Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1653: The horror of Ling Tian

Ling Tian was not such an indecisive person. If he wanted to kill someone, he would naturally drew his sword and slash him. After all, his strength was even stronger than him.

But Ling Tian was very clear about his current situation. You must know that you are in a small world now, because this is a battle of ascension, someone in the upper realm must be staring here.

Because in order to show that he is not the kind of bullying person, in order to get more attention from the upper realm.

He had no choice but to make such a decision, just to make himself look more humane. In fact, if he is outside, he doesn't have to do this at all.

"Cut, if it weren't for the appreciation of people in the upper realm, I wouldn't have done such a thing."

"You are the first person to refuse my request. I didn't expect you to be scared by my own strength."

Ling Tian was actually a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that under the suppression of his own breath, there would still be someone who would maintain absolute rationality.

Zhao Manyang also began to feel anxious at this time, because the guy in front of him is likely to start not being a human being.

"No, I must find some way, or I will really be planted here."

Ye Chen took a deep breath and began to think slowly, because he felt that as long as Ye Chen came here, all these problems would be solved.

"The nine people I killed before were all killed by me this way, but you alone showed me a different feeling."

"Well, give you a chance to follow me, and give me that snow lotus, I can let you make a living."

Ling Tian said lightly, just looking at Zhao Manyang quietly.

Zhao Manyang was not in a hurry, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if he was confident.

"I didn't expect you to have such an idea. Then I can only tell you a little bit, so you don't want to think about it."

Ling Tian laughed loudly as he listened to Zhao Manyang's words. At this moment, the entourage beside him couldn't sit still.

"You kid, don't know how to praise, our boss gives you such an opportunity, you don't cherish it!"

Zhao Manyang glanced contemptuously, and the little brother beside Ling Tian looked very despised.

"Just like the guy running errands next to him, there is still a face to talk to me here!"

Zhao Manyang stared fiercely, and the little brother beside Ling Tian seemed to feel the anger in his eyes, since he didn't dare to say anything.

"Unexpectedly, your little brother turned out to be such a waste."

Listening to Zhao Manyang's words, Ling Tian couldn't bear it, and began to slowly walk forward.

"Zhao Manyang, I gave you a chance, since you want to die, then I won't give you a chance."

At this time, Zhao Manyang slowly drew out his weapon. This weapon was actually a weapon made with materials he obtained from the monster.

It is a big knife that looks extremely sharp.

Ling Tian looked at the high-grade spirit weapon in his hand. Looked at Zhao Manyang contemptuously.

"I didn't expect that a guy with this kind of broken copper and iron would survive this time."

The little brother next to Ling Tian seemed to be like this at this time, and he generally started to mock Zhao Manyang frantically.

It was as if to hold the hatred that he had just been ridiculed.

"You guy, with such strength, dare to fight our boss. I'm afraid that you won't be able to survive even a single move."

"Shut up, you trash!"

"You can't even beat me, and you're talking about something there. It's just a bullshit."

Zhao Manyang didn't put him in his eyes at all, instead the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"What you said is fun, but you know, I bet you can't kill me now."

Listening to Zhao Manyang's words, Ling Tian gave a cold snort, did not say anything, and rushed towards Zhao Manyang directly.

The moment Ling Tian rushed towards Zhao Manyang, he suddenly felt a strange murderous aura from the sky.

"What the hell?"

Ling Tian was taken aback for a moment, then looked up.

At this moment, he suddenly thought that there was a flaming bird in the sky above him, arguing and rushing towards him below.

Ling Tian had already dodged toward the back in his heart, no longer thinking about continuing to hack Zhao Manyang forward.

"I didn't expect it, you could have noticed my attack, it seems that I still underestimate you."

Ye Chen said softly like this, but Zhao Manyang, who was still living now, seemed a little excited.

"You really didn't expect that you really came. I just took a bet. I didn't expect that you were actually on it."

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment when he heard what Zhao Manyang said, and looked at him suspiciously.

"No, I said you, this is really daring, what if I don’t show up in time? You still don’t use your weapon to block its space, although your strength is not as good as him, but your weapon is better than him. A hundred times stronger."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, both of them were stunned.

Ling Tian definitely didn't believe Ye Chen's nonsense, how could there be a weapon that was a hundred times stronger than his high-grade spirit weapon.

"How can you talk about it, you guys, you are broken and iron. How can it be even more powerful than my Heavenly Cracking Sword."

Listening to Ling Tian's words, Ye Chen laughed loudly, and instead began to talk about what he had right now.

"Do you want to be better than the sword in my friend's hand by relying on the broken sword in your hand?"

Ling Tian also had some doubts listening to Ye Chen's words now because he felt Ye Chen's current strength, which was comparable to him, and if he was forced to go to war, it would very likely cause him to be injured.

In order to maintain his heyday now, he must not be injured.

Because of this, he didn't dare to rush forward for a while, so he could only squat behind and wait for the matter to ferment.

"You know that this sword was made using countless monsters' bones."

"Although you kill people very well, just relying on you holding this broken sword, I think you wouldn't even dare to step into the Warcraft Forest."

These words of Ye Chen made Ling Tian angry.

"You guy. How dare you say me!"

How could Ling Tian let Ye Chen talk about it like this.

Directly holding his own Sky Splitting Sword towards Ye Chen. Waved over.

"Humph! Since you are so good, then use that weapon to compare with me!"

Ye Chen listened to Ling Tian's words and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Because he was waiting for this sentence, although the material of the sword in Zhao Manyang's hand was indeed not as good as this high-grade spiritual weapon, it was almost the same.

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