"Xiao Bai, you still have to go your own way in the future."

After murmured, Ye Chen didn't stop, got up and headed towards the distant sky.

Yanzhou is the land of Chiyan on the mainland of Kyushu.

After setting foot in this area, a rush of heat hits my face.

Perceiving the rising temperature of the land, Ye Chen was taken aback.

"Here, the temperature is not lower than that of Luofeng Slope where the Golden Crow is located..."

"It's worthy of being one of the three sacred birds. This hot breath may be difficult for ordinary practitioners to set foot."

Standing high in the sky, he looked at the crimson land beneath him.

Ye Chen's face changed slightly, and then turned his gaze to the sky.

No longer hesitate, just got up and headed towards the horizon.

After several turns, after passing the red clouds in front of me.

A towering crimson volcano appeared in front of him.

The volcano stretches for thousands of miles, compared to when I first set foot here.

The temperature here is more intense than the surroundings.

What's more special is that among the red mountains at the foot, the crimson magma is floating in the air.


"It's really a superb workmanship..."

After a sigh.

Ye Chen was about to approach.

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking.

When shocked, Ye Chen's face changed slightly.


"Alarm! Alarm! The source of danger is approaching!"

The sound of the system echoed.

Let Ye Chen feel solemn in his heart.

For such a long time, the system has not reported such a sound for a long time.

Such a rush of alarm, it is obvious that a powerful person is coming here.


Before Ye Chen could react, a loud noise suddenly came from a distance.

After taking a closer look, as the streamer spreads, a bird monster phantom that burns with crimson flames is rolling towards him in an extreme cyclone.

While screaming.

A flame has spurted from the mouth of the latter.

"So strong!"

The sudden flame made Ye Chen feel horrified.

The power of this flame is no less than what the Golden Crow brought to himself.


Ye Chen's complexion made a big wave with a big hand.

A flame was summoned in his hands again.

The golden flame and the crimson flame collide with each other,

It turned into a wall of fire spreading across the world.

After the golden light was dispelled, the scarlet bird monster phantom eyes changed slightly.

Just about to shoot again, but didn't know that Ye Chen had already assaulted his face.

With a big hand sticking out, Jin Yan spread between the world.

"Where is the monster! Give me the true shape!"


Just hearing a loud noise spread, the exploding Jin Yan directly blasted the bird monster phantom in front of him to pieces.

After the crisis was resolved, the last trace of scarlet flame was destroyed.

While staring attentively, he turned his head and looked at the Flaming Mountain in the distance.

"My lord... Did I pass your assessment?"

After the voice fell, in the originally silent sky.

Suddenly an abrupt voice echoed.

"Hehehe, it seems that Golden Crow did not misunderstand the person."

"Come in... the current situation is about to change. You need to speed up..."

The long voice was conducted.

After Ye Chen frowned slightly, without the slightest hesitation, he turned into a strong wind and rushed under the Huoyan Mountain.

Following that long voice,

Ye Chen slowly stepped into this area.

Indifferent to the crimson streamer glowing above his head.

Before stepping slowly, Ye Chen's eyes were slightly surprised.

I thought there would be extremely hot inside the Flame Mountain,

But I didn't expect that there would be no heaven here.

Staring at the hall of difference in front of him.

Inside the crimson rock wall, the temperature returned to normal unexpectedly.


A slight voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, Ye Chen turned his head in front of him.

I saw a handsome man standing on the high platform, laughing at himself.

"You... are you mother?"



Kyushu mainland, a certain area.

Accompanied by a wailing.

A gloomy light once again spread between the world.

The land of ghosts.

Thousands of scorched earth, carrion everywhere.


"Ghost! The team has assembled...waiting for your instructions."

Thousands of ghost evil forces have gathered together.

Growls in bursts.

"Oh? Is everyone here?"

Accompanied by a sudden voice came from a hanging coffin.

Immediately afterwards, a man wrapped in black air slowly stepped out of this area.

"We welcome the King of Ghosts! For generations to come!"

As soon as the man came out, the billions of spirits in front of him had worshipped devoutly.

The man stood proudly in front of everyone.

He looked down and locked the crowd at the front.

"One hundred and eight ghost generals... only awakened 80... why are there still vacancies?"

Seeing the members of the ghost generals who have not arrived under him.

The man frowned slightly.

Just this subtle movement scared the ghosts in the distance to tremble.

"Enlightenment, my lord, I had awakened 80 compatriots, but... among them, the wolf king... and..."

"What else?"

The long voice came out again.

At the same time the cold sweat continued, the ghost would not dare to be negligent.

"Jiuzhou, Huangzhou, the Fire Feather clan has born a bird demon, carrying a true dragon essence and blood, holding a dragon dagger."

"The awakened brothers, carelessly, died under his hand!"


"How did I tell you? Before I wake up, who told you to go to Kyushu?"

"You wait! Are you trying to rebel?"


The demon shadow is like thunder, rolling towards.

With just a low roar, the ghost spirit of the ghost that just answered was flew away.

Thousands of people buried their heads on the ground after hearing this low roar.

Shaking and bowing in prayer.

Don't dare to make any moves.

"Huh! If it breaks my plan! You will be buried with you when you wait!"

The sound spread, and the whole ghost land began to tremble.

After a long time, the man turned his gaze to the side.

"The time is not yet ripe, so please don't cause trouble first."

"I thanked you here!

"The overall situation has been determined... When we leave the customs, the things of the Kyushu land will be in our bag."

"Alternative bloodlines, when the time comes, I will not have any opinion on what you want to do..."


After the black man's voice fell.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Long live my lord! Hong Fu Qitian!"

The voice resounded again in the sea of ​​clouds, spreading ripples, and the ghosts soared into the sky...for a long time.

In the Flame Mountain.

After Ye Chen's words fell

A trace of dignity flashed across the face of the elegant man.

The latter saw his face stiff.

Immediately smiled and apologized.

"The junior is abrupt, please don't blame the senior..."

"Hahaha. You kid. Who said Suzaku is a woman?"

There is no male or female to inherit the three great birds.

"We are all creatures bred from the flame of inheritance."

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