"In fact, some things are not on the surface. The news that Zhao Manyang can let you know is what they are willing to let you see."

"You should understand this truth."

Ye Chen's words woke up the two of them.

"Brother Ye, what do you mean?"

Zhao Manyang looked at Ye Chen on the side in surprise, as if he had already understood his words in his heart.

"I want to see if this guy is a puppet."

Ye Chen said, and slowly shook his head.

He understands that now is not a good time, so he just said that he has not yet turned this matter into action.

Just as the three continued to follow these people towards the center.

The fluctuation that Ye Chen felt before was getting bigger and bigger.

"You two be careful, I have already felt the movement in that guy's body."

Li Yuhang and Zhao Manyang were very puzzled at this time, because they didn't know what Ye Chen was talking about.

"Okay, Brother Ye, I see."

Although the two of them didn't know, they still slowly responded to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded gently, looked at the surroundings vigilantly, feeling the dispensable movements around him.

Because he knew that the closer to that guy, the more danger around him. They definitely can't just rely on the people in front and the sky, the guy who is not at all sure whether it is an enemy or a friend, and expect them to help.

"You two be careful."

At this time, Ye Chen once again urged the two people behind him, and at this moment, the bell on his waist suddenly rang.

Listening to the sound of the bell, Ye Chen frowned, and slowly took out the bell hanging on his waist.

Because he knew that the bell was ringing, it must be because of some strange thing, and this thing is probably related to what he is experiencing now.

"Is that guy here again?"

Ye Chen took out the bell and looked at it. As expected, there was already a second soul-like thing in the transparent bell.

However, the soul that came this time was no longer the gray it was before, and now it has become a deep red. Even Ye Chen was taken aback when he saw it.

Zhao Manyang and Li Yuhang also joined Ye Chen's side at this time, and studied the bell with him.

"Brother Ye, what are you? Why are there these two strange angers in this bell?"

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words and shook his head slowly.

"This is a magic weapon that I carried before, and his ability is to absorb the surrounding souls that are attacking me."

Zhao Manyang listened to Ye Chen's explanation and nodded gently.

"Brother Ye, what you mean is that the two things flying inside are souls."

Ye Chen nodded, the expression on his face gradually became serious.

Because he is very clear about what the red soul represents.

"I don't know if this bell can hold it."

Ye Chen didn't know why now, suddenly, the old man's offensive intensified.

"If I am hit by this red soul, then I am afraid that I will fall into his dream."

Ye Chen shook his head slowly, put it away, Bell didn't think about it anymore.

"Ye Chen, are you worried about something? Could the soul in this bell interfere with you?"

Listening to Li Yuhang's words, Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, and nodded at him.

"How did you know? I remember I didn't tell you this."

Li Yuhang listened to Ye Chen's words and shook his head.

"In fact, there is nothing, I just saw that you seemed a little worried, so I asked."

"Well, it's good if you know this, let's go first."

Ye Chen just said a word, and then led the three of them to follow behind those Snow City disciples.

"Ye Chen, do you know where we are going?"

At this time, Li Yuhang asked Ye Chen quietly, because he still didn't know where to go.

"Indeed, I forgot to tell you this, because Zhao Meiyang has already been to this Warcraft Forest before. Both of us have gone deep, and we found that there seems to be a strange mysterious wave in this depth. ."

"And this time the crisis was caused by this fluctuation."

Although Ye Chen was a little strange, whether the monster riots he had encountered before were caused by this energy, but it was still inseparable.

"It turned out to be so."

Li Yuhang nodded lightly, then continued to think.

Ye Chen felt this increasingly powerful strange aura, and his heart also lifted up.

But at this moment, the elder of Snow City waved his hand, and a pure white barrier directly covered everyone below.

Just when this barrier appeared, for an instant, a red halo suddenly passed over and spread to the distance.

The place skipped by the red aperture was like being struck by thunder. There are some cracks in the land.

"What is this?"

After Ye Chen felt the power of this thing, he also began to rejoice that he had not rushed here at that time.

"Fortunately, I didn't come here at that time, otherwise I would be in trouble now."

Zhao Manyang and Li Yuhang were stunned by watching this scene.

When the red halo passed over them, it seemed to be shielded by the pure white barrier, so they didn't suffer any harm, but the energy on the halo just now really made them feel it.

"Brother Ye, what exactly is that red aperture?"

Ye Chen listened to Zhang Mengyang's question, and slowly shook his head, how would he know this thing.

"I don't know too much, but it's probably released by the guy in the depths of the forest. We have to be careful afterwards."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Zhao Manyang and Li Yuhang nodded gently.

"Fortunately, we followed these people and the elders of the Snow City above did not exclude us from their people."

Ye Chen listened to Li Yuhang's words and nodded gently.

The three of them also raised their spirits at this time, but the group of disciples in the Snow City in front of them did not seem to be shocked by what had just happened.

They still went forward calmly and walked slowly, but at this time, they all showed offensive actions.

"Could there be something in front of this?"

Ye Chen looked at the appearance of these people and quickly explored with his spiritual knowledge.

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