
Seeing this, Huofang sitting above the main seat slightly squinted his eyes.

The test flame spirit stone is a heritage of Yanzhou for thousands of years.

Now that it is broken, it is broken?

How can this be?

"Broken...Is it right? I can't see the class..."

Huoya's face was cold again when someone suddenly violent.

When returning to God, a gloomy light burst out.

The latter dared not say much.

"Ha ha ha... After all, it is Jin Crow Zhenyan, I really underestimated you Ye Chen."

"Let's start with the next item..."

After Huoya sneered, he slowly spoke to the referee under him.

"Then...Master Huoya, is this a pass or not?"

"What do you mean?"

After the cold eyes fell, the referee trembled and immediately turned his gaze to Ye Chen in the distance.

"The spirit stone is cracked, Ye... Patriarch Ye will enter the next round of assessment temporarily!"

The referee is also smart, but no one in the audience knows, even the flame teeth on the stage are not capable of crushing the spirit stone in front of him.

I have to admit that from the first stage, Huoya has lost to Ye Chen.

"Am I approved?"

Ye Chen muttered to himself.

On the side, Xiao Yan wiped the cold sweat from his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"should be!"

"Next item! Fire resistance assessment!"

"Please move to the Flaming Mountain for the players who enter the next round!"

After falling with the referee loudly. Headed by Huoya, everyone galloped towards the sky.

Although Huoyan Mountain is a little far away from here, everyone is familiar with it.

After reaching the ground, above the Flame Mountain, the familiar figure was already standing high in the sky.

"It's all here..."

"My God! Long live!"

Including Huoya, all members of Yanzhou immediately bowed down when facing Suzaku.

"Ha ha ha... all get up!"

"Is Huoya the second item?"

"Yes! Your lord!"

"You have to start the second assessment!"

Huoya said solemnly to the man in front of him.

After hearing the sound, Suzaku first smiled at Ye Chen.

Then he waved his hand.

I saw a crimson streamer spread out.

The energy dissipated, and at this moment, this place resolutely turned into a crimson ocean.

The people on the side saw this and it was no surprise.

But the first time he saw such a grandiose scene, Ye Chen couldn't help but slurp...

Good guy...

Sure enough, none of the three great birds is a fuel-efficient lamp.

The continuous flame of Suzaku seems to be immortal.

Slowly echoing between this world.

A crimson ocean formed at the foot of the Huoyan Mountain.

As Suzaku slowly raised his hand.

Huoya once again clasped his fists toward the latter.

"All right..."

"Now the second stage of assessment has officially begun!"

"Please count on the top five hundred players to enter the pool!"

"This is the pool of flames transformed by the flames of the Lord Suzaku. The longer the two hundred members stay, the longer they can enter the next stage!"

Following the order from Huoya, the members of the scene rushed down in a familiar way.

Seeing that five hundred fire disciples swooped down like dumplings.

"This is the first time I have seen such a spectacular scene..."

But there is one thing Ye Chen admires.

This is the spiritual pond summoned by Suzaku, and these guys in front of them really show no signs of fear.

It is indeed a group of people who have been favored by Suzaku.

"Patriarch Ye! Why can't you go down?"

Seeing that Ye Chen was still on the bank, Huoya raised his brows again.

"If you deliberately delay time, you will be disqualified!"

"Big Brother Ye! Come down!"

In the crowd, Xiao Yan had already begun to greet Ye Chen.


After nodding slowly towards the latter, Ye Chen quickly took off and fell into the warm spiritual pond.

Once you set foot, an extreme warmth spreads from all directions.

Perceiving this strange temperature, Ye Chen's heart was moved.

"It is indeed the flame of the Vermilion Bird, it is really different from the true flame of the Golden Crow."

Ye Chen frowned slightly with emotion.

The corners of Huoya's mouth fluttered with disdain.

Seeing this, the corners of Suzaku's mouth curled up behind him.

"Huoya, you seem to be a little hostile to Ye Chen..."

"Cut...what to pretend, I have the fire of the Golden Crow, and I am afraid that this flame will burn?"

Huoya said angrily.

This behavior fell in Huoya's eyes, and the latter had disgust in his eyes.

But at this moment, the subtle changes in Ye Chen's body also made Huoya feel astonished.

At this moment, he found that Ye Chen did not condense golden flames around him.

This guy, he didn't even use flames to resist. Isn't he crazy?

Just when Huofang didn't know the situation, the Suzaku on the side smiled lightly.

"felt it?"

"Hehe, you have to know that the flames of the three great birds actually repel each other."

"If Ye Chen uses the flame of the Golden Crow to protect his body today."

"Although I can pass this second level of assessment very casually."

"But after the two divine powers merge, it will definitely cause a huge response."

"The intertwined forces can easily blow up the magma spirit spring in front of you."

"But if Ye Chen doesn't use the flames of the Golden Crow, his body will endure much more strength than others."

"In fact, Ye Chen had already noticed this when he entered it."

"That's why his reaction is so big..."

After Suzaku finished explaining, the latter understood.

In other words, Ye Chen did not use any flame power to protect the body.

Do not rely on external forces, just rely on the flesh to resist the Suzaku fire?

How can this be?

No, what's the matter with that blue halo?

After checking the meticulous Huofang again and again, he finally discovered the aura of Ye Chen's body.

Could it be that besides going out to the flames, there are other powers in his body?

Watching this, the corner of Suzaku's mouth was smiling behind him.

"Haha... Huoya... You have to admit that Ye Chen is an opponent."

The two talked on the shore.

In the spirit spring, Ye Chen's face was as indifferent as ever.

I scanned the faces of everyone inside Lingquan.

After several people stepped into Lingquan, it was obvious that some people could not bear the temperature here.

Begin to show an abnormal reaction.

What shocked Ye Chen even more.

The temperature in this spiritual spring has gradually increased over time.

"I never die, I never sleep... it's really the fire of Suzaku..."

If it weren't for my physical body has been elevated to this level, it would be really difficult to support.

About a stick of incense time.

Among the five hundred people, there were already some who could not bear the temperature and began to retreat.

"No more!"


With the leader's getting up, more and more people began to withdraw from this magma spring.

Another stick of incense... two sticks of incense... three sticks of incense.

More than 500 people are now only a few hundred people left.

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