Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1585: Finally arrived

"Actually, I don't want to either. The main reason is that I encountered too many strange monsters on the road."

"These people under me are not strong enough to fight this matter."

"Okay, okay, don't say so much now, now that everyone is here, let's start quickly."

At this time, a woman in a red robe walked out from the side and interrupted the conversation between the two.

The elder of the Snow City and the man who was covered in green light seemed to respect this woman very much. After hearing her words, they quickly stopped talking.

"Hundreds of years have passed. I didn't expect that the seal here would have weakened so much this time."

"Did you see anything strange when you came here?"

Listening to this woman's questioning, the other four people slowly shook their heads.

But they suddenly discovered that Xue Zhishu's cockroaches didn't seem to have any reaction, and they all looked at him together.

"Xue Huaxin, do you have something to say."

Xue Huaxin nodded softly as she listened to the question of the woman in the red robe.

"Yes, I did encounter something strange on the way here."

Not to mention Xue Huaxin condensed the power in his hands, and transformed into the form of that flood dragon.

"What is this?"

Everyone present was puzzled, because they had never seen such a species.

Xue Huaxin naturally hadn't seen it before, and slowly shook his head.

"Actually, I don't know too much, but his strength is indeed very powerful, but he is still defeated by me."

Xue Huaxin said this without any pride on his face, because when he was with Jiao Longjiao in front of him, he felt the huge power in his body.

"But it is very likely that his strength has not yet exerted one-tenth of his full strength."

Xue Huaxin's words made several people think about it.

The woman in the red robe frowned slightly and nodded to her.

"Okay, I see, it looks like this is a bit troublesome now."

She also knew exactly what it meant to appear such a guy.

"By the way, why are you so sure of his strength? Only one tenth was used."

At this time, a young man in blue looked at this place and asked Xue Huaxin about the details of this matter.

"Because I really felt a very powerful power in his body, but that power seems to have been sealed and cannot be used at all."

"Or maybe he still doesn't have the ability to unlock the seal in his body."

Leaf dust below. I listened to their conversation, but I heard it really.

At this time, Ye Chen also understood that the demon core of the Flood Dragon in his hand was probably the nine-point power left in his body.

"I didn't expect it to be like this. Now he has not completely transformed into such a powerful force in the dragon body, although there is nowhere to put it, it can only be compressed in this demon core."

"But why did it become like this?"

Because what Ye Chen knew was that if you want to advance to a higher level.

That definitely requires a very powerful force in the body.

However, the power of the Flood Dragon has reached a huge bottleneck, but why, he has not further transformed into a dragon.

"Or in other words, there are so many advancements in its body that it just allows him to untie it step by step."

"Does the appearance of this flood dragon have any connection with that guy in the depths of the forest?"

While Ye Chen was still thinking about it, everyone in the sky seemed to have reached a consensus, and they all had their positions to strengthen the seal below.

Ye Chen and the others were also down here, watching the excitement, anyway, nothing happened to them in the future.

"Brother Ye, you said there is nothing with us after this, why should we follow?"

Listening to Zhao Manyang's words, Ye Chen slowly took out a handful of melon seeds from his storage ring.

"Nothing. I just came here to watch the excitement and see what they want to do. I'm a little curious."

Zhao Manyang listened to Ye Chen's words and just wanted to say something, but his attention was suddenly attracted by the melon seeds in Ye Chen's mouth.

"Brother Ye, what you eat seems to be delicious."

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words, looked over slowly, and took out a handful of melon seeds from the storage ring and handed it to him.

"Well, let's watch the fun together, what do you want to do so much?"

At this time, Ye Chen calmed his mind and didn't think about anything.

Looking at the melon seeds in his hand, he smiled slightly, and sat beside Ye Chen, watching the scene of the front seal with him.

Li Yuhang watched sitting next to him, and the two sighed softly.

"Ye Chen, how can you two be like this? Even if there is nothing to see, you can also learn about their way of sealing."

"Whatever you look at, you can eat a little too."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Yuhang instantly took the melon seeds in his hand and sat beside them.

The three of them are here quietly looking at the people in front of them, anyway, with the protection of the Snow City Elder barrier, they are safe.

"Ye Chen, do you think there will be nothing wrong with this seal, right?"

Ye Chen frowned upon hearing Li Yuhang's words.

"What are you thinking about? There are so many powerful people here, so surely nothing will happen."

As soon as Ye Chen's voice fell, he saw the red array pattern below, which suddenly started to shine, and at the moment when the light started, the expressions of all six people in the sky changed drastically.

"No! He is about to wake up! Hurry up and strengthen the seal!"

Li Yuhang and Zhao Manyang were all stunned at this time.

Because he didn't expect that he just mentioned it casually, and it turned out to be like this.

"That shouldn't be, it should be a bit more miserable."

Ye Chen coughed slightly, and sat up straight. Watching nervously what might happen below.

"It looks like the sealed thing under this. It should be very powerful."

Because Ye Chen knew that if he couldn't detect it, his strength was probably higher than that of a five-star warrior.

There are so many powerful guys here, how could it be impossible to hold on.

If you really can't hold it, there is only one statement, but the guy who is sealed below, the strength has been terrifying to a degree.

"Brother Ye, they failed after not strengthening the seal, right?"

"Probably not."

Zhao Manyang asked Ye Chen softly, and the more Ye Chen looked at it, the more he felt that there shouldn't be any more moths.

Because the scene has basically stabilized.

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