, otherwise he would be dead."

Donggong Yunlan listened to Ye Chen's words and froze there, as if thinking about something.

"Oh, if I was a little more sensitive at that time, I shouldn't have been so defenseless. I was stunned by that person."

Ye Chen patted Donggong Yunlan's shoulder gently.

"It's okay. I don't even dare to have that person's strength. It can be said that he can beat him so easily. His strength has reached an unfathomable level. You don't need to blame yourself too much."

Donggong Yunlan heard Ye Chen's comforting words before returning to his senses and nodded gently to him.

"Ye Chen. If you have anything you want to say, just say me. This time I did cause trouble for you. If you don't prepare well, because the one who lost the ascension is the qualification, then I can't afford it. what."

Ye Chen frowned slightly as he listened to Donggong Yunlan's words.

However, the expression on Ye Chen's face now has some worries.

"No, what I mean by what you said is that you won't be able to fight with us in the future."

Donggong Yunlan raised his head in surprise when he heard what Ye Chen said.

"Ye Chen, what are you talking about, how can I possibly, my current strength hasn't dropped in any way."

Ye Chen laughed loudly and nodded at her.

"That's good, we will be short of you right now. At that time, we will participate in this ascension battle. Without one of us, no one will be allowed."

"You should take a good rest now, and adjust your body to the heyday, when we need you to do something."

Donggong Yunlan listened to Ye Chen's words and turned his head slightly to look at Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, do you really blame me?"

Xiao Yan couldn't stand it anymore at this time, and hurried to Donggong Yunlan's side.

"Oh, Sister Yun Lan, don't ask so many things. Since Brother Ye Chen said so, then he definitely didn't blame you."

"You can take a good rest now. If you have anything to do, call me. I will not go to other places until you recover. I will guard you now. Anyway, I don't need to participate in the Ascension War, right? ?"

Donggong Yunlan's eyes flashed a tear as he listened to the words of Anti-inflammatory, but he did not let anyone see this tear.

After hearing what Xiao Yan said, Donggong Yunlan nodded heavily at her.

"Okay, sister Yan'er, I know, I will definitely get better."

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