Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1944: The attraction of energy

After being melted by the flames, these monsters still followed the Phoenix, because his energy was too great. And these creatures are like puppets driven by energy. As long as they have energy, their faces will always rush towards the object with energy.

The three people in the distance watched this scene, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, because they knew very well that they would not encounter any resistance in the future.

"I didn't expect them to be like this."

In fact, it wasn't just Ye Chen, now Duanmuliu and Lin Le both looked a little dumbfounded.

Because he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"It seems that even if this guy has purchased the wisdom of the Black Heart Dragon, there is no way for us to think about things like this."

"They are just some puppets driven by their own instincts. As long as they use such an energy body with offensive power, they won't have any harm."

"Although that's what I said, brother, I don't think this matter is actually that simple."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the two of them were naturally very clear about this matter.

"Ye Chen, I also know exactly what you are thinking, but for this matter now, we only have this solution."

"That's it, let's leave here first, and then talk about the next thing."

Duanmu Liu was also very clear at this moment that he couldn't continue to consume it here. If those monsters turned their heads to target them again, it would be troublesome.

Ye Chen waved his hand and directly called Feng Mingjian back.

Fengming Arrow had already appeared in Ye Chen's hands, but the phoenix in the sky had not disappeared.

Because Ye Chen knew this very well, in fact, all of this had to start with Yue Luo, the phoenix feather that gave Ye Chen at that time.

After Ye Chen got the feathers, he would naturally try to use it for Feng Mingjian.

After Ye Chen used it, he discovered that this matter was actually very simple.

Because there is not much in there.

So Ye Chen is still very simple. After Feng Mingjian merged with the feather that Ye Chen gave him, it seemed to have changed. It looks even more mighty.

At that time, Ye Chen didn't know exactly what Fengming Arrow would look like after absorbing this feather.

But after Ye Chen used Fengming Arrow for the first time, he knew that this feather not only enhanced the power of Fengming Arrow, but also made the Phoenix inside become more real.

No matter how Ye Chen thought at this moment, he couldn't think of how he summoned Fengming Arrow at that time.

But now Feng Mingjian really appeared here, which made Ye Chen also had to reflect on it.

"It looks exactly the same."

At that time, Ye Chen was already quite sure after using Fengming Arrow.

That's why Ye Chen dared to take it back so quickly this time, because the current Phoenix was no longer in its original state, and after it was transformed into a flame again, it would come back here again.

So Ye Chen wouldn't worry about whether its bottom could come back at all.

"But even though it is said, it is still a bit too dangerous in general."

Ye Chen shook his head while thinking, because this matter is really hard to say.

But for Ye Chen, there is nothing left now.

Ye Chen could only do this slowly, following Duanmu Liu, walking towards the distance.

And the direction they were walking was exactly the direction where the entrance to this maze was.

Lin Le suddenly yelled and gestured to the two of them, asking them to come quickly.

Lin Le went ahead to find the way, so Ye Chen and he couldn't cut off, so they didn't go so fast. After receiving the signal from Lin Le, the two of them rushed over and joined Lin Le.

"You two come over and see what this is."

What Lin Le said made them feel very strange, but they looked over slowly.

After seeing this tall entrance, Ye Chen couldn't help but stunned, because he really felt the breath of the black heart dragon at the entrance of the cave.

"It looks like this is where the Black Heart Dragon is hiding."

"Brother, let's go and have a look to see if Heixinlong is still inside. He can't be scared, and then ran away."

Duanmuliu looked inside and shook his head at Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, don't worry, this guy will definitely not get out of here."

Listening to Duanmu Liu's words, Ye Chen also had some doubts.

"Senior brother, why did you suddenly say that? Is this guy really unable to get out?"

Duanmu Liu. Listening to Ye Chen's words, he coughed slightly.

"In fact, this matter is not easy to say, if you want to know, then I will naturally introduce it to you."

"First, if he runs out now, what this place is facing is exactly where we exist, Black Heart Dragon, he actually wants to survive and has done such a thing, then it means he will In order to survive by any means, although hiding here is very boring, but in general, we will not find here so easily."

"In this case, he will naturally be safer."

"So Ye Chen, you know, this guy must still be inside now."

"But there will be more monsters like that inside. Let's go in first, lest the dragons outside will chase us directly behind us. If we attack from both sides, none of us can run away."

Duanmuliu arranged everything directly with his own experience, but Ye Chen suddenly looked behind and yelled at the two of them.

Because now behind them, a group of black and crushed birds flew over.

Duanmuliu took a closer look and found that it was not a bird.

"No, Ye Chen, let's go in quickly, those guys are chasing over, it looks like your phoenix has disappeared."

Ye Chen stunned for a while listening to Duanmu Liu's words, nodded gently, and the three of them quickly entered the maze.

After entering here, they discovered how big the space is.

If they were of the size of the dragon clan, this place could actually accommodate two dragons side by side to pass through here.

"Is this a place deliberately set for these behemoths?"

Looking at this scene, Ye Chen couldn't help but utter this question in his heart.

Duanmuliu didn't seem to be aware of the problem Ye Chen was talking about, just shook his head.

"Let's go in now, before those guys are chasing over."

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