However, the truth is cruel. There are no surprising details in this book.

At most, it looks tattered and makes people unable to defend themselves.

"There seems to be a strange curse in this book."

"When I was reading this book, my mental power was almost blocked. Zhao Manyang has been reading it for so long, and his mental power is probably blocked."

As Ye Chen faintly said his thoughts, the three of them were all stunned.

"Brother Ye Chen, can we still save Zhao Manyang?"

"I've tried it just now, and I can think of all the outgoings, but they are of no use, so I can only wait for the three of you to come back to discuss."

Xiao Yan knew that if Ye Chen said this, it meant that he had done his best. Waiting for a few of them to discuss how to deal with this matter.

"If Brother Ye Chen said so, is there really no way to deal with this matter?"

"There should still be, but don't worry, I will give you this thing first."

The three of them all wanted it in their hearts now, knowing what Ye Chen wanted to give himself.

"Donggong Yunlan won't have your share this time. After all, you have already got a little benefit in that treasure house."

Donggong Yunlan listened to Ye Chen's words, but did not refute, and smiled at him playfully.

"Well, since Ye Chen said that, then I have nothing to say."

Ye Chen nodded gently, as if he had seen this effect a long time ago.

The backhand took out something in his storage ring that was of interest to the two of them.

"This is a sword, and what's wrong with a spear? Ye Chen, are you going to give us these weapons?"

Xiao Yan seemed to have seen what Ye Chen was thinking long ago. Ye Chen nodded softly after listening to Xiao Yan's words.

"Unexpectedly, you could see Yan'er. That's right, I was here to give you two weapons."

Ye Chen stood up while talking, and handed the spear and sword to Li Yuhang and Xiao Yan respectively.

"These two weapons don't have names, so you can name them as you like."

Ye Chen randomly explained to them the peculiarities of these weapons.

"Remember, don't take out this weapon when you encounter someone higher than the seven-star powerhouse."

"Or wait until you reach the level of a seven-star warrior, this weapon can no longer be used."

The two nodded softly while listening to Ye Chen's words. Although Ye Chen didn't say anything, they had already got some news from Ye Chen's words.

"So Brother Ye Chen, you mean they all have these weapons, and they have a limit. Is that a Seven-Star Warrior on the line?"

"That's right. Although this weapon looks very strong, and its power is not small, you must be clear. This weapon still has an upper limit."

"But despite this, their power is still not to be underestimated. You will know it when you use it."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the two nodded gently, and put away their respective weapons.

Ye Chen looked at both of them without showing any disgusting expressions, and also let go of his heart.

Because if they really didn't like it, Ye Chen couldn't force them to accept it.

And now Xiao Wu has fallen into a deep sleep, Ye Chen has no way to ask for a new weapon.

"Fortunately they have accepted it, otherwise I will have trouble finding weapons."

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief now, and could finally start dealing with Zhao Manyang's affairs.

"Since this matter is over, let's take a look at what is going on with Zhao Manyang."

"If I really want to say it, I think this book is probably the key point. He has read half of it now. If he really finishes reading it, his spirit will probably not come back."

What Ye Chen said were all guesses. There is definitely no way to verify whether this matter is true or false.

"What I'm talking about are all speculations. There is no basis. Don't believe them all. Just be a reference."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he reminded them again that the three people were afraid that they would really take their words as such.

"All we need to do now is to rescue Zhao Manyang."

"What's this? I didn't expect everyone to come here, and I can still encounter such strange things."

Ye Chen also felt a little strange at this time.

"Could someone really target me secretly?"

"Ye Chen, if we really can't figure it out, why don't we call others to help?"

What Donggong Yunlan said made Ye Chen stunned, and then he also remembered that he was not alone now, he still had two major forces.

"Yeah, I almost forgot what you said. If I'm going to find them now, you will tell me in the contract."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he left here and walked to the venue.

Naturally, there were still people on the meeting place, and the Ye family stayed here.

But Ye Chen didn't know whether those people really knew him. If he didn't know him, if he asked them to help, then there would be trouble.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly, but this was nothing, after all, he really wanted to ask for it now.

"Forget it, I don't want that much, after all, it is indeed because of this matter now, if it disturbs my future plans, it will be bad."

"Unexpectedly, I hadn't entered the Ye family before, so I asked someone to help me. It was such a big help."

Although Ye Chen was still a little bit sorry, it was not the time to entangle those things.

Ye Chen quickly arrived at the meeting place, where he also saw a seat exclusively for the Ye Family, and the Ye Family's supervisor who had talked with him before.

After seeing Ye Chen's arrival, the head of the Ye family was very surprised.

"Ye Chen, what are you doing here? Do you want to watch the final assessment of this ascension battle with us?"

"No, I am here because I have one thing I want to ask you."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the head of the Ye family was very surprised and glanced at the entourage behind him in surprise.

After seeing the look in his supervisor's eyes, the entourage seemed to understand something, and turned around and left here.

"Okay, Ye Chen, tell me what you have, if I know, I will definitely answer it with you."

"Thank you, supervisor, this time I do need your help."

"But it doesn't matter, I will naturally help if I can help. After all, you will be a member of our Ye family right now."

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