Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1979: Go back to revenge

"What's wrong, Ye Chen, you have finally found that place. Tell me quickly."

Lu Yu had already come to Ye Chen's side at this moment, looking down quietly like this, but in his eyes, there was still no change in this place or the same as before.

"What's the matter? Ye Chen hasn't changed anything here, why are you calling me here?"

"Brother, really hasn't changed? Take a closer look, what exactly is this below?"

Ye Chen looked down at this moment quietly, without turning his head. His hand gently touched the space in front of him, and he saw that around Ye Chen's hand, there were waves of ripples suddenly, as if As Ye Chen touched a calm water surface, ripples began to slowly appear here.

Lu Yu stared at Ye Chen for a moment, he didn't expect something like this to appear here.

"If Ye Chen said so, is it true that this place is the hiding place of this assassin organization?"

Ye Chen laughed loudly as he listened to Lu Yu's words.

"Senior brother, you can't say that. This is our newest treasure house! Let's go hunt for treasure!"

Lu Yu was listening to Ye Chen's words, suddenly understood the meaning of Ye Chen's words, and then laughed loudly.

"I understand, I understand, Ye Chen, let's go quickly!"

Just when Ye Chen and the two were about to enter this formation, the people inside had already received the signal given by this formation. The three silver medal assassins had already arrived here, quietly watching Ye Chen. them.

"Hurry up and leave here, or don't blame us for being ruthless."

Ye Chen was so quiet, looking at the four silver medal killers in front of him, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and it seemed that there was no sense of fear.

After seeing Ye Chen's expression, the four assassins also looked at each other, and their eyes were full of deep doubts. They did not expect their deterrence power to be useful at this time.

"Could it be that they sent you to this place, isn't this for you to die?"

After these assassins heard Ye Chen's words, they all looked at Ye Chen in surprise. He might not have thought that the little boy in front of him would dare to say such a thing.

"You are looking for death!"

The four assassins didn't stay in the slightest, and rushed straight towards Ye Chen.

When Lu Yu just wanted to go, he saw the look Ye Chen gave him. Also stopped his restless hands.

"Then since the four of you want to find death, let me come!"

Ye Chen grabbed it casually, and the Heart-Jing Sword appeared directly in his hand.

Ye Chen quietly looked in front of him at this moment. The four assassins who rushed over didn't panic at all.


Ye Chen turned around again, avoided the assault of the assassin behind him, and slammed the assassin to the ground with a hand.


What Ye Chen did now directly stunned the remaining two assassins. After seeing the deaths of their companions the first two times, they were all stunned. He didn't expect the one in front of him to look very young. The person is so strong.


The two remaining assassins didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​staying here. They quickly turned around and fled back to the base of the assassin organization, and went back to report.

"Ye Chen, you let him go now, then when someone comes over there later, will we two block it?"

Lu Yu was also very strange at the moment, what exactly did Ye Chen want to do, but after hearing Lu Yu's words, Ye Chen shook his head gently at him.

"I said I wanted to resist them. Brother, just watch my operation when you come, walk around, let's go down and have a look, or wait for them to come over again, we don’t have Time to continue to check the terrain here."

Ye Chen hadn't completely entered the formation, he was already blocked by these four assassins, one can imagine how fast their formation had early warning.

"As expected of the Assassin organization, it looks like it's already ready to escape."

I saw that in this place, the assassins below were all busy, as if they were holding something, but after hearing an announcement, they stopped their busy pace.

Because this announcement announced the strength of the two people who came here, they all let go of their hearts after hearing that people with only over 30 levels came here.

To know that their current gold medal assassin has a forty-five level, you can imagine how strong their boss will be.

"You have thought that there will be such a rookie coming to us, isn't this coming to die?"

After listening to the announcement, everyone below laughed loudly, and it seemed that Ye Chen and Lu Yu were not in sight at all.

Naturally, Lu Yu, like Yecheng, concealed his strength, otherwise he was also afraid. Once he showed his strength, he would scare these people away, so he tried to suppress his strength. To the same level as Ye Chen.

"These people are just like this."

Lu Yu had already heard what they were saying there, so he was also very disdainful at the moment.

"Okay, okay, don't ridicule them anymore, after that they know how outrageous they are now."

Ye Chen shook his head as he spoke. In his eyes, the people standing below had already become dead.

Lu Yu is still very strange now, why Ye Chen seems to be very confident.

"Ye Chen, why do you seem to be so confident, as if everything here will not hinder you."

Lu Yu was also very strange at the moment, so he was here gently waiting for Ye Chen's words.

"That brother, this matter is actually not easy to tell, in general, it's what I told the Ye family about here."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Lu Yu was taken aback for a moment, almost falling from the sky.

"I didn't expect Ye Chen to do so wonderfully. I like it, so let's go down and see the people in Ye's family now. Before we come, we can get some more things."

The people below, in Lu Yu's eyes, have indeed become dead.

After all, because the two of them arrived first, they had already put their thoughts aside.

It can be said that even if the two of them are shouting loudly here, the Ye family will be coming soon, and few of them will believe it.

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