Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1925: Breakthrough success

Ye Chen also felt that this score might not have intelligence at the moment, but he just had such a reaction.

Facing such a beast who only knew how to fight with his own habits, Ye Chen naturally had more ways to defeat him.

Ye Chen looked at this scene. Although he was not holding the White Mist Sword, Ye Chen suddenly had an idea to defeat this guy with the Promise Sword Technique.

"Wait a while, you have to cooperate with me, otherwise you may really be unable to get out this time."

Zhu Xianjian naturally knew what Ye Chen said, but he still had some doubts now.

"Boss, I can naturally cooperate with you, but you can tell me how to cooperate?"

"You'll find out in a while."

Ye Chen took a deep breath and suddenly gathered a strong star power in his hand.

And the power of these stars actually broke through the limit of Ye Chen's hand, rushing to the clone like a beast in front of him.

After looking at the power of the stars, Ye Chen had already had a plan in his heart after he had completely blocked his induction.

"It looks like I should be fine this time."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, because he had already completely fixed this thing just now.

"You guy didn't expect to have such a reaction after absorbing my power."

Ye Chen's power of stars just now. I ran next to this guy, just to see if the power of the stars could cause any harm to this guy.

But after the power of the stars was directly integrated with the power contained in his body, Ye Chen knew at this time that it would be unwise to simply use the power of the stars against him.

So Ye Chen also had another careful thought at the moment.

"If this is the case, I will use my spiritual power."

, See if there is any way to increase it, but after seeing this guy Ye Chen wanted to store this power in his body for a longer period of time, Ye Chen also knew that those powers were probably to be used Only in this place.

I saw a blue light, instantly rising from Ye Chen's body. And that clone like a beast, naturally, would not, just sitting there waiting to die, rushing towards Ye Chen directly.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, and the blue light instantly enveloped the long sword in his hand.

It was the first time that Zhu Xinjian felt such a strange energy, but this energy was very soft and did not directly start to erode him.

This makes Zhu Xinjian feel a little strange.

"Boss, the energy in your body looks good, but it's so soft."

Ye Chen listened to Zhu Xinjian's words, stunned for a moment, and shook his head slowly.

"Okay, okay, you don't want to be here anymore, just give me a joke, hurry up, we will end that guy in one fell swoop."

Zhu Xinjian, listening to Ye Chen's words, was also stunned for a while, he didn't expect Ye Chen to be so confident.

"It's not like the boss. Although the power of that guy doesn't seem to be as strong as yours, if the boss really wants to say, he is still your clone. How could you use such power to directly defeat him." "

Ye Chen didn't say anything, but his body had begun to gather strength slowly.

Zhu Xinjian, seeing this, he said nothing.

Now what he had to do was to unconditionally believe in Ye Chen, after all, if something really happened to Ye Chen, then he would have nothing to do.

But at this moment, Ye Chen's body was getting stronger and stronger, but Zhu Xinjian completely closed his mouth.

Because of the power of Ye Chen's body, it was even stronger than his energy at this moment.

But if Zhu Xinjian were to judge, it would be impossible.

Because there is only so much spiritual power, but Ye Chen can exert a force beyond the magnitude, which is really unimaginable.

But Ye Chen didn't think so in his heart at the moment, Ye Chen only had joy in his heart at the moment, because he finally felt spiritual power again.

And the matching of these spiritual powers and Ye Chen is still so suitable.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth rose slightly, and in the process of gathering strength, Ye Chen felt more and more that his strength was getting higher and higher.

In order to prevent that clone from being immune, Ye Chen didn't use the power of stars at all for the power of this blow.

And with such a layer, this time I finally felt the spiritual power without the slightest impurity. The bridge that communicated with Heaven and Earth seemed to be looser for Ye Chen.

But for the current Ye Chen, he still can't feel the spiritual power contained in the air, whether it is here or not, Ye Chen has now fully adapted to the power of the stars, except for this clone. , It's nothing terrible.

That clone had no wisdom at all, and when he watched Ye Chen slowly gather his strength, he even wanted to sneak attack on Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen's mouth rose slightly at this moment, because he was waiting for this time.

At the moment the clone rushed over, Ye Chen swung his sword and rushed over.

And when Ye Chen rushed over, Ye Chen at the moment had already revealed his attack mode.

Only a white light flashed by. Both of them slowly stopped at their original positions.

But Ye Chen's body was shining with a faint gleam, and it seemed that he hadn't received any harm at all.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth rose slightly, because at that moment, Ye Chen had already turned on the power of the stars to protect himself.

So the power of the season just now didn't penetrate into Ye Chen's body at all, but using fierce Ye Chen, it directly shattered the shield of the power of stars and hit the body of the clone.

After all, the person opposite was himself, Ye Chen knew exactly where his weaknesses were, so for this guy, Ye Chen didn't have the slightest hold on.

After watching his clone slowly dissipate, Ye Chen also felt that this space was about to collapse.

Ye Chen sighed softly, now he feels very bad, after all, no matter how you say it, it is also his own clone.

But at this moment, Ye Chen suddenly felt that the energy in the body of the defeated clone was slowly rushing towards him.

Ye Chen did not resist, and slowly accepted these energy.

And these energies also live in Ye Chen, breaking through to the forty level mark.

Ye Chen felt the energy of his own qualitative change, and couldn't help taking a breath.

"I didn't expect it to be like this."

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