This competition system emphasizes this point, and the intention is already extremely obvious.

It seems that Mo Xiaobai will experience the first fierce battle in his life this time...

"Boy, are you confident?"

"Hahaha! Master! Although I have only learned from you for less than half a month, anyway! I also taught you!"

"I will never lose your face!"

After nodding heavily towards Ye Chen.

Mo Xiaobai smiled slightly, and the war intent in his eyes rose to the sky.

Without their reminders, the teenager had already stepped on the ring.

"Come on! You running dogs! Look at Xiaoye's string of nines today!"

Tied up the long hair behind his head.

Staring at the girl.

Squinting slightly, provocatively.

Watching this, the girl slowly raised her eyebrows.

As soon as he was about to step out, a figure flashed down from the side.

"Babies! It's crazy and endless!"

"You don't have to play with sand swallows! I can take your life!"

After the man arrived on the scene and set foot, an extreme cyclone rose.

Seventh-order wind element!


"Brother Mo Liu, it's been a long time since I saw you!"

Seeing the person, Mo Xiaobai's memory of childhood suddenly emerged.

Father and mother were still in Yunzhou.

But because of the mother's identity as a foreigner, everyone in Yunzhou has begun to target their family of three.

The man who has been stuck in the alley all day and beaten up before going to the practice room.

Stand in front of yourself today.

Hearing the sound, a grin appeared on the man's face.

"Hehe, haven't seen me in a few years, I didn't expect that you little **** still remember me!"

"It seems that when I was young, you remembered me forever."

"Hehe, I hope you can think of my cousin when you are in the Yin Cao Jifu!"

"White Claw Air Gun!"

After Namoliu roared, the wind spread.

In the blink of an eye, the condensed wind element condensed into a shiny piercing spear.

The grinning smile came from the corner of his mouth again.

After stepping out, a hurricane has spread out.

"Die to me!"

The roar once again spread from his mouth, and thousands of wind currents gathered on the spear like a blade.

The moment of dancing pierced out directly.

Able to rush into these ten people.

Its strength can be imagined, but it is not comparable to those wastes.

At this moment, Mo Xiaobai's eyes also had a stern look.

After closing the hands.

The element of wind is unwilling to spread out.

Perceiving the element of wind spreading in the young man.

Mo Liu smiled lightly.

"Sixth level, the rumors are true, and I can't condense to level six! It only took seven days!"

"Mo Xiaobai, when I was young, why didn't I see that you still have this talent?"


Mo Xiaobai didn't catch a cold for the man's mockery.

The breeze blends around the body.

Turned into a protective cover to protect yourself.


After a loud noise came out.

The sound spread around the ring.


Seeing that his breaking spear was stopped by the latter's sixth-order barrier.

A solemn expression also appeared in Mo Liu's eyes.

No matter how down the spear in his hand, it couldn't pierce the thick barrier.

"How is it possible! How can the power of the sixth-order wind element compare to me?"

"Why can this kid have such terrifying power?"

And just as he was amazed, even more strange power rushed again.

Among the barriers, Mo Xiaobai's mouth sneered at the same time.

When the force of the wind element gathers the big shield, there is even surplus.

From the depths of his eyebrows, a moment when light and shadow spread.

The arrow rain transformed by the wind element has formed.



As Mo Liu's pupils shrank, the arrow rain in front of him had pierced and rushed into Mo Liu's chest!


The streamer flashed back at the moment of his voice.

A blood arrow shot from his mouth again.

The power of the sixth order against the seventh order wind element.

After a hard fight, he was able to condense the endowment and gain strength.

Is this still the only young man who used to be?

Feng Shayan looked at the top of the ring.

After the wind blade pierced through

Seriously injured.

However, as a talented disciple of Yunzhou, he still has this adaptability.

Immediately use spiritual power to block his acupoints.

Prevent blood flow out.

Collecting the long spear in his hand, distanced himself from Mo Xiaobai in front of him.

Gently wipe off the blood from the corners of the mouth.

The coldness in his eyes has been replaced by an extreme killing intent.

"Mo Xiaobai, you really have you!"

"According to the mistress, as long as you concede defeat, you will be freed up. But if you don't know how to live or die, then don't blame me, cousin!"

"The hurricane is coming!"

The anger came from the corner of his mouth again.

After a big wave of his hand, the spear condensed by the wind element in his hand was thrown into the sky by him.

The light and shadow flashed back as his eyes wrinkled slightly.

The spear pierced Yunxia, ​​turning into an extreme tornado and appeared on the field.

After Mo Liu sneered, he stepped on his foot and was in the eyes of the tornado.

The rolling storm began to press towards Mo Xiaobai little by little.

As sand and gravel are everywhere, every wind flow is like a knife.

"Hurricane Blade Scroll..."

"Unexpectedly, Liu Er has learned even this trick, and the future of doubt is limitless..."

Among the three great masters, a big man nodded slowly towards Mo Liu under him.

"Hehe, that is, you don't see whose son he is."

When a woman in the crowd heard her son being praised, she felt proud.

Just after Mo Xiaobai seriously injured Mo Liu, when the scene returned to calm, it was this long-tongued woman who scolded the most.

Like a shrew cursing the street, seeing the situation dumping towards her son again.

The latter chuckled again.

Also watch the corner of Ye Chen's mouth sneer on the field.

"Haha... I hope you can laugh like this when your son's head falls..."

The sneer fell, a huge tornado connected to the sky.

The clouds were all mobilized by its power.

At the same time, when everyone was amazed, they seemed to have seen the result of this competition.

Mo Xiaobai's smiling face fell on the stage again.

When the latter looked up into the sky, apart from the condensed wind elements all over his body, he didn't even react at all.

"Hehehe, it looks like a silly scare! The son of a mean life! How can it be a better baby!"

"Mo Xiaobai! You are just like your dead mother, you will only lose my face!"

An abrupt voice came out.

After hearing the sound, Ye Chen's face also fell into extreme coldness.

On the side, Mo Jiaer's body was already trembling.

Anyone who insults his mother in such a large public can't bear it.

Immediately Ye Chen stretched out his hand slowly.

Pour a warm force into Mo Jiaer's body.

"Jia'er, don't worry, your brother will help you out!"

Looking back at the woman in the distance, Ye Chen didn't have the intention to shoot.

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