Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1703: Zongmen's change

"What do I want to do with this? Anyway, I haven't made it clear yet, will I fight?"

"If there is no need to fight, then I can take a break."

Ye Chen thought about it, and he came to where he was going.

I saw that the head of the Ye family was talking to another person here, and that person Ye Chen had not seen it.

The head of the Ye family was surprised when he saw Ye Chen coming.

"Ye Chen, what are you doing here? Is there anything looking for me?"

Ye Chen nodded softly as he listened to the head of the Ye Family.


"If I want to go to the Ye's house, no, I want to know a question. Just ask you the question directly."

Ye Chen just wanted to go to Ye's house, when he suddenly remembered what he wanted to do when he came here.

"If you have a question, you want to ask me hello, then you can ask."

The head of the Ye family and the person opposite him had amnesia, and he said that he would talk about it later, and then slowly looked at Ye Chen.

"Supervisor, I want to ask, do I still have to fight on stage at the Star Celebration?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the head of the Ye family seemed to be very surprised. That expression was where you knew about this.

"I didn't expect Ye Chen, how did you know this?"

"Yes, at the celebration tomorrow, you really have to learn from those who have survived, but I believe that with your strength, you will be invincible at the celebration by then."

"It turned out to be like this, Director, I know, then I will go back and prepare now."

Ye Chen left directly after finishing speaking. He hadn't thought that it was really like this. Those few people didn't lie to him.

"It looks like I will fight tomorrow. It is better to save some strength first. Ye Chen originally wanted to go to Lingyun tonight. After learning the news, he instantly dispelled this idea. After all, if this affects him In the next day’s battle, the gain would not be worth the loss."

"Anyway, there is still a long time for revenge, I don't believe I can't find a chance."

In the sect, the sky suddenly became deep black, as if something was about to descend.

Duanmuliu and Lin Le were already waiting on the square in the middle gate. Both of them stared at the sky, as if they were wary of something.

Sect Master, I walked straight into the air and came to the two of them.

"There are almost no people in the middle gate now. I don't know who the guy above the sky is this time, why come to our sect?"

"The disciples can only rely on the two of you to hold on first."

Duanmuliu and Lin Le turned around, bowed to the lord, and then both took out their weapons.

Be wary of the sky.

"The old friend didn't expect that you have forgotten me if you haven't seen me for so many years."

A deep voice came from the sky, and the Sect Master frowned slightly as if he didn't like the speaker at all when listening to the guy in the sky.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, you would come out again. It seems that this time, your strength has almost recovered."

The man above the sky laughed loudly as he listened to the man below.

"Hahahaha! It is not thanks to you! Suocang! Today I will take your life!"

Duanmuliu and Lin Le are both very surprised now. They didn't expect that the person above the sky would dare to call their master's name directly.

"That guy in Duanmuliu sky is going to die, dare to call our Sect Master like this."

Duanmu Liu heard that, just now, he must have put away his weapons, he knew that he didn't need to fight for anything now.

"I don't know, but now it seems that the guy in the sky really doesn't want his life."

The moment the guy in the sky exited, Suo Cang started to move, and saw a black light burst through the sky, rushing straight to the black cloud in the sky.

It's like a stream of light that has plunged directly into the black hole.

After Suo Cang rushed in, there was not a single trace of light that stood out, as if he had been completely swallowed.

At this moment, I heard the dark cloud, and suddenly there was a louder voice inside.

"Hahahaha! Unexpectedly, after so many years have passed for Suo Cang, your strength will still be like this, without the slightest improvement."

"Huh! Noisy!"

Suo Cang's dull voice came out of the dark clouds and suddenly a golden light rushed to the sky.

Then he suddenly transformed from Jinguang into a huge palm.

That palm completely obscured the dark clouds, as if trying to completely press it down from the sky.

The guy in the dark clouds yelled at this horror.

"Suo Cang! How much power do you hide!"

Suo Cang didn't give the dark cloud below a chance to speak at all, and slapped him directly into the ground.

The moment this dark cloud was pushed under the ground, suddenly stopped speaking, as if it had lost all its strength and became silent.

Suo Cang's figure suddenly appeared beside Duanmu Liu and Lin Le.


The two of them saluted Suo Cang who was beside them.

"Wu Peng, if you two take care of this palm, please tell me directly."

After Suo Cang finished speaking, he left directly, and there was no opportunity for Duanmu Liu and Lin Le to ask questions.

"How did Sect Master go so fast, is he afraid of us asking something?"

Lin Le looked at the direction Suo Cang had left. Gagged and looked very dissatisfied.

"Well, don't care about so many things. If there is anything you want to ask, let's just ask the suppressed dark cloud."

Duanmuliu's words made Lin Le's eyes light up. Lin Le didn't know where Duanmuliu was, but turned and rushed towards the dark cloud that had just been pressed there.

Duanmu You looked at this and smiled bitterly. She knew that Lin Le would definitely rush over after learning the news.

But Duanmu Liu didn't want to stop it.

I came to that place in an instant, and looked at the black thing in the middle of the palm print and flicked it.

"Could this be how the dark cloud just above the sky has become so small? Did something happen?"

Duanmuliu and Lin Le have seen something like this before, and now facing this, they can only stand aside helplessly.

"Duanmuliu, did you just lie to me like this kind of dark cloud? He can answer any questions you ask. This view is false."

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