Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 2002: Jade in the heart

Lu Yu yelled to the person behind him, and the speed under his feet became faster.

Ye Chen encountered violent obstacles at the moment. These spiders were all directed at him. It seemed that he already knew what he had done before, but in fact, Ye Chen felt that it was not because of these attachments, but because of himself. This thing possessed by the body.

Ye Chen thought of this and sighed softly. He didn't expect that the jade pendant on his body would be so attractive to these guys.

"I didn't expect that it would look like this. There should be some eyebrows in what I am doing now."

Ye Chen sighed softly as he spoke.

He naturally had no doubts. Suspecting that the navigation provided by the system was abnormal, was a little surprised by the abilities of these spiders.

"Senior brother is dying, these guys are all coming for me."

Duanmu Liu also discovered this at this moment. When Ye Chen said, he had already come to Ye Chen's matter and helped him resist these spiders together.

But at the moment they are facing a bit of trouble.

The endless stream of spiders had blocked the way they could go out.

If you want to forcefully go out now, you must go out at the price of injury for injury.

"No, you can't use this method. That's a risk."

"I believe outside, brothers should have received our signal."

"Just wait a while, these spiders are not as strong as them."

Although Duanmu Liu said so, he was also very bottomless in his heart.

But now they have no choice but to do this.

"Can't just go on like this."

Ye Chen directly split the spider silk that sprayed towards him with a sword. This spider silk was so tough that even Ye Chen couldn't resist many times for a while.

"Hold on for a while, and you'll have a chance right away."

Duanmu Liu took a deep breath, patted Ye Chen's shoulder lightly, and walked directly in front of him.

In fact, if you fight against this kind of spider alone, there is no pressure for them, but now there is more than this one spider.

The entire mountain wall is full of spiders, and three people have been locked. Even if they want to run now, it is very difficult to escape.

Because for them, this is indeed too much trouble now.

"I didn't expect it to be like this."

Flames burned above Ye Chen's body, and these flames could temporarily shield the spiders from attacking. Even if the spiders still rushed towards him, Ye Chen couldn't help it.

At this moment, a violent explosion sounded from outside.

The attention of the three people was all attracted to the past at this moment.

Before Lu Yu and the others directly broke through the blockade of those spiders, we ran over quickly in the direction of the three.

"Ye Chen, come here, let's go now!"

After a few of them came here again, they naturally found the heart hanging above this place.

In fact, there are many thin tubes connected to these hearts, but Ye Chen didn't pay attention to these things just now, just looking at the treasure inside and took it back.

But now this matter, there is not so much time to investigate.

"Ye Chen, let's go quickly."

Duanmuliu said to Ye Chen and rushed over there with Ye Chen directly.

There are a lot of spiders in that place, and they have been preventing Ye Chen from passing through here.

Even Duanmu Liu hit them, they didn't care, they would only rush towards Ye Chen with instinctive reaction.

Ye Chen was also a little dazed at this moment, he didn't expect that it would be what it is now.

"They these monsters have been following me, can't they just turn around and leave now?"

It didn't take long for a few people to gather here again.

"Why did Ye Chen follow you when I looked at these spiders? Did you take something?"

Lu Yu asked Ye Chen softly, in fact, what he said was just a joke.

But this situation is indeed a bit strange, he said that all these monsters have been rushing outside following Ye Chen.

Ye Chen sighed softly at this moment.

Just when he was about to say something, he suddenly thought of Duanmu Liu's words.

"No, brother, maybe because I was too close when I broke the heart, so that blood got on my body, they identified me as the murderer of this thing."

When Lu Yu listened to Ye Chen's words, he didn't ask much, but he slashed away, and the spider rushed towards them.

Then quickly led Ye Chen and everyone rushed towards the outside.

Ye Chen didn't know much about that thing now, and she still needed something to help herself with this jade pendant.

"It looks like it should be done now. I'll figure out this jade pendant first."

Although Ye Chen thought so in his heart, but these things still need to be checked in the system, no matter how you look at it, it is not the best time to enter the system.

Now Ye Chen is also very clear about what he needs to do.

I'm always saying that I still have to go out quickly, or if something happens, it will be more troublesome.

"Brother, let's leave now, we can't stay here anymore."

In fact, these spider caves were completely cleared out because they couldn’t understand it. However, if only relying on human power is totally impossible, please rely on the flames just now, they have already seen the powerful defenses these spiders possess. force.

"Later, let's take a look at the way to break this spider cave. Now with all of us, it is impossible to have a relatively high-strength ability."

Lu Yu spoke softly to the people behind him.

After all, your place is indeed a bit dangerous now. If Ye Chen and the others really want to go in and deal with this spider cave, they may encounter even more dangerous things.

So now the best way is to leave it alone.

Ye Chen assassin turned towards himself, since he had already obtained this rare treasure, there was naturally no reason to go in again.

"Well, since brother, you have said so, then I naturally agree with you."

Ye Chen said, and nodded gently, as if he did think so.

Duanmu Liu nodded at this moment, and left here directly to continue what he had done before.

"Ye Chen, if you really encounter any difficulties in the future, you don't need Xiaojing, just call us directly."

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