Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1930: Secret weapon

Because they never thought that Xiao Yan was still alive.

But this person actually appeared in front of them. Now most of these people have been stunned, and the people below seem to all know Xiao Yan.

It turned out that everything was boiling. This scene was also something that Ye Chen didn't expect. At this time, Ye Chen also guessed what kind of appeal Xiao Yan and her grandfather had in this place, but how could it fall into that place? End.

Ye Chen also felt that this was probably inseparable from that organization.

Ye Chen took a deep breath and moved slowly towards the two sides, because Ye Chen also discovered that there were some hidden dragon guards under the two sides. Ye Chen did not appear, fearing that these guys would do any harm to Xiao Yan. .

So Ye Chen also waited by the side, wanting to see how this situation would develop.

"So now, elders, let's tell our decision here."

The three elders finally understood at this moment that they might not be able to run away anymore, and they have to decide the winner here.

For this matter, Ye Chen was very clear.

Ye Chen sighed lightly at this moment, because Ye Chen also knew that as long as this matter happened, the only thing waiting for him was the fight.

"I hope they won't bother me too much."

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth rose slightly, as if he had already seen this clearly.

But for this matter, Ye Chen couldn't say it so accurately either.

"Yes, the people here feel a little strange to me, why do they suddenly change their appearance."

Ye Chen glared, looked around suspiciously, and after discovering that there were indeed only these things, Ye Chen felt more and more strange.

Because the discerning people really saw it, the elders on the stage seemed to have taken gunpowder. They looked at each other uncomfortably, but they all endured and did not attack.

They seem to be waiting for something. Although Ye Chen didn't know, he also saw this from the current situation.

"It looks like this is a bit troublesome today."

Ye Chen said, and slowly shook his head, because this matter was indeed a bit weird to him.

But on the whole, it really looks like this.

And when Ye Chen was standing here, the three elders on the stage seemed to be discussing something, and at this moment they were finally over.

"Very well, since you already have this kind of bloodline, then naturally we won't hide it here. It looks like we have to offer our assassin too."

Yinlong listened to the words of the elders opposite, and was stunned for a moment in his thoughts that the guys on the opposite side could not have any chance of coming back.

But the tone of their speech made Yinlong feel very wrong.

"No, this seems to be true."

Just after they finished speaking, a corpse that looked very familiar was carried up.

Ye Chen stared at this scene and was stunned, because the corpse in front of them was actually the corpse of the Ancestral Dragon they had seen before.

Ye Chen was also stunned at the moment, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"The dragon elders don't have a long memory, right? They seem to be quite clever, how can they be so mindless."

Ye Chen couldn't help taunting them in his heart.

Because at this time, no matter how you look at it, it is not the best time to take out this thing, and that place is too easy to be found, Ye Chen has already found it, and then went in to get something.

So for Ye Chen, that matter was already clear.

"Unexpectedly, you would even make such a thing."

Yinlong looked at the corpse in front of him in surprise, because he could truly feel the breath of Zulong on the corpse.

"So who is in charge now? The leader of this dragon clan is still up to us."

Now everyone below is silent, because there is a terrifying guy on the stage.

Although it had turned into a corpse, the breath of Zulong deeply infected everyone present.

Everyone is wondering at this moment whether we can continue to do this thing.

Xiao Yan got Ye Chen's voice at this moment.

"Yan'er's corpse is just a corpse. It doesn't have a soul. You don't need to be afraid."

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words, a light flashed in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, you dare to hide the corpse of Ancestral Dragon privately."

"You are really brave! You don't really want to threaten us directly with the corpses of our ancestors! Then how is your threat established?"

What Xiao Yan said made all the three elders speechless. They actually wanted to use this opportunity to make everyone confused and fight to regain their control, but now it seems that everyone seems All slowly came to understand.

"Yeah, how can I let this guy hold the corpse of our ancestor, the ancestor's affairs must be confessed!"

At this moment, among the crowd, I don't know who took the lead and uttered a word, which directly awakened everyone.

"Yes, these three elders are simply not members of our Dragon Clan. They dare to do such a thing to the ancestors!"

"Return the dragon to us, you guys get out!"

All the people of the Dragon Clan present were all in a great atmosphere at this moment, and public opinion finally stood by Xiao Yan's side at this moment. Taking advantage of this momentum, the people on Yinlong's side naturally rushed directly onto the stage, trying to catch the three elders.

But these three elders are old fritters long ago, how could something like this happen here.

When he saw the dragon guards coming up, he instantly gave a look at the guards who were still in ambush below.

Then the guards who were dressed as civilians from below rushed up directly, blocked in front of these people, and beat them by surprise, and the three elders also began to slowly leaned toward the door.

But what they didn't expect was that Ye Chen stood directly at the door at this moment, jokingly at the three of them.

"Oh, aren't these the three elders? How come you have become like this now? Play here for a while!"

The three elders looked at Ye Chen's appearance, and they stopped getting angry.

Because all this is because of Ye Chen's vote, but although these are not all to blame Ye Chen, but the object they can use to anger, only Ye Chen is left.

But Ye Chen's strength had already exceeded their expectations.

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