"Yes Yes!"

Seeing the overwhelming flaming teeth, the man dared to say nothing.

Hastily wrote Ye Chen's name in a panic.

"Okay, my lord. Take a look."


After a rough glance.

Huoya turned his eyes and said to Ye Chen.

"Unexpectedly, Suzaku-sama deliberately passed on the inheritance to you, you must participate in my Yanzhou various assessments."

"The rules are set by Yanzhou! If it doesn't work, you should leave as soon as possible!"

The momentum is pressing, and there is no mercy in the words.

After hearing the sound, Ye Chen glanced indifferently, no joy in his eyes.

"I have no opinion."

"Okay, if so... Xiao Yan."

After Huoya nodded, he greeted a child in the distance and slowly stopped here.

"grown ups..."

The young man was extremely young, with bursts of light spreading in his eyes.

Wei Wei Nuo walked to Huo Fang.

"Well... you take him and join you in the trial."


The teenager looked back at Ye Chen's face.

Feeling the spiritual power spreading around Ye Chen.

"Master Huoya, let this senior be with us..."

"have opinions?"

Hearing the sound of the flame, he turned his attention to Ye Chen slowly.

"Ah... no no..."

"Take him away!"


"This lord, here is green!"

The young man didn't even dare to be uncomfortable, and quickly got up and led the way.

Just waiting for the shadow of Huoya to be invisible.

The child breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh.... I was scared to death."

"Master Huoya, any errands bother me."

"If this continues, it will be called withdrawal!"

The angry look made Ye Chen look funny.

Only after he scolded Huoya secretly for ten minutes.

Then he turned his attention to Ye Chen,

"Oh... still don't know what this adult calls..."

Ye Chen smiled, "Just call me Ye Chen."

"Brother Ye, I heard that you are going to participate in our Yanzhou Grand Competition. You are also here for the inheritance of Lord Suzaku?"

After the boy's voice fell, Ye Chen's heart was shocked.

The first time I saw it, the inheritance fell on everyone's face like this.

Looking back at the young man, Ye Chen smiled and nodded.

"Then you're a trip for nothing this time."

As soon as he said this, Ye Chen raised his brows unconsciously.

"How do you tell?"

The doubt sounded, and the boy immediately opened the chat box.

"The Yanzhou Grand Competition will be held every year."

"But no one has ever been able to stand out from it."


Hearing the sound, Ye Chen couldn't help frowning.

"Hold every year? Is this competition a bit too frequent?"

"Who said no, that is, I have participated in more than three sessions, but every time I get stuck in the second level."

When the boy said this, a trance appeared in his eyes.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows again.

"There are a few levels in total."

"Sir, don't you know? We are divided into 5 levels along the big competition."

"All are evaluated based on the flame."

"Since the establishment of the research, Dabi has been going on."

"But no one can pass these 5 levels of assessment."

"No one... this probability is really shocking."

"Hey, there is no way...After all, Level 5 is guarded by Master Huoya himself."

"No one in Yanzhou is his opponent."

"Brother Ye Chen, I advise you to give up this thought too."

"In my opinion, the so-called big competition is just a gimmick released by the fire pressure adults."

"After all, in the entire Yanzhou, he said one thing."

The boy spoke with an old-fashioned meaning.

Let Ye Chen amused.

"At a young age, I know how to live."

"Originally...what can you do if you sign up. Even if you can complete the first four assessments, you will still lose to Lord Huoya in the last one."


Hearing the sound, Ye Chen frowned again.

Why, be so confident in your Huoya-sama.

"That's for sure, although your strength is very strong, but compared with Master Huoya..."

The boy did not forget to look up and down Ye Chen, his eyes filled with contempt.

The words made Ye Chen feel angry and want to laugh.

This was the first time he was looked down upon by others.

"What is the competition item?"

Continue to speak.

"Uh... the first is the fire test, and the second is the fire endurance. The third is like refining medicine."


"Refining medicine?"

Hearing Xiaoyan's words, Ye Chen was surprised.

Unexpectedly, there is a medicine refining item in the assessment.

"Yes! Refining medicine! I heard that it is the control of flames."

"To tell you, Yanzhou is a paradise for alchemists among the nine continents."

"There are so many pharmacists here. Almost every household can have a pharmacist."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yan's face showed pride in Xiao Jue.

Upon hearing the sound, Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully.

That's right, the most elegant thing about the alchemist is the flame.

The Yanzhou fire attribute repair base is notorious. It's not new to have a pharmacist here.

"When will the conference begin."

"Tomorrow. But brother, do you really want to participate?"

Persuasion was useless, and a hint of surprise flashed across the boy's face.

"Ha ha..."

After a low laugh, Ye Chen did not speak, but touched the kid's head.

He drew a pill from his waist and handed it to the young man.

Then opened his wings and got up and left.

Seeing Ye Chen spread his wings, the boy's eyes clearly flashed with envy.

"Tsk... the bird demon is good, fly whenever you want."

After murmured, his eyes fell on the pill in that hand.

The look of horror is irreplaceable.

Got up and came to a dense forest.

Without a place to go, Ye Chen packed up a cave at will and lived there.

Feel the birdsong echoing in the mountains.

Let his expression relax for the first time.

The system panel opens again.

Today, he is still almost concentrated on the elements and has not collected enough.

There is still a big gap in this one's own expectations.

The scattered values ​​of the light element made Ye Chen sigh with emotion.

The ice element, already the power of the stars, is not what Ye Chen can improve now.

Now that the crisis is imminent, he can only take one step at a time.

I hope this trip to Yanzhou goes well...

After a long sigh, Ye Chen slowly closed his eyes.

The second day.

The flowing clouds along the horizon were covered by strong winds.

The pit is already crowded.

Just like Xiao Yan said, this so-called Yanzhou Grand Bi is an act of taking off his pants and farting.

Even if the game system changes again, there will be the last boss of Firefang stuck in the last level.

It's like an insurmountable mountain.

Looking down at the contestants under him, Ye Chen grew big for a while.

It’s like entertainment.

There is no age limit at all. I thought it would be a duel with a child of Xiaoyan's age.

But he found out that he was wrong.

There are 80-year-olds and children as young as five or six, all standing on the high platform.

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