Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1620: Strange prompt in the system

Ye Chen listened to the system and froze for a while, then sighed softly. She knew that she couldn't expect the system to give him any decent help now.

Ye Chen thought of this, and slowly looked at the second prompt, wanting to see if there was anything that could help him from the inside.

"Second, don't provoke others at will. As long as the host achieves the above two points, it will definitely pass the battle of ascension."

Ye Chen looked at the prompts in the task interface introduction, and saw that the system said so confidently that Ye Chen also suddenly felt that he might abide by the above two rules, and he could pass the Ascension War safely.

"Try it first. If it doesn't work, you don't have to follow the instructions given by the system."

After all, it's just a reminder, and it's not something that must be done to complete this task. Ye Chen can naturally choose to comply or not.

Ye Chen finally ignored the system prompt, and directly exited the system space.

He knew that now that the series of missions had begun. Then his primary purpose is to be the first to rush out of this world.

Ye Chen settled down, found a direction directly, and walked over. The more he walked in the forest, the more he felt that the elders of the Star Hall were terrifying.

Because he can nurture this small world, then it shows that his strength is definitely more than that. It's like that on the bright side.

"Unexpectedly, the Star Hall should be such a terrifying force."

When Ye Chen thought about this, suddenly two people in front of him increased their scores.

However, in front of the two who increased their scores this time, they turned into question marks. They didn't know who their nicknames were, so they added two more points.

But Ye Chen understood that the killing might have already begun now.

After some people have tried to kill Warcraft and can't increase their scores, they may have begun to look at others.

Ye Chen was also very surprised now. He didn't think that among this group of people, there were still such crazy people.

After Yue Luo opened his head, it was completely too late and too late to stop. Everyone was now very clear about what they were going to do.

Everyone is now looking at the person next to him, wanting to kill him and increase his points. Although everyone does not know what the points are for, they feel that as long as the people with more points, they may be able to get out. The world.

Ye Chen didn't know exactly what the points were. The elders of the Star Hall didn't tell him, nor did he announce the rules of this point to everyone.

"Could it be that only those who have earned points have the right to know this game?"

Ye Chen was shocked suddenly in his heart, he felt that he could think of this, and those people could naturally think of it.

"Could they have begun to kill each other because of the sudden appearance of this game rule?"

You admit that you can't help but take a breath. Flame wings appeared behind him in an instant, and Ye Chen felt that he couldn't just walk down here slowly.

Although Zhao Manyang and others are likely to be in this forest, Ye Chen knows very well that if he walks randomly in this forest, he will probably not only meet other people, but people around him will have May be framed by this so-called rule.

In order to save them, he had to directly swap out his own flame wings. I want to find them by wandering around the world at a fast speed.

Ye Chen also felt that this idea of ​​his own seemed a bit whimsical, but now this is also the safest way.

As Ye Chen swung his wings, his figure instantly disappeared over the forest.

In the teleportation formation of the Battle of the Ascension of the Upper Realm, many sects and families have already arrived here, waiting for someone to come up.

What they were waiting for was those people who fought together in the battle of ascension and those potential disciples.

Those families who come to compete with these sects are naturally the seedlings with potential.

Because as a family of the upper realm, the background will naturally not be much more than these sects, and the people they want in the family will be more pure.

After all, those who are gifted. There may not be any backers. After they come up, they will naturally choose one. The stable place begins to develop slowly, and finally waits for the moment when I break through.

Naturally, there are very few people in the family that need to be cultivated, so they can also get the maximum supply of resources as much as possible.

And entering the sect, they need to stand out from a disciple, and finally they can get the favor of these sect elders.

It is not surprising that there are also families and sects who appear at the same time.

But at this time, Lin Le and Duanmu Liu had been waiting here for a long time.

Because Yunhai returned to the sect again, he brought them a commission from Ye Chen afterwards.

Let them meet Ye Chen's friend here, that is, Xiao Yan. Yun Hai has already drawn Xiao Yan through his own memory of Xiao Yan on the road.

With the portrait of the two people, it is natural to find Xiao Yan very easily.

And they also got the news that Xiao Yan had an Ascension Token. The two who had waited for this news also knew that Xiao Yan was one of the first six people.

However, when the Ascension War was not over, the two of them had no right to go and contact those who had just ascended.

Can only wait for everyone from Ye Chen to come here before proceeding to the next step.

Lin Le had already seen the person they were looking for, but was stopped by these people and sighed softly. My heart is also very helpless.

"You said Ye Chen, when will he come to us? What if Xiao Yan is here?"

Compared with Lin Le, Duanmuliu was much more stable, and he quietly looked at the teleportation array below.

"You think too much. We also emerged from the Ascension War. Why didn't anything else happen at that time?"

Duanmu Liu was talking quietly with Lin Le, when the two were talking. It is directly involved in the battle of the ascension battle that Ye Chen is currently participating in.

However, the non-urban war they participated in at that time was not as urgent as it is now.

After the previous ascension battle was over, could it be that there were some provocations among the stars? Some star gods even fought directly. This battle lasted for a long time, and everyone's strength was weakened a lot. .

That's why it caused the situation like this, for Ye Chen really caught up with a very bad time.

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