But then a surprising scene appeared.

Light and shadow flashed back.

Mo Xiaobai stepped on the streamer at this moment and avoided this attack with extremely strange movements.

Regardless of whether it was the people under him or the Caiyun on the stage, the horror of not giving up was in his eyes.

"How is this possible?"

"Could it be said that this guy's sixth-order wind element really exists?"

In astonishment. at the same time.

Mo Xiaobai's speed changed to the extreme again.

The extremely fast speed is like a civet.

Just like what Ye Chen taught.

The element of wind must be understood with heart.

As his eyes became cold again.

A hurricane melted by a stream of light began to converge deep in his forehead.

"The wind automatically... the gust of wind flows."

"The wind is coming!"


"The wind is coming!"

Accompanied by Mo Xiaobai's roar.

The intricate wind on this ring began to condense in his body for 4 weeks.

The hurricane condenses into an extreme wind wall in the blink of an eye.

Mo Xiaobai in the wind wall closed his eyes and felt the surging wind on the horizon.

This trick comes out.

Even the lord of the sky city in the distance was surprised.

"Is it possible... is his father?"

You must know that Mo Xiaobai's father is the number one master of the Snowstorm City.

The trick is to name the world.

The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying.

This trick, he didn't expect that he had already taught Mo Xiaobai.

The moves are comprehended, but they are played out because they do not have the power to condense the wind element.

But today, the element of wind and his power reached Tier 6, but now he is no longer an ordinary person.

Even if he doesn't use the thunder element, his strength can climb to a final extreme.

Looking at Mo Xiaobai in the stands.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

I have to say that this trick does have his unique power.

It seems that there are also masters above Yunzhou.

A father like Mo Xiaobai is one of them.

Then she set her gaze to the side, Caiyun who looked jealous.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth evokes an arc once again.

"This little Nizi probably has vomited blood by now."

And as the wind wall condenses.

Even if Caiyun used his ice-like weapon to attack.

Can't break this layer of defense.

Along with the wind element begins to move.

The young man also slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the angry girl in front of her.

Moments flashed in the young boy's eyes.

"Caiyun don't struggle, you are not my opponent at all now."

Said heartily to the girl in front of her.

But at this moment, he didn't buy it in the slightest.

"It's not impossible how could I lose to you... You are just a trash, a trash!"

At this moment, he seemed to be in madness.

Even if you can't break the defense.

But he still didn't stop in the slightest.

Even in mind.

But when he heard the voice insulting his father.

An angry look finally flashed across the boy's eyes.

"You better not insult my father!"

Wind element circulation.

The witty Liu Gong once again gathered in Mo Xiaobai's hands.

Just a moment.

At the same time as the light shines.

White light and shadow emerged.

An extreme aura appeared on the arm.

The light is flowing.

The light blade collided with the girl's armguard.


The whisper from the corner of the boy's mouth fell coldly.

Then followed by an empty light flashing back.

A crisp voice came from the girl's arm.

The life or death of the discussion at the beginning.

In the end, Mo Xiaobai still didn't hurt the killer.

The girl who fell to the ground slumped in place.

Then his footsteps have slowly moved towards Ye Chen.

"Lord City Lord, we won this time. Do you see any problems with Mo Xiaobai's wind element power?"

There was a sneer.

Following Ye Chen's voice fell.

Whether it was the colorful cloud sitting on the ground or the onlookers on the side, they all felt ashamed.

"Let's go."

I joked at everyone in front of me.

Ye Chen greeted Mo Xiaobai beside him and moved away.



"What's the matter with the city lord?"

His eyes turned to the sky again, with a serious face on the city lord of the sky.

"Could it be that you can't afford to lose, let me wait for your arm guard?"

"Ha ha ha ha... This brother joked. Since we lost, we naturally lost magnanimously."

"I just want to make friends with my brother"

"After all, being able to meet such a talented person like you is also a blessing for me,"

He smiled and arched his hands towards Ye Chen.

The latter turned his head disapprovingly.

"Forget it, I know what height Wind City Lord stands at."

"I think I can't afford you with my ability..."

He didn't even look straight.

Just arbitrarily, arrogantly.

It slowly disappeared into the crowd.

"This **** is so defiant!"

Seeing Ye Chen operate like this.

There was anger in the hearts of everyone at the scene.

Who is Feng Yun? That is the lord of the sky city.

Who does he think he is.

Nothing more than an outsider, there is such a big shelf.

"My lord is so defiant, he despises the authority of the Sky City. In my opinion, he should be executed to defend the dignity of the Sky City!"

The people around him clasped their fists and made a deep voice.


"When do you think the dignity of our Sky City was lost?"

At the same time the ridicule sounded.

The face of the man in front of him had already passed the horror.

His hands began to tremble unconsciously.

"Do you think that no matter how talented Mo Xiaobai is, he can condense a level 6 element value from a waste without the slightest wind elemental power in such a short time? What is the reason?"

"Is it the outsider in front of you?"

"Ha ha…"

The Lord of the Sky City smiled slightly.

"Not long ago, within the jurisdiction of my Sky City, a black cloud appeared, and even the royal family of the main city heard a movement."

"I also noticed this scene that day."

"If you didn't guess wrong, the image of heaven and earth condensed by the black clouds in the sky should be caused by Dan Lei."

"This man who is defiant in your eyes is probably an alchemist."

"What? Alchemist?"

The words sounded.

Everyone at the scene was shocked.

The position of pharmacist is extremely scarce on the mainland of Kyushu.

This is even more true above Yunzhou.

If someone can master the elixir of refining wind elements to enhance power.

Don't talk about the cultivation base.

It is not enough to promise him a city.

After all, in this Yunzhou.

This polarization is extremely serious.

"Keep your eyes on this person and don't be surprised."

"If such a person can't be used by me... then it's simply..."

The words are not finished.

With a sneer from the corner of Feng City's mouth, he stared at the place where Ye Chen had gone.

"In addition, extract this person's information from this person's physical characteristics."

"If it is really a pharmacist."

"The forces behind him must be extremely terrifying."

"Remember to report as soon as possible."


"The alchemist who can attract Dan Lei...that is really a fat sheep!"

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