Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1599: Exotic treasures

"As far as the materials are concerned, I don't seem to have it."

As soon as Ye Chen's voice fell, he suddenly remembered that he was in Yue Luo and gave himself the storage ring.

Then quickly took out the ring.

"Two, wait a minute, I seem to remember that there is something I need in it."

The boss of this blacksmith's shop was not in a hurry, and gently nodded to Ye Chen.

"It's okay. After all, my brother is also here to take care of the business. If there is, then we don't need to charge you too much money."

Ye Chen was puzzled at this time, because he had just arrived here now, and he didn't know how much money it would cost to forge weapons here. Or maybe there are any special requirements to forge weapons.

"Why do you say that? Could it be that we don't need money if we take out the materials that can forge weapons?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the blacksmith shop owner gave a wry smile on his face, revealing a very helpless expression.

"In fact, this is true. If you can come up with rarer materials, we will definitely not charge you any fees."

Ye Chen didn't understand these things either, listening to the blacksmith shop owner's words, he just nodded gently.

"Then you see if these two things of mine can be forged into weapons."

Ye Chen saw one or two crystal clear crystals in the storage ring. Ye Chen didn't know if these two things could be used, so he took them out.

"What is this thing?"

The blacksmith shop owner and his apprentice looked at the thing in Ye Chen's hand in confusion.

Ye Chen didn't worry, and directly handed these two purple crystals to them.

"Can this weapon be forged? If it can't be forged, I seem to have some other materials here for you to see."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the blacksmith shop owner nodded softly. It seemed that he was hesitating and didn't dare to make a conclusion directly.

Ye Chen was not in a hurry, and slowly took out two or three strange-looking stones from the medium.

Ye Chen naturally knew what was iron, and those were not iron. He just wanted the blacksmith shop owner to help himself recognize the material of this thing. So that when she can do something later, she can take out these things directly.

After getting the stones from Ye Chen, the blacksmith shop owner walked directly into the back of the blacksmith shop, and didn't even care about the business here.

Only the three Ye Chen left stared here.

"What's wrong with your master?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the apprentice also looked very confused, and shook his head at Ye Chen.

"I don't know, it's the first time I have seen my master, showing such an expression."

"Go, let's go and see."

Everyone came to the back of the blacksmith shop, and everyone discovered that at this time, his master seemed to be holding the material that Ye Chen had just given and compared something.

The apprentice stepped forward suspiciously and asked his master.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"Xiaolong, come and take a look. These materials are rare, super rare materials!"

Xiaolong was also at a loss when he heard what his master said.

"Master, what are you talking about? I haven't seen such materials for so long since I have been here."

"Because I haven't seen it before, it's rare!"

The owner of the blacksmith shop is over from school, and the materials that Ye Chen gave him just now came to Ye Chen.

"This little brother doesn't know if you want us to forge weapons, can we use all these materials?"

Ye Chen was also very puzzled at this time, because the iron pieces that he took out just now amounted to five or six yuan.

"If you just forged a sword, you shouldn't need so many things."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the blacksmith shop owner coughed slightly and nodded.

"That's true, it doesn't use so much material, so this little brother, which one do you want to use to forge weapons? But it will take some time for us to forge weapons."

"how long it takes?"

Ye Chen didn't worry about selecting materials for a while, what he cared about was time, after all, starting tomorrow, he was going to participate in the battle of ascension.

"Little brother, do you have something to worry about tomorrow?"

Ye Chen listened to the blacksmith shop owner's words and nodded gently.

"Yes, I do need to participate in the Ascension Battle tomorrow, so I just want to ask today how long it will take you to build a weapon for me."

"If you want a mortal weapon, we can make it for you at any time, but with such good materials, we must make it for you. Weapons of the spirit weapon class will do."

"But if you really want to be faster, we really can't create it with time."

Said the blacksmith shop owner, and handed all these things to Ye Chen and asked him to put them away.

"Little brother, you must remember that the materials you just gave us just now must not be taken out lightly. The materials you have first are indeed very rare. I now want to ask where you got it."

"But we, Wanbao, can stipulate that this is not allowed. You have to collect your own materials, so as not to be targeted by those who are interested in the future."

"By the way, little brother, you just couldn't seem to see what grade these rare stones are?"

"Well, let me give you something so that you can identify these stones."

"I simply don't want these stones to fall into the bad guys. You must keep them away. If you want to be a weapon, you can come to me."

Listening to the words of the boss of the blacksmith shop, Ye Chen was taken aback and nodded gently.

Ye Chen originally wanted to look for it, as well as to identify other better ores, but he didn't expect that he could get it so easily just by coming out.

"Boss, I see."

Ye Chen would naturally not disappoint the boss's kindness.

Ye Chen took the spar handed to him by the boss and nodded at him.

"By the way, boss, I have one thing I want to ask you."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the blacksmith shop owner was stunned for a moment, and looked at him suspiciously.

"Little brother, if you have anything else you want to ask, just tell me. If it's about the Ascension War, I don't have anything to tell you. After all, I haven't been here for long. "

Ye Chen nodded gently, he had already thought about what he wanted to ask.

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