Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1592: Strange things downstairs

"Okay, you don't need to say more about this matter. The two of us have already known about this. Now we are going down to deal with this matter. Come with us. By the way, tell me what happened next. ."

Dian Xiaoer was also a little nervous listening to Yue Luo's words, but still suppressed the thoughts in his heart and nodded gently.

"Okay, Master Yue, just ask me if you want to know, I will definitely answer it with you."

Yue Luo looked at Xiao Er who was trembling in front of him and nodded gently.

"I didn't expect you to be quite witty."

After Yue Luo finished speaking, he directly took out a storage bag from the storage ring and threw it into the shop's second hand.

"This rewards you, hurry up and tell me what happened."

After the shop Xiaoer got Yue Luo's money, her body didn't tremble anymore, and she became more confident when she walked.

"Okay, Master Yue, I will tell you now what happened."

"Actually, it's because there are two guys eating below, and they seem to be fighting for a seat."

"Where is the seat that is competing for?"

Xiao Er of the shop listened to Yue Luo's words, and was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't want to talk about this place.

Yue Luo frowned slightly when he looked at Xiaoer from the shop next to him.

I just wanted to say something, but it was stopped by Ye Chen on the side.

"Well, let me ask about the rest. I don't think you are the best choice to deal with this matter."

"I haven't dealt with it before."

Yue Luo listened to Ye Chen's words. He smiled shyly.

"Indeed, I have been in the family before and don't care much about these things outside the family."

Ye Chen sighed softly as he listened to Yue Luo's words.

"I said, no wonder then let me take over these things."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he didn't care about Yue Luo's reply, so he looked at the shop Xiaoer on the side.

"I will ask you to answer the next question, and you must not lie."

Xiao Er from the shop looked towards him. He had been following Yue Luo just now, and he didn't speak next to him, but Yi Talking calmed the man in Yue Luo.

"Okay, I know, I won't say it casually."

Ye Chen also let go of his heart at this time, and nodded gently.

"That's good, you said the room that person wants to go to, isn't it ours?"

Ye Chen also had some thoughts in his heart, because they had been here for long enough. If there were other people who wanted to come to this private room, they would definitely have a dispute with the shopkeeper downstairs.

Dian Xiaoer listened to Ye Chen's words, and looked at him in surprise, as if he had seen a ghost, causing him to encounter something unspeakable.

"Okay, don't show such an expression, you quickly tell me, is it because of this?"

Yue Luo was also a little stunned when he heard Ye Chen's inquiry. He didn't know why Ye Chen was so firm in such an idea.

Dian Xiaoer listened to Ye Chen's question again, but also returned to his senses and nodded at him unceasingly.

"Yes, it is true. But our shopkeeper has already dealt with it below."

Ye Chen nodded lightly, did not say anything to Xiaoer, but looked at Yue Luo who was aside.

"It seems that the following situation is not optimistic. Is there any more powerful force in this city than your Yue family?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Yue Luo smiled bitterly, there is definitely some, but generally there will be no conflicts between a few people, so Yue Luo didn't talk to Ye Chen carefully.

"Yes, Ye Chen, this is definitely there, but although there is, we won't have any conflicts with them, so I didn't even think about telling you."

"It seems that what happened this time is probably one of these families."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Yue Luo was also a little strange, because he didn't know where Ye Chen became like this. It was certain that this matter was caused by these guys.

"Ye Chen, I seem to be sure of what you said, why on earth do you think so."

"Because if it is a family weaker than yours, after hearing your reputation, you will definitely run away and will not provoke things below."

Ye Chen paused while talking, and slowly looked at Yue Luo.

Yue Luo was also thinking at this time, seeing Ye Chen's eyes, he seemed to understand something in his heart.

Ye Chen didn't hesitate, and continued to speak slowly.

"Although the shopkeeper said that the shopkeeper has been dealt with, listening to the fighting below, it seems that there is no meaning to stop."

Ye Chen sighed softly, as if he was a little dissatisfied with the way the shopkeeper handled it.

"Ye Chen, what do you mean? Do you need us to come forward at this time?"

"Yes, we need us at this time."

Ye Chen seemed to be quite sure that he didn't hesitate, so he followed Yue Luo's words.

"So that's the case, Ye Chen, I know."

Yue Luo nodded gently, and then the three of them also went directly to the first floor, watching the farce below.

As soon as Ye Chen came down, he was shocked by the level of chaos below.

Slightly frowned and looked down.

Because I don't know what's going on, there shouldn't be so many people below, but I don't know when it turned into a melee.

Ye Chen sighed softly, looked at Yue Luo who was aside, his eyes clearly said that it was time for you to go.

Yue Luo felt the look in Ye Chen's eyes, coughed slightly, and roared when he looked at the scene below.

"Stop it for me now!"

Looking at the shopkeeper in this chaotic scene, it was as if he had seen a savior, and he looked at Yue Luo above with vigor.

Most of the people below still knew Yue Luo, and they all stopped.

However, Yue Luo was in it, and after searching for a long time, he didn't see anyone in the family that was more powerful than his own.

Yue Luo gave a guest twice, and whispered to Ye Chen on the side.

"Ye Chen, are you feeling wrong about this? I don't see any familiar faces either!"

Ye Chen listened to Yue Luo's words, although he was a little embarrassed, but still did not hold back the pot.

"It must be that the information that Xiaoer told me just now was wrong, otherwise I wouldn't speculate like this."

Yue Luo slowly looked at the shop Xiaoer on the side, and found that the expression on his face was a little helpless now.

Yue Luo coughed lightly and didn't say anything, and then looked at the people who stopped below.

"Everyone! Give me a face to Yue Luo, so please don't fight!"

Listening to Yue Luo's words, everyone would naturally give the Yue family's son a face, and they all nodded gently, put away their weapons, and stood aside.

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